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Originally posted by Bowmann
Next time you're there, give it a try.
His teacher would know, of course.

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Originally posted by I14U2NV
There seems to always be a catch...I will have to think more about this.

Edit: While I am thinking about this...I need to ask how fast can the fastest spacecraft travel? How far is the farthest starting point from which an advanced alien can be coming from? I guess this is more my answer as to why easily we could still argue there simply not here yet.
Probably a significant fraction of the speed of light. Try using c just to be safe.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Probably a significant fraction of the speed of light. Try using c just to be safe.
Although not proven through testing yet...it appears that "Gravitrons" may actually travel faster than the speed of light. The gravity from Stars and planets are presumed to transfer "information" across space faster than the speed of light travels. A change in a Sun's orbit almost instantaneously causes any surrounding stars or planets to alter their orbit. These resultant changes in orbits are thought of as a result of the "exchange of information" exerted through gravitational influence on the surrounding objects. Gravitrons represent the mechanism by which this "information" is exchaned.

If this is proven correct, you could say that gravitrons are faster. And if you could somehow harness or create a gravitron engine, you could travel faster than the speed of light.

Stay tuned....

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I think you're all missing the logical answer. If you go back in time and kill your grandfather and continue to exisit, your grandmother was bumping uglies with the postman.

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Originally posted by uzless
Although not proven through testing yet...it appears that "Gravitrons" may actually travel faster than the speed of light. The gravity from Stars and planets are presumed to transfer "information" across space faster than the speed of light travels. A change in a Sun's orbit almost instantaneously causes any surrounding stars or planets to alter their orbit ...[text shortened]... a gravitron engine, you could travel faster than the speed of light.

Stay tuned....
If gravitons can go faster than light, anything with normal matter still can't. If you can invent a graviton engine, you have to construct it in gravitons only, with not even a screw made of ordinar matter, then, hypotetically, you can make it travel faster than speed. Otherwise not.

It's the velocity v=c that is the problem, not c>v.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
If gravitons can go faster than light, anything with normal matter still can't. If you can invent a graviton engine, you have to construct it in gravitons only, with not even a screw made of ordinar matter, then, hypotetically, you can make it travel faster than speed. Otherwise not.

It's the velocity v=c that is the problem, not c>v.
Also, a person is not made of gravitons and could also not travel. Of course, Einstein's theory needs to be reviewed if the existence of gravitons is ever proven (and shown that they travel faster than c).

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Originally posted by Gastel
Also, a person is not made of gravitons and could also not travel. Of course, Einstein's theory needs to be reviewed if the existence of gravitons is ever proven (and shown that they travel faster than c).
Perhaps it is even so that the gravitons are propagating with a speed *less* than light?

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you would of course! Then depending on the results of tour actions you would cease to exist or have a different personallity or be totally unchanged. In the second case you would have a different mind and no recolection of the events

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Originally posted by Gastel
Also, a person is not made of gravitons and could also not travel. Of course, Einstein's theory needs to be reviewed if the existence of gravitons is ever proven (and shown that they travel faster than c).
If you could store all the information needed to define a person in some sort of graviton form, you could reconstruct the person when the FTL graviton engine got to it's destination - thus FTL travel. However transmitting information FTL may not be possible at all.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
If you could store all the information needed to define a person in some sort of graviton form, you could reconstruct the person when the FTL graviton engine got to it's destination - thus FTL travel.
This is an interesting philosofical question:
If you make a copy of a person - is then the two the same person?

If you travel by this principle - sending the information and reconstruct a copy - the one getting there is he the same person? And what about the original one, is he still left?, has he travelled at all?

What's the point by this travel if it is just your copy that will travel and not yourself?

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
This is an interesting philosofical question:
If you make a copy of a person - is then the two the same person?

If you travel by this principle - sending the information and reconstruct a copy - the one getting there is he the same person? And what about the original one, is he still left?, has he travelled at all?

What's the point by this travel if it is just your copy that will travel and not yourself?
I'd forgotten about that.

I am not made of the same atoms I was in the past, so clearly it's the arrangement of matter that is important and not the matter itself. But then if there were two of me arranged identically...what then?

Good for you for mentioning it.

