@venda saidwhich and witch
rough and ruff.
What were the statements referring to the song(to save scrolling back?)
choose from, wizard
bigger shredder
Greater and grater
Sickly looking number
For Venda...my previous 2 homophones were 'son/sun' and 'born/borne'
@blood-on-the-tracks saidYeah I was sloppy. He got the answer.
Check and cheque?
Would be a pedant and argue that 'text' doesn't match with 'read'?
Anyway, 'hot thing' and 'relative'
Bonus point of you can tell me which song my two contributions come from....first 2 lines
@blood-on-the-tracks saidThanks for the song clues.
Greater and grater
Sickly looking number
For Venda...my previous 2 homophones were 'son/sun' and 'born/borne'
Before I think too much about it,can you tell me the decade?
Reason being if it's after the 1980's I'd be wasting my time!!
@blood-on-the-tracks saidOk.
Hi Venda
It's 1970s, and my clue above also figures in the first few lines
I'll think about your homophone as well.
I must say though I'm not that familiar with Dylan after the 60's!!
@blood-on-the-tracks saidOk .I'll ponder that for the song
Ah, well. You are ok then. Not a Bob track!
For the homophone I can only think of wan and one but I'm not sure that works.
Anyway, if it's right what about relation,more distant
@venda saidfather and farther
Anyway, if it's right what about relation,more distant
Homophones need not be spelled diffently in which case they are homographs too.
Here is one where the US English answer is a homograph, but not the British English.
curtail roadside
@blood-on-the-tracks saidHave I got this right?
Ah, well. You are ok then. Not a Bob track!
I'm looking for a song that has the words son,sun,borne and born in the first couple of lines?.
If so, I'm struggling at the moment
@wolfgang59 saidcurb and kerb
father and farther
Homophones need not be spelled diffently in which case they are homographs too.
Here is one where the US English answer is a homograph, but not the British English.
curtail roadside
Maximum arousal