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My first try at a chess puzzle

My first try at a chess puzzle

Posers and Puzzles

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Up quality and a few pawns.. the only real problem the possible mate in the corner. e6+?? hurts though. Taking the h-pawn looks promising, but loses a tempo after Bg6 so while good it's boring. Thus.. I'd be tempted ot chase the black light bishop with f3 followed by g4, activating the white rooks and opening the king side for a decisive pawn assault.

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Originally posted by talzamir
e6+?? hurts though.
Two question marks for a move that wins easily?! 😞

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Two question marks as in really? and how? .. oh well, on a losing streak atm. But still. e6 opens the diagonal which seems rather daunting, given the vulnerable position of the white king in the corner. Of course you don't have to take the black queen, but if you don't, why do e6...

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Originally posted by talzamir
Two question marks as in really? and how? .. oh well, on a losing streak atm. But still. e6 opens the diagonal which seems rather daunting, given the vulnerable position of the white king in the corner. Of course you don't have to take the black queen, but if you don't, why do e6...
You do it because the Black King has no good place to go. If 1...Kg8 or ...Kg6 then 2.g4! rips open the g-file. If 1...Kxe6 then 2.Qb5 wins, as already pointed out earlier. 1...Ke8?? gets mated by 2.Qb5+.

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