You start with 1,000,000
You can add, multiply, divide or subtract by a number each turn.
You can use the numbers 1-9 inclusive but each only once.
You cannot use brackets.
You cannot get a fraction.
I.E if you wanted to divide by nine, you couldn't instantly. Your first moves would presumably be:
1,000,000 - 1 =
999,999 / 9 = 111,111
and then you can't use 1 or 9 from then on.
What's the lowest number you can get to?
Originally posted by doodinthemood1E6 /5=200,000/8=25,000/4=6250/2=3125-(97631)=-94506
You start with 1,000,000
You can add, multiply, divide or subtract by a number each turn.
You can use the numbers 1-9 inclusive but each only once.
You cannot use brackets.
You cannot get a fraction.
I.E if you wanted to divide by nine, you couldn't instantly. Your first moves would presumably be:
1,000,000 - 1 =
999,999 / 9 = 111,111
and then you can't use 1 or 9 from then on.
What's the lowest number you can get to?
Thats lower than zero, pretty low!
The problem was using the numbers 1-9 NOT the digits 1-9 as you did!!
Solution to 19
Its obvious to use factors of 1,000,000 first
divide by 8
divide by 4
divide by 2
divide by 5
that gives 3125
It would be nice to divide by 9 asap so
add 7 giving 3132
divide by 9 giving 348
LUCKILY thats divisible by 6
divide by 6 gives 58
We only have 1 and 3 left so
subtract 1 = 57
divide by 3 = 19
I hope I havent made any embarrassing mistake!! 😉
Originally posted by doodinthemood1,000,000/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2 - 1
You start with 1,000,000
You can add, multiply, divide or subtract by a number each turn.
You can use the numbers 1-9 inclusive but each only once.
You cannot use brackets.
You cannot get a fraction.
I.E if you wanted to divide by nine, you couldn't instantly. Your first moves would presumably be:
1,000,000 - 1 =
999,999 / 9 = 111,111
and then you can't use 1 or 9 from then on.
What's the lowest number you can get to?
Whatever that works out to be.
EDIT - 1.76
Originally posted by TheMaster37Exactly how does that violate the requirements of the first post? A negative number is lower than zero in ANYONE's maths book. I can't help it if he defined the problem inexactly. If he wanted the series end to be exaclty zero he should have specified that. There was no such specification, therefore any negative number is a valid answer.
Though what you write is complete and utter nonsense. That is exactly what math teachers are trying to get OUT of the kids heads.
He specified, and I quote: "What is the lowest number you can get to?"
Hey, so I am lawyering up, that's what logic is all about🙂