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World Chess Championship 2010

World Chess Championship 2010

Only Chess

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Topalov 😏

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I just realized I never made a pick. I'd like to see Anand win, but I have a feeling it will be Topalov. I also have a feeling that a Topalov win would be bad for chess...

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How so?

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Let's just say I could see him and his doing dirty things to try and keep the title for as long as they can.

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World championships should be a tournament held every year and the winner is the world champion.

These candidate tournaments and political interruptions causing delays sucks butt.

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Anand I hope.

Something about Topalov I don't like. I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe I just don't like his face. You know how sometimes you meet someone for the first time and instantly have a dislike for them. It's like that.

Anand, on the other hand, seems like the kinda person I would be happy to share a vindaloo and a case of Cobra beer with...

...and his wife is so hot hot hot:-)

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Look at all the greats of the past...sharp features like Topalov.
I can't think of any other than Bottvinnik who didn't have sharp features.

Anand and his fat face can take a walk.

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Originally posted by Tactics and Endgames
Look at all the greats of the past...sharp features like Topalov.
I can't think of any other than Bottvinnik who didn't have sharp features.

Anand and his fat face can take a walk.
everyone except Kasparov, Karpov, Capablanca, Lasker, Euwe, Steinitz..... maybe Spassky... did I forget anyone?

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ok I just don't like Anand. 😞

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Originally posted by peacedog
Anand I hope.

Something about Topalov I don't like. I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe I just don't like his face. You know how sometimes you meet someone for the first time and instantly have a dislike for them. It's like that.

Anand, on the other hand, seems like the kinda person I would be happy to share a vindaloo and a case of Cobra beer with...

...and his wife is so hot hot hot:-)
i have many cousins and nieces in the Punjab my friend, say the word and ill see what i can do? Marriage is mandatory 🙂

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run peacedog...RUN!!

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Originally posted by Tactics and Endgames
run peacedog...RUN!!
what you talking about, Indian girls are best in the world, they treat you just right.

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Sure, until they get old and look like a troll from some far off land or a fairy tale.

No hard feelings though.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
i have many cousins and nieces in the Punjab my friend, say the word and ill see what i can do? Marriage is mandatory 🙂
I've actually got a bit of a thing for Indian women. Maybe something to do with having an Indian nanny and primary school teacher as a child.

As for marrying, I'll have to ask my wife first:-)

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Originally posted by Tactics and Endgames
Sure, until they get old and look like a troll from some far off land or a fairy tale.

No hard feelings though.
actually because of their rather nut brown skin they dont go to seed as quickly as their western counterparts, plus, and this cannot be over emphasised, they tend to marry younger and will marry someone considerably older, thus, when your an old codger your missus will still be quite young. They know how to give massages as part of the culture, drool drool 🙂

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