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Originally posted by uzless
Although not proven through testing yet...it appears that "Gravitrons" may actually travel faster than the speed of light. The gravity from Stars and planets are presumed to transfer "information" across space faster than the speed of light travels. A change in a Sun's orbit almost instantaneously causes any surrounding stars or planets to alter their orbit ...[text shortened]... a gravitron engine, you could travel faster than the speed of light.

Stay tuned....
Where are you getting this 'It appears Gravitrons travel faster than C'?
If so it would violate causality because you could theoretically do stuff like send information about stuff like the results of a lottery faster than the results could be given out and win every time. Assuming of course that you can generate, modulate, and detect the modulated gravitrons. But where did you hear about this faster than C thing?

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
I'd forgotten about that.

I am not made of the same atoms I was in the past, so clearly it's the arrangement of matter that is important and not the matter itself. But then if there were two of me arranged identically...what then?

Good for you for mentioning it.
Let’s make an experiment:

We have an apparatus who copies a human being, let’s say yourself. The copy you get is atom for atom, electron for electron exatly the same, and moreover, having exactly the same position and the same spin and all those things I cannot think of. What do we get?

Specifically, what about memory? We have long-range memory, wired in how the nerve cells are grown into another. Thos are intact (I suppose). What about the short range memories? Those who exist just a limited span of time? This memory is actually (I suppose) nerve impulses going in a circles, trigging each other in a circulary fasion. What about this memory?

So this particle for particle copy, does it have exactly the same memory as the original? I don’t think so, do you?

And what about the essence of life itself, is it copyable, or is it copy protected?

Only questions...

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
Let’s make an experiment:

We have an apparatus who copies a human being, let’s say yourself. The copy you get is atom for atom, electron for electron exatly the same, and moreover, having exactly the same position and the same spin and all those things I cannot think of. What do we get?

Specifically, what about memory? We have long-range memory, wir ...[text shortened]... about the essence of life itself, is it copyable, or is it copy protected?

Only questions...
Human life is not able to be copied. This takes us into spirituality...again.

Fabian your questions go deeper than you think.

The essence of life was made by one Supreme Being and cannot be duplicated, replicated, copied, and/or cloned in any way.

The copy would have to be emotionless, because he was created in a laboratory by a human, whose mind is flawed in the first place. The emotions would have to have a completely separate transfer would they not? Therefore, he would have no essence of life.

Plus what if it did have emotions and it went down the wrong path and you got blamed for everything bad that it did?

Wouldn't that stink?

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Originally posted by liteswordatlitespeed
Human life is not able to be copied. This takes us into spirituality...again.

Fabian your questions go deeper than you think.

The essence of life was made by one Supreme Being and cannot be duplicated, replicated, copied, and/or cloned in any way.

The copy would have to be emotionless, because he was created in a laboratory by a human ...[text shortened]... down the wrong path and you got blamed for everything bad that it did?

Wouldn't that stink?
Wow, a lot of assumptions there. First assuming some sort of supreme being made us or the universe. It didn't have to happen that way just because you THINK it should have.
The idea of cloning obviously does not create the mind of the individual cloned, the clone starts out jus like any other fetus, but maybe more like identical twins in that there are studies about that show how identical twins raised apart have the same bodytype boyfiend/girlfriends, may have pursued the same careers in college and so forth but they are not the same person. I think if there was ever a machine that could totally duplicate humans they would have the same thoughts but would have to diverge because from that time forward they would be living differant lives, say one is transported to another planet and the original is back home on earth, from that point forward they would be differant and maybe make differant decisions based on a new life. You also make assumptions when you talk about the mind of mankind inherently flawed. I assume you are referring to 'original sin' in christianity. That to me is one of the most personally repugnant concepts ever invented by any religion. You are born into sin and only OUR religion can save you. That is one of the most arrogant and power-grabbing concepts ever devised, I consider it far worse than the communist method of brainwashing the young. It is an evil twisted concept that should be wiped from the face of the earth. For instance, a study was done on female math students, half of which were given the idea that women are just as good as men in math and the other half was told females don't perform as well in math because of a genetic disposition in that field. Well sure enough, the ones who, mind you, only being TOLD they would be performing worse, actually DID perform worse. Well what a shocker. So here you have a filthy twisted idea that ALL mankind is born into sin and wow, you get lots of sin. Perhaps you can make a connection here?
Here is the link to that study. You should think about the implications VERY carefully.

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