Originally posted by AlethiaI see two mates in 2 for White:
I'm trying new compositions. There are unnecessary pieces on the board, but try a mate. Mate for one side; (only mention one way if you see more than one). Good luck and tell me, who is to force mate? White or Black and post how (otherwise you can just check what I wrote on my FEN.)
[fen]8/1Pn1k1P1/1p2p2N/1B2P3/8/2p3R1/2P1p1RP/2B3K1 w - - 0 1[/fen]
1...Kf8 2.Rf3# or 2.Rf2#
1...Kd8 2.Bg5# or 2.Nf7#
1.Ba3+ Kd8 2.b8Q/R# or 2.Nf7#
Edit: 1.Bg5# is faster.