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What is your fav opening?

What is your fav opening?

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i prefer the gambit with butterfly kiss minus rook equals queen squared. uncommon but good for a laugh.

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been playing the nimzo-larsen attack recently as white, and the french defence and the dutch stonewall as black.

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As white... Fool's Mate.


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The best opening for white is e4, sicilian is good for black for e4. D4 is good but, not my favorite. King's Indian is the best. Wins

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Originally posted by voidstate
As white... Fool's Mate.

Oooh... yea, yea! Or damiano's defense!

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I like Giuoco Piano to and either Kings Indian or Sicilian as black

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oh well. if we're going to be serious, I'm still on the KG as white, and as black, I'm working on Alekhine's defense to e4, and the Albin to d4.

Because I really don't LIKE playing sound openings. :-)

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My favourite opening is the Vienna gambit.


This is my favourite *trap*, which is sure to wipe the smug Sicilian smile off your opponent's face if they fall for it.......

1. e4 c5 2. Bb5 a6 3. Bc4 b5 4. Bxf7+ Kxf7 5. Qh5+ g6 6. Qd5+ e6 7. Qxa8

If black doesn't resign then be sure to play very carefully so that your queen doesn't get trapped.

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I like the Scotch Game as white and either the Petroff or Scheveningen Sicilian as black against e4. Against d4 I like some form of QGD.

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Well, anyone who's opened up with e4 against me knows my standard reply is the Caro Kann. Against d4 I normally play the Nimzo, but I'm learning the Slav right now too.

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The Queen's Fianchetto Opening

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My favorite openings are :

Queen's Gambit as White;
French Defense & Gurgendidze System as Black.

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move kings pawn

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i've recently started playing the Goring Gambit (Scotch Gambit)
1.e4 e5
2.Nf3 Nc6
3.d4 exd4

I also like the good ol'fashioned Italian game for white (or black)
Im working on the English, but i dont care for it much.
Occasionally i will play d4, Since i've had some success with the Colle System, and Queens gambit.

For black, nimzo-English against the Eglish, Nimzo-Indian(or Queen's Indian), Slav, QGA, or QGD against d4, French, Sicillian Dragon, or some good ol'fashioned e5 (and we'll see what happens) against e4.

For the Reti opening, i would like it to transpose into some d4 game, but it always seems to transpose to an English game.

As far as openings go, keep your options open, experiment to see what fits you best. Before, I was a die-hard 1.d4 fan, but now-a-days it seems all i play is 1.e4.

One thing though is I hate the Ruy Lopez, Exchange Variation. It always seems to end up in some complex Rook Pawn Ending, and it just takes forever to finish.

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Just started a new line as black called the Lion. It can be played against e4 AND d4!!!!

e4 ..d6
d4 ..Nf6
Nc3 ..Nd7


d4 ..d6
e4 etc..

Nice line that NO ONE seems to have seen before 😉😛

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