@wildgrass saidWatch the videos or don’t.
Science is a method for creating knowledge. Its fine acknowledging the unknowns, in fact that is a critical part of experimental design. Its often exploited as a weakness however. For example, scientists acknowledge there are many unknowns as they relate to our climate. Deniers like to argue that, since we don't know everything we must not know anything.
Do you have a no ...[text shortened]... self? I would like to read it. YouTube is simply a vector for conspiracy theorists and toddler ADHD.
@wildgrass saidThey are working scientists but kellyjay does not want to admit they are coming in with an agenda, that is, to prove the impossibility of humans figuring out how life started on Earth and since they can't do that, there is only one other possible explanation, that is GODDIDIT. They don't explicitly say that but it is clear what the agenda is.
Science is a method for creating knowledge. Its fine acknowledging the unknowns, in fact that is a critical part of experimental design. Its often exploited as a weakness however. For example, scientists acknowledge there are many unknowns as they relate to our climate. Deniers like to argue that, since we don't know everything we must not know anything.
Do you have a no ...[text shortened]... self? I would like to read it. YouTube is simply a vector for conspiracy theorists and toddler ADHD.
I think KJ has given up arguing with me because he knows I am right on that.
I just say science in general, as much as we have sussed out now, is still in kindergarten and since it is clear science advances exponentially it is a decent bet to think they will figure it all out, that is OOL, Origin Of Life studies, will be known in the future, 50 years, 100 years, 400 years if we last that long as a civilization able to have advanced scientific discoveries, we will probably figure it all out.
So KJ responds, AHA, then you have FAITH. THEREFORE you are religious and don't realize it.
@sonhouse saidThat's why I'd like to see it written down, especially since this is an internet forum, not a video chat group. It's a more accurate way to break down logical arguments. YouTubers often present great stories, but those stories break down under scrutiny. The flat earth one was a good example. They present this very compelling story without mentioning the fact that we've known the earth is spherical for thousands of years and people walked around on the moon for a few hours, and gave detailed accounts and photographs regarding the spherical shape of the earth.
They are working scientists but kellyjay does not want to admit they are coming in with an agenda, that is, to prove the impossibility of humans figuring out how life started on Earth and since they can't do that, there is only one other possible explanation, that is GODDIDIT. They don't explicitly say that but it is clear what the agenda is.
I think KJ has given up argui ...[text shortened]... ll out.
So KJ responds, AHA, then you have FAITH. THEREFORE you are religious and don't realize it.
I remember an assignment in grade school that asked us to explain the shape of the earth and defend our position. It was much easier to explain it as a round disc so we did it that way. The argument made sense, we just had to ignore the existing knowledge base.
There are things scientists will never know. Whether life began here or was seeded from elsewhere is one of them.
@wildgrass saidOne thing religious folk bent on the idea of showing science can never figure out OOL is in the natural world of billions of years ago there are quintillions of chemical reactions going on simultaneously and that for literally millions of years. It doesn't seem a huge stretch to me reactions will build up in complexity.
That's why I'd like to see it written down, especially since this is an internet forum, not a video chat group. It's a more accurate way to break down logical arguments. YouTubers often present great stories, but those stories break down under scrutiny. The flat earth one was a good example. They present this very compelling story without mentioning the fact that we've know ...[text shortened]... ngs scientists will never know. Whether life began here or was seeded from elsewhere is one of them.
But if life started elsewhere and like one hypothesis goes, life from Mars was hit with a big enough asteroid that some of the material crossed from Mars to Earth and survived the encounter with Earth and life was formed on Earth.
Of course that just puts back the OOL study as to how did life then form on Mars?
Another hypothesis deals with interstellar organic clouds passing through the solar system where some already complex molecules which have developed in space via energy supplied by nearby stars and that gas cloud slams into Earth, some of those molecules surviving the trip through the atmosphere and THAT could have led to life.
Of course all that can be richly poo poo'd by the religious set as total nonsense or just dismissed as mere hypotheses but that seems to me can go on for just so long before we actually know how life got here. Maybe we find it by going to Mars and studying the soil or maybe even bacteria buried a mile underground or maybe sampling organic interstellar clouds directly. Just throwing out possibilities that probably won't happen but maybe they could in the future.
BTW, those two vid's total over 2 1/2 hours. I didn't need to see very far into it to see their agendas, which is since mankind can't figure it out, GODDIDIT.
