Originally posted by RussWhat is the air speed velocity of an unladen Swallow?
What is the capital of France? [hidden]Paris[/hidden]
What is the ground state energy level of the electron in a hydrogen atom? [hidden]−13.6 eV[/hidden]
Use [ hidden ] answer [ /hidden ]
All text between "hidden" tags must be on one line.
EDIT: I've a feeling that this wasn't meant for URL's..Try copying and pasting that, why don't you!
Originally posted by RussGreat feature! I remember several asked for it some time ago.
What is the capital of France? [hidden]Paris[/hidden]
What is the ground state energy level of the electron in a hydrogen atom? [hidden]−13.6 eV[/hidden]
Use [ hidden ] answer [ /hidden ]
All text between the "hidden" tags must be on one line.
Please fix it so that the hidden tag works in the quoted post, too.
Originally posted by SwlabrWow thank you! This is my favourite new bookmark, er no it isn'taargghh
What is the air speed velocity of an unladen Swallow?
EDIT: I've a feeling that this wasn't meant for URL's..Try copying and pasting that, why don't you!
Originally posted by AetheraelThis method of hiding spoilers is the best yet. There are no better methods.
this new feature is great[hidden]ly flawed[/hidden]!
i will [hidden]al[/hidden]most likely [hidden]never[/hidden] use it [hidden]again[/hidden] to keep from revealing spoilers [hidden]because of post quotes[/hidden]!
i'll tell all my friends about it [hidden] (if i had any friends)[/hidden].
It can be improved, but it is a good start.
You don't have to use it, but you can if you want.
Originally posted by FabianFnasi know, i was just being an annoying twerp - it's actually quite nice as long as you don't get quoted in a reply. but it's still fun to screw around every now and again
This method of hiding spoilers is the best yet. There are no better methods.
It can be improved, but it is a good start.
You don't have to use it, but you can if you want.
thats what she said
" just look for the busted neon sign that flashes
OES' "testing:
How does a starfish digest its food? (for the most fun results, I suggest you should only read the answer while tacking into a very large meal -the answer here IS factually correct)
A starfish has two stomachs; the cardiac stomach and the pyloric stomach. First it regurgitates out the cardiac stomach out of its mouth at its food and this makes the stomach go inside out in the process. the cardiac stomach then engulfs and partly digests that food. Then it slurps the cardiac stomach back into its mouth, swallows it, and then the partially digested food is moved to the pyloric stomach. Further digestion occurs in the intestine and waste is either excreted through the anus on the aboral side of the body, or if the anus is absent, as in brittle stars, waste is excreted through the mouth.
-Now just imagine what it would be like if you had to digest food like that at a public restaurant