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Coffee mug car holder, tilting to spill.

Coffee mug car holder, tilting to spill.

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If the CoG moved up, there must be a countering motion. Conservation of momentum. Does the car bounce down onto it's shocks a little bit due to this?

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
If the CoG moved up, there must be a countering motion. Conservation of momentum. Does the car bounce down onto it's shocks a little bit due to this?
Sure but that would tend to tilt the cup even further back, remember, the front tires tend to go up in the air, the back tires down so the tilting would be made worse by the change in tilt of the whole car, so that would make things worse from a tilting cup perspective. The 45 degree angle of the liquid would of course only last as long as the acceleration, a few seconds at most. You can assume the road is smooth so there will be no bumps up and down.

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just get anew van allready!!!!

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Originally posted by eric palmqyist
just get anew van allready!!!!
hehe, I wish! Much ado about nothing, eh🙂

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Originally posted by eric palmqyist
just get anew van allready!!!!
duck tape would also work and i have almost the exact same problem when going around turns i solved it by buyong smaller drink sizes

also i couldnt even begin to guess the math in this

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
The center of gravity will shift horizontally but not vertically with a horizontal acceleration. The extra coffee in the back is removed from the front. The up-down position of the COG will not change.
Does that make sense? I can't tell, but does somebody know? If the cup was perfectly level with respect to the direction of acceleration, would it slosh up the side or no?

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Originally posted by mrjonesvich321
Does that make sense? I can't tell, but does somebody know? If the cup was perfectly level with respect to the direction of acceleration, would it slosh up the side or no?
This is a good question. What exactly happens to a liquid in a cylinder as the cylinder is accelerated smoothly horizontally?

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