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Why You Lose, Mateulose

Why You Lose, Mateulose

Only Chess

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Run, it's offensive!

26 Aug 04
16 Dec 04
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Originally posted by no1marauder
You better re-read my posts; I didn't do any of the things you said except to jokingly say I might tell opponents of your weaknesses (which since you constantly post about em anyway would be redundant). Claimed you were JW? I got ya kicked out of Metallica? Compared you to Hitler? Get real.

I don't expect or really want ya to say than ...[text shortened]... with me many years ago when I was struggling and I'm just trying to return the favor to others.
Well, you wanted me booted out of Metallica, and that's what happened. One thread you made reference to myself and JW saying that the Pawn Stars, a cheating clan, would definately hire my type. And another post you said something along the lines Metallica would hire Adolf Hitler if he had a good rating like Mateulose. Sorry, but I was very insulted by those posts, you only say stuff like that to people you really hate and are very evil, I think you went overboard.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
16 Dec 04
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Originally posted by mateulose
Well, you wanted me booted out of Metallica, and that's what happened. One thread you made reference to myself and JW saying that the Pawn Stars, a cheating clan, would definately hire my type. And another post you said something along the lines Metallica would hire Adolf Hitler if he had a good rating like Mateulose. Sorry, but I was very insulted by tho ...[text shortened]... nly say stuff like that to people you really hate and are very evil, I think you went overboard.
Who said I wanted ya booted out of Metallica; I said I was happy you were in Metallica. I don't remember mentioning JW and you together; it obvious you don't run an engine. And saying Metallica and some other clans would take Hitler if he had a 2000 rating is insulting Boris, not you. You really need to stop taking these things personally, kid, me and Boris got a goad feud going for the last two months. And yer whining, crybaby attitude make you easy to bust on, so either lose it or learn how to bust back! And YOU, dear boy, accused me of cheating for jokingingly saying I was going to do something allowed in every chess tournament and chess site going and tried to sic the mods on me. I laughed it off - try that strategy sometime.

Stay outta my biznez

04 Apr 04
16 Dec 04
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Originally posted by mateulose
Well, you wanted me booted out of Metallica, and that's what happened. One thread you made reference to myself and JW saying that the Pawn Stars, a cheating clan, would definately hire my type. And another post you said something along the lines Metallica would hire Adolf Hitler if he had a good rating like Mateulose. Sorry, but I was very insulted by tho ...[text shortened]... nly say stuff like that to people you really hate and are very evil, I think you went overboard.
Wow Marauder, I had no idea you were so powerful??? I'm gonna go resign all of my games against you right now! Better safe than sorry I say...

Cancerous Bus Crash


06 Sep 04
17 Dec 04
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Originally posted by Gambitzoid
thats simply not true. Sometimes two three or even four moves are all about equally strong, they simply lead to different games. And just because you make a little mistake does not mean you can be punished immediately and destroyed , like mateulose tried to do to me. (i.e. if you play 1. e3 or 1. h6 black does not have a forseeable forced win, only throug ...[text shortened]... responses, but strange does not mean ignore all positional and tactical factors, which Qxb2 did.
Yes sometimes there are many moves that all lead to different games. However often all of those moves are book moves. Take the standard open Sicilian, 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 at this point the most common moves are g6, a6 and e5. These moves are all book. You're correct other moves could be played.
However some of these moves will be inferior. If the move the opponent plays is not in an opening book then there is a chance it is inferior. If it is then it won't be.
If the move is inferior then you need to work out why. Is it just because it develops a piece to a bad square or breaks an opening rule? Or is it falling into a tactic?
Most will be the first type in which case continue to develop as normal and take advantage positionally. If it happens to be the second then you just got an advantage.
Say for example one I run into more than I should:

1. d4 d5
2. c4 dxc4
3. e3 b5?

This is just bad. Trying to hold the pawn in the Queen's Gambit Accepted this way is not a good idea. However it can't be taken advantage of to win material straight away.

4. a4

While this doesn't win material it will put me ahead positionally and give me back the gambit pawn if black takes the pawn (4. ... bxa4 5. Rxa4 with two attackers on the c pawn).

4. ... c6??

This is the mistake that wins material for white. Black has seen the pin that forms after 4. ... a6 5. axb5. However c6 is just as bad.

5. axb5 cxb5??

If the game has reached this point then black will almost always take the pawn back. However now the plan comes into effect.

6. Qf3!

This move attacks the a8 rook and even black's best continuation (6. ... Nc6 7. Qxc6 Bd7) loses a piece.

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