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Artificial sweeteners linked to diabetes!

Artificial sweeteners linked to diabetes!


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Originally posted by DeepThought
....Most of the true evils in the world are perpetrated in broad daylight.
I think that goes right to the point. There is no doubt that some evil conspiracies exist and with some evil people behind them, but it is just totally irrational paranoia to assume conspiracy with evil motive behind literally every action of literally every politician or profit making businesses person or science researcher. It is that all-too-common attitude that I reject to.

It is crazy to believe that, just because someone may have a political or profit motive or is definitely is trying to make a profit, he must necessarily be like an evil psychopath and only care about profit (or some other selfish motive ) and bent on ruthlessly doing anything it takes to maximize his profits at the total expense of other people or even destroying the whole of humanity. I all-too-often see this paranoid attitude (mainly on internet forums but also elsewhere including some people living in my local area ) to mindlessly automatically assume that any big profit making businesses must necessarily be run by totally evil people caring nothing about profit at our expense as if all people that make profit must be totally evil and selfish to the extreme. Perhaps a small minority of them are but most people trying to make profit would have their prefrontal cortex functioning just fine because psychopathy just isn't quite that common and thus most of them would be capable of feeling empathy and sympathy for others just like most people. There is no logical contradiction in doing something for profit and/or political reasons and simultaneously caring about other people and not working against any other people. In fact, very often there is no contradiction in trying to make as much profit as possible while simultaneously deliberately trying to actually benefit the whole of humanity. An example of that may be a researcher trying to design a drug to cure some terrible common disease.

P.S. I am aware this belongs in the debates forum and not here but -too late for that!

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Originally posted by humy
I think that goes right to the point. There is no doubt that some evil conspiracies exist and with some evil people behind them, but it is just totally irrational paranoia to assume conspiracy with evil motive behind literally every action of literally every politician or profit making businesses person or science researcher. It is that all-too-common attitude ...[text shortened]... sease.

P.S. I am aware this belongs in the debates forum and not here but -too late for that!
Donald Rumsfeld was Secretary of Defense. Like Bush he is an evil man who helped kill thousands of Iraqis. If you can't see he is evil you have your head in the sand.

Monsanto has traded human life for profit in the past. That is not a theory, that is a fact. Did I mention any other corporation other than Monsanto? Did I claim every profit making business has evil motives? No, I did not. This is more slander on your part. You should be ashamed of yourself!

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Originally posted by Metal Brain
Donald Rumsfeld was Secretary of Defense. Like Bush he is an evil man who helped kill thousands of Iraqis. If you can't see he is evil you have your head in the sand
where did I say/imply anything about Donald Rumsfeld ?
I didn't let alone say/imply that he wasn't evil. In fact, I didn't know anything about him! I never said/implied evil people don't exist.

So what is your point?
I looked him up just to try and work out your point at
Well, sorry! Still don't see your point!
I haven't the patients to read the whole of that -it is a huge massive read! But, skimming over it, couldn't spot any specific evil act he did although I accept that that doesn't mean he didn't do anything evil! Can you point to any specific act he did that makes you think he was an evil person in particular?
-not that is of any relevance to the argument here since I wouldn't claim to know whether he did any specific evil act or whether he was an evil person but, just curiously wondered why you picked on him in particular.

Monsanto has traded human life for profit in the past. That is not a theory, that is a fact. Did I mention any other corporation other than Monsanto? Did I claim every profit making business has evil motives? No,

-if I am to assume total insincerity of this quote here, this seems to be inadvertently telling me that you have an irrational paranoid vindictive hatred of just specifically Monsanto rather than against all profit making companies. This doesn't break the ice for me. I have noticed that Monsanto has become the object of pure hatred by many of the more extreme environmentalists so I looked up Monsanto from a website that I trust isn't just yet another vindictive propaganda sites (like so many ) made by the more vindictive environmentalists:


Well, again, that is a very long read and I didn't have the patients to read it all so I skimmed through it and failed to spot anything that made Monsanto stand out as an evil company in particular. I didn't notice any mention of deaths specifically caused by them in particular.
It did however say “its current and former biotechnology products, its lobbying of government agencies, and its history as a chemical company have made Monsanto controversial. “ -perhaps this provides a clue to why environmentalists have picked on this company.
It also mentioned that they made DDT -a chemical that has killed many people but also saved many more -perhaps the choice to ignore the latter is the real motive for the hate against them?

P.S. don't bother showing me a link if it is yet another vindictive propaganda site against this company -for good reason, I will not have the slightest trust in the info it gives and simply dismiss it as unreliable.
+ note I am not claiming the company hasn't done anything evil in the past -only that I don't have a reason to assume they are generally evil.

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Originally posted by humy
where did I say/imply anything about Donald Rumsfeld ?
I didn't let alone say/imply that he wasn't evil. In fact, I didn't know anything about him! I never said/implied evil people don't exist.

So what is your point?
I looked him up just to try and work out your point at
Well, sorry! Still don't see your po ...[text shortened]... ne anything evil in the past -only that I don't have a reason to assume they are generally evil.
In other words, you have your mind made up and don't want to be confused with facts. I figured that from you. You should do more on the debate forum. You are arrogant, egotistical, close minded and defend your positions regardless of merit....you would fit right in. 😏

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Originally posted by humy
I think that goes right to the point. There is no doubt that some evil conspiracies exist and with some evil people behind them, but it is just totally irrational paranoia to assume conspiracy with evil motive behind literally every action of literally every politician or profit making businesses person or science researcher. It is that all-too-common attitude ...[text shortened]... sease.

P.S. I am aware this belongs in the debates forum and not here but -too late for that!
I think that this is reasonable enough. Science has political consequences and provided we are talking about the political consequences of new discoveries and so forth we are within the scope of the forum. Besides, it's a different group of people who regularly post here so those of us who post in both see a wider range of views.

Edit: and spelling mistakes: Patients are the victims of the bloodthirsty quacks, er I mean those in the care of the medical profession, patience is the state of being forbearing.

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Originally posted by DeepThought
.... Patients are the victims of the bloodthirsty quacks, er I mean those in the care of the medical profession, patience is the state of being forbearing.
LOL. Yes, should have spotted that. Mind you, "patient" can have either meaning and you can have a confusing "...the patient patient patiently ...".
The English language hasn't been 'designed' (if that is the right word) logically.


Originally posted by Metal Brain
I embrace science. You need to stop listening to humy's slander. My comment about science was a jab at humy because he embraces science so much he turns a blind eye to the corruption. So do you.

You don't need to do a lot of research to see Monsanto is a corrupt corporation that stops at nothing to make a profit, even when it kills people and harms the environment.
Not to mention all the ex-Monsanto executives now invading the FDA, which is precisely why the FDA is a joke. They just rubber-stamp anything Monsanto wants.

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