Originally posted by heinzkat9.c7 is a good stopping place. It's easy to refute any Black defensive tries from there; even 9...Qa5+ 10.Kxa5 Kb7 11.bxa7 still wins easily.
It's more complicated. Black Queens too after
1. b6+ Ka8
2. g7 h1=Q
3. g8=Q Bb8.
I've seen this, it involves ... Qxh5+ Qg5!! Qxg5+ Ka6!, but I'm not sure of the beginning of this problem - I even thought there were some flaws, 'cooks' in the beginning of the solution.
1. b6+ Ka8
2. Re1 [blocking the first rank] Nxe1
3. g7 h1=Q
4. g8=Q+ Bb8
5 ...[text shortened]... ere I really don't know, but White should promote and win.
The original version of the problem [with bNg2 on f3 instead] was indeed cooked. For more, read http://www.xs4all.nl/~timkr/chess2/mitrofanov.htm
Your turn again.
Originally posted by heinzkat1. Rb7 Qxb7 (1... Bd6+ 2. Kxd6 gxf5 3. Rxf7+ Kh6 4. Qxf6+ Kxh5 5. Rh7# ) 2.
[fen]3Q4/5q1k/4ppp1/2Kp1N1B/RR6/3P1r2/4nP1b/3b4 w - -[/fen]
White to move
Bxg6+ Kxg6 3. Qg8+ Kxf5 (3... Qg7 4. Qxg7+ Kxf5 5. Qg4+ Ke5 6. Re4+ dxe4 7.
Qxe4# ) 4. Qg4+ Ke5 5. Qh5+ Rf5 6. f4+ Bxf4 7. Qxe2+ Bxe2 8. Re4+ dxe4 9. d4# *
EDIT: funnily enough Rb7 was the first move I thought of because white clearly can't mate with blacks queen in the way and obviously Ra7 doesn't work...not to brag or anything 🙂 ...after I found Rb7 by intuition I just tinkered with it until I found the correct answer...its actually quite easy after finding the first two moves.