@eladar saidI gather you didn't watch any of those vid's KJ posted here. It may well be humans will never figure out origins of life but I think they will eventually. Maybe it takes another couple hundred years but science grows daily and some technology will be developed in the future that will help with the instrumentation needed to do that work. Just a guess of course.
Lol who is saying science can never? Not me!
I am saying science may never.
@sonhouse saidWho doesn’t have an agenda? You come into this thread without one?
They are working scientists but kellyjay does not want to admit they are coming in with an agenda, that is, to prove the impossibility of humans figuring out how life started on Earth and since they can't do that, there is only one other possible explanation, that is GODDIDIT. They don't explicitly say that but it is clear what the agenda is.
I think KJ has given up argui ...[text shortened]... ll out.
So KJ responds, AHA, then you have FAITH. THEREFORE you are religious and don't realize it.
@sonhouse saidWell time will tell agendas abound as well, you think science is only done by those that see the universe as you do?
They are working scientists but kellyjay does not want to admit they are coming in with an agenda, that is, to prove the impossibility of humans figuring out how life started on Earth and since they can't do that, there is only one other possible explanation, that is GODDIDIT. They don't explicitly say that but it is clear what the agenda is.
I think KJ has given up argui ...[text shortened]... ll out.
So KJ responds, AHA, then you have FAITH. THEREFORE you are religious and don't realize it.
@kellyjay saidI was pointing out THEIR agenda. An agenda you didn't want to be made public but well hidden. Using science to boost a religious agenda. That is what it amounted to.
Who doesn’t have an agenda? You come into this thread without one?
You imply as much with your words 'who doesn't have an agenda?'
I did say they were working scientists with expertise in their fields. But like a lot of other religious scientists they sometimes get called on to do a back door agenda like that.
@sonhouse saidYou have not argued a point, you have simply said people have agenda's and who argues with that? You keep saying "GODDIDIT" as if "ONLY TIME WILL TELL" isn't a cause you can count on for the gaps, those you cannot explain and have nothing you can bring to the table about the past, and what you can only hope for in the future to avoid discussing the evidence in the present. So claiming the scientist have an agenda, and I have an agenda I freely admit, but so you do you!
They are working scientists but kellyjay does not want to admit they are coming in with an agenda, that is, to prove the impossibility of humans figuring out how life started on Earth and since they can't do that, there is only one other possible explanation, that is GODDIDIT. They don't explicitly say that but it is clear what the agenda is.
I think KJ has given up argui ...[text shortened]... ll out.
So KJ responds, AHA, then you have FAITH. THEREFORE you are religious and don't realize it.
@sonhouse saidAgenda, it took you how long to see that, 1 minute, 3 minutes, oh my gosh, someone had an opinion and was talking about it!! What will the world do, should we call the thought police!
One thing religious folk bent on the idea of showing science can never figure out OOL is in the natural world of billions of years ago there are quintillions of chemical reactions going on simultaneously and that for literally millions of years. It doesn't seem a huge stretch to me reactions will build up in complexity.
But if life started elsewhere and like one hypothesi ...[text shortened]... to see very far into it to see their agendas, which is since mankind can't figure it out, GODDIDIT.
What is YOUR OPINION, or are only the brain dead who have no thoughts or opinions allowed to speak? Should those with a thought about what is and isn't true keep their mouths shut, least YOU FIND FAULT! Your a real piece of work sonhouse, I don't understand how someone like you can be both brilliant and ignorant at the same time!
@sonhouse saidWhat is your agenda, what is it your spewing out without being so stealthy about it?
I was pointing out THEIR agenda. An agenda you didn't want to be made public but well hidden. Using science to boost a religious agenda. That is what it amounted to.
You imply as much with your words 'who doesn't have an agenda?'
I did say they were working scientists with expertise in their fields. But like a lot of other religious scientists they sometimes get called on to do a back door agenda like that.
@wildgrass saidGo old school, take notes, for crying out loud.
That's why I'd like to see it written down, especially since this is an internet forum, not a video chat group. It's a more accurate way to break down logical arguments. YouTubers often present great stories, but those stories break down under scrutiny. The flat earth one was a good example. They present this very compelling story without mentioning the fact that we've know ...[text shortened]... ngs scientists will never know. Whether life began here or was seeded from elsewhere is one of them.