I think this game was probably my best on this site. I played through the various variations extensively for a game that was in my opinion quite well played out. Though I did miss a mate in four towards the end (had mate in 6 instead).
Game 1606419
Another one I'm proud of. In defence of my opponent, he gave me the business in the other game.
Game 1530549
Originally posted by skimsI like how i won these two games. I hope you enjoy them too. 🙂
Please post the best game(s) you have played on RHP.
Skims 🙂
Against Osang:
This was a pretty tough game for me. Don't let his rating fool you though. He played very well. It ended with me fooling him by luring his rook from row #7 by putting a knight as bait for him too take, so that i could make this unusual checkmate.
Move 59;white f7. move 60; white H8. checkmate.
Game 1094104
Against Maschine:
i like how i won the rook on this one. by using a pawn to move the king over it.
Game 992551
My best game on RHP by far is this one: Game 1606212, it is only 25 moves long and truly one of my best games anywhere. Furthermore, it is one of the few times I selected a classical approach as White.
Game 1578854
Certainly not my best play ever. I'm only mentioning it because on move 15 I saw a beautiful attack, sac'ng 2 pieces for mate.
Originally posted by zakkwylder9...b2
Game 1578854
Certainly not my best play ever. I'm only mentioning it because on move 15 I saw a beautiful attack, sac'ng 2 pieces for mate.
Must be my best game, as its against the highest rated person I ever beat, although it does include 1 bad blunder on my part...
Game 1514982
Originally posted by RagnorakNice win.😉
Must be my best game, as its against the highest rated person I ever beat, although it does include 1 bad blunder on my part...
Game 1514982
I believe this is my best game. Any analysis would be appreciated. I am sure you will enjoy the 89 move game! 🙂
Game 1607225
This was indeed a great game as well:
Game 1624537
But the said thing is that I lost the game. 🙁 Have a look at all the moves and you will notice that the momentum shifted between me and my opponent like a roller coaster ride! The best game I ever played on RHP but sadly lost it.
I really liked this game, as it was very positional, with many different threats.
Game 1479511
Firstly, I worked my rooks onto the c-file, which I knew I'd be able to open when I wanted. Another good thing about this is that the 7th rank rook also protected the unprotected, but very strong bishop on b7.
Then I was able to open up the entire h1 to a8 diagonal for my bishop. I achieved this with 19...Qg5 which threatened to capture my opponents queen with 20...Nb4 if he failed to spot the discovered mate threat.
Then after 21...Nc3, I could see that it was quite forced. This knight fork helped to really weaken my opponents position by removing the light bishop (and also allowing me to get my queen onto a stronger square with gain of tempo by threatening the loose Rook with 23...Qh5). By removing the knight which was defending the crucial f3 square with 24...f6, the game was mine. I'd have won at least a knight and a pawn, if not more.
Apart from the threat that my bishop and queen were exerting on my opponents king, my rooks were a continuing threat to deliver a back rank mate, which were ready to pounce on a weak move by an opponent preoccupied with the threat of the bishop and queen.
A very enjoyable win against a quality opponent.
Originally posted by RagnorakI really liked this game I played. It's better than the previous one I posted: Game 1648790 I hope you guys enjoy the 8 move miniature. It's called Legal's Mate. And, this guy was stronger than the last game I posted.
I really liked this game, as it was very positional, with many different threats.
Game 1479511
Firstly, I worked my rooks onto the c-file, which I knew I'd be able to open when I wanted. Another good thing about this is that the 7th rank rook also protected the unprotected, but very strong bishop on b7.
Then I was able to open up the entire ...[text shortened]... ith the threat of the bishop and queen.
A very enjoyable win against a quality opponent.