Originally posted by fakillI think you'll find that it's more than just how it looks from earth. Time actually slows down as you approach the speed of light.
No, 2 twins 2 video screens. only if the space ship stayed near our earth, ie orbating around it or near to it would this be true, but if the ship sas travaling in a straighr line away then any data traveling from ever point would take time to do so. That is why the light from our sun takes aprox 2 mins to get to earth and thus us.The more distance between an ...[text shortened]... e night sky or even sound down a phone line is not now it is what has been, an echo of the past.
You are correct my friend, that is why it is called relativity. If space ship girl had been travaling in a straight line away from the earth it would take the same amount of time to get back. I think the problem lies not in the parodox but from thinking of the earth as, 0, the static point , it is not. This is how many of us have been tought, but the Greeks, Capericus and the rest told us not. Newton told us and proved that this was not the case, but only from an earthothentric point of view. He told us that gravataty was some external force pulling upon us and all things. Einstien said it was no such thing if you view it from all and as many places as you can. It is a destortion of space time, Yes by massive objects but it is this destortion, not GRAVATY that does this.
Would you like to have a younger wife but you don't want to divorce your present one? I have the soulution:
Send your wife into the deep space with high velocity and big accelleration when she's still young and good-looking. After fifty years (or so) you get her back, still young and nice.
The only problem is - Does she really want a old buffer as yourself when she returns?
Originally posted by FabianFnasAnd do you want to live for 50 years without sex?
Would you like to have a younger wife but you don't want to divorce your present one? I have the soulution:
Send your wife into the deep space with high velocity and big accelleration when she's still young and good-looking. After fifty years (or so) you get her back, still young and nice.
The only problem is - Does she really want a old buffer as yourself when she returns?