Originally posted by JS357I considered the factors involved in getting a ten, then wrote a computer program to check that my intuition was correct. (Always check that your intuition is correct - testing proves more than proof does!)
Inquiring minds want to know how S Blue got it and how kes knew it was right.
Originally posted by iamatigerThat's a good combination. I suspect that the solution to the first one will be the obvious, but that this won't work for the second, which will need another distribution - but I haven't checked those yet.
For bonus points:
1) Give the first year that was a sum of 3 numbers that multiply together to end in 8 zeros.
2) Give the first year that will be a sum of 3 numbers that multiply together to end in 9 zeros.
That is - the first one should be 625, 625, 256; but the second ought not to be 625, 3125, 512. Perhaps it\'s 625, 625, 2560. If so, I have a hunch about a more general solution.