Only Chess
06 Mar 05
Originally posted by AThousandYoungI think it was a little premature. Looking back at it with Fritz gives me a nearly 2 pawn advantage. However that's far from past the point of no hope of me making a mistake.
Wow. Why did TCE resign in Game 820391?
I think if the game had continued my passed h pawn would have made the difference. The two lines to choose from for him were:
a) 33. Qe2 Rxf3 34. Rg1 Qh3 35. Qxc4 Rf2 (not Qxh2 or 36. Rxg7+ Kxg7 37. Qg4+)
b) 33. fxg4 Rxf2 34. Bg1 Rg2 35. Bb6 Rxg4
Both these lead to quite significant advantage to black.
Originally posted by KyoOops, sorry.
err.... I was white in that game. After I played 21 Qb3, black's two connected passed pawn centre couldn't move, as I had fixed them into position. ...d4 loses as the queen is pinned, and ...e4 loses because of Bxe4.
Well even though it couldn't immediately advance, I would have tried to set it up for an advance. Maybe there were significant tactical reasons why this wouldn't work. I haven't put much time into this game.
Well done winning this one then 🙂
Originally posted by KyoI'd like to see games in which the person playing Black is 1600-1800, win or lose. The games you linked are still interesting though as they show me how someone who would be a very strong opponent for me attacks the KID.
btw, I don't really play King's Indian defense as black, so I'm afraid most of the games linked before show me as white, except Game 511410
I think from your earlier post you wanted to see some games where black wins, so I guess yo ...[text shortened]... play the King's Indian defense (probably my only time I used it)
Originally posted by XanthosNZI see in Game 848918 that you played ...c5 instead of ...e5. Was that a response to the Kingside fianchetto, Xanthos?
Game 990433
Believe it or not in this game stayed in played lines almost to the point where I dropped the queen. To make things worse I blundered a piece in the other game against touareg 11 minutes later. I wasn't having a good day.
Game 720375
Here's me playing the white side of the Four Pawns Attack. Then the Cat blundered a queen.
...[text shortened]... the opponent.
Game 848918
And finally a game in which e4 wasn't played straight away.
Originally posted by AThousandYoungMainly because white hasn't played e4 by that point. Playing e5 at that juncture scores horribly. I can't remember the exact reason I chose to play c5 instead of the much more common Nbd7 but there was probably a reason. I've played so many games against Churchley that they sort of all blend together.
I see in Game 848918 that you played ...c5 instead of ...e5. Was that a response to the Kingside fianchetto, Xanthos?
Originally posted by XanthosNZWith c5 I understand that Black gets a terrific Benoni-like structure where the bishop at g2 is blocked while the bishop at g7 enjoys more freedom whenever White pushes d5... That's the reason why the break c5 makes more sense in this structure...
Mainly because white hasn't played e4 by that point. Playing e5 at that juncture scores horribly. I can't remember the exact reason I chose to play c5 instead of the much more common Nbd7 but there was probably a reason. I've played so many games against Churchley that they sort of all blend together.
Of course, I would never play the KID unless I see it fit like here:
Originally posted by AlopintoYou can't post addresses like that. They send the person to their own games section. Here's the game Alopinto is referring to:
With c5 I understand that Black gets a terrific Benoni-like structure where the bishop at g2 is blocked while the bishop at g7 enjoys more freedom whenever White pushes d5... That's the reason why the break c5 makes more sense in this structure...
Of course, I would never play the KID unless I see it fit like here:
Game 698411
Originally posted by AThousandYoungI don't know how to do that
You can't post addresses like that. They send the person to their own games section. Here's the game Alopinto is referring to:
Game 698411
I see that in some of the games ...Nd4 is a common theme. Obviously this is good if it doesn't get exchanged off, but what if it gets exchanged? It doubles Pawns, gives an open file, and the advanced doubled Pawn can be easily picked off it seems. Is this an example of how the KID is tactical and crazy? It's a means of opening a file against the center? It seems to be a response to d5 which keeps Black from opening the e file via ...exd4. Am I reading this move correctly?
Some example games:
Game 511410
Game 990433
Game 816163