Originally posted by Metal BrainBosc Monitors make good pets, you can even put them on a lead. They only cost c£50 - 70 as babies seem to remember.
Monitor Lizards are supposed to be smart for reptiles. I have never saw one face to face though. The octopus and cuddle fish are very clever.
one sleeping 🙂
blue tongue skink - even better pets but more expensive.
Fast Moving Snakes
There are a few that outrun there prey, quite good for a snake, here are 3
From France - Montpellier Snake
From Texas - Schott's Whipsnake
From Asia - has a huge range - Taiwan Beauty Snake, there are 17+ subspecies and its skin pattern varies across its range - this one lives in forests and chases its prey, it has a big mouth but its teeth are tiny. They're very fast.
Orthriophis taeniura friesei
Ridley's Beauty Snake - From Malaysia same species but no skin pattern, they dwell in caves so have no need for it.
Orthriophis taeniurus ridleyi
🙂 Random Facts 🙂 might even demonstrate evil-lotion... 🙂
I suppose at some point this thread should cover 'the most dangerous snake in the world' ...
The Saw Scaled Viper
Saw Scaled Viper Bite!
(oh .. lie it isn't, the real pic was to gory, it has a killer bite)
LD50 0.151 mg/kg - more deadly then most cobras
It gets the 'most dangerous' award for temperament. Its one of the few snakes to attack, it chases people making a saw sound, also it can have 50+ young, all deadly from birth. Think it has the most human casualties of any snake.
Noteworthy as the little monster is only 40cm long so that's quite an achievement.
Todays Snake 🙂
The Elephant Trunk Snake
Always thought they looked cool, they have there own genus / family. Supposed to be very hard to keep as pets - they need a top notch aquarium.
www.thefeaturedcreature.com is a good website - lots of strange creatures.
Snake Of The Day
2 for the price of one!
Its the most venomous colubrid. It looks a lot like a green snake and they live together, a few made it into the pet trade accidently because of this. From sub-Saharan Africa.
I guess people in the US will recognise this snake. a pit viper. probably not the best pet.
Best pet reptile of the day!
Tokay Gecko
They bite and bark all night a bit like a dog, lively though very interesting animals and they live quite long, 20 years + I think 🙂
I'd like a green snake please ....
Here are 3 green snakes...
Smooth green snake - Opheodrys vernalis - N America - tiny and quite cute. possibly a good pet..
Long Nosed Whip Snake - Ahaetulla nasuta - India - interesting looking animal.
Red Tailed Green Rat Snake - note the black and blue tongue - there are a few rat snakes like that from Taiwan.
And cute reptile of the day! 🙂 🙂 Day Gecko - would make great pets but they're quite sensitive, not very hardy.
Yellow Cobra - Naja Nivea - South Africa.
I've seen one of these in an exhibition, they have neurotoxic venom, vipers go for the heart and lungs, see in IR too. Cobra bites are said to be not very painful, but kick in in 30 mins.
almost looks golden
They make bad pets. I looked up 'man killed by pet cobra' there was a recent story, but found this one instead, and bout 4 more....
Snakes don't tame, they deceive, they calm down then turn on you out of the blue.
Taken From 'The twelve most dangerous Russian animals'
The Brown Bear is no.1
At no.6 is the Common Northern Viper - Vipera Berus
''It was the bite of the common viper that killed the legendary Prince Oleg, one of the founders of the Old Rus state. Modern medicine could, of course, have saved him. The viper’s venom can kill a small person, but it is not lethal to a healthy person weighing over 60 kilograms (132 lbs), especially if he has antihistamine drugs in his pocket. The viper’s poisonous fangs are just 4 millimeters long and cannot bite through most jeans, let alone shoes. Specialists say it is virtually impossible to step on a viper inadvertently. The snake allows a person to approach it to within 3-4 meters (10 feet) and then hisses loudly as a warning and… retreats. Hunters advise people to stomp their feet loudly if they suspect there may be snakes around. The snake feels the vibration and gets out of your way. ''
** Its not dangerous at all **
But the wild boar at 5 and the lynx 7 might be...
Komodo Dragon from the Island of Komodo in Indonesia, is poisonous.
Best Pet Lizard of the day. 🙂
Argentinian Black and White Tegu - yes to match a chessboard.
They're about 4ft, clever tame well apparently, hardy. You can get smaller ones, incl one from Colombia.
Black and White Tegu
In captivity
for the folks who put the crap ads on this site ... another poisonous snake, not what u want in your house ... But in an effort to put something good on your laptop its one of the most striking snakes 🙂
Red Spitting Cobra - good pic - they are bright red when there skins fresh.
And a red and black lizard that would make a good pet,
Fire Skink - from Guinea
Snake Of The Day 🙂
Probably the best pattern you can get on a snake with no money.
Albino California Kingsnake - Lampropeltis getula californiae
Babies - £50-70
Bad Snake!
I had a kingsnake and its was viscous at first but tamed very well, would sit in my hand for hours. But it turned savage again after a few years and I sold it, they look good but their tempers are a bit unreliable. It always fed well though.
To go with great ads on this site, I really think googles ads are designed to trash small websites by making them look cheap and unreliable, I'd never let them on my site, its rude they think they own my laptop. Anyway....
** Possibly the worst non venomous pet snake money can buy **
Yellow Anaconda - Eunectes notaeus - From Brazil
I briefly worked in a reptile shop and helped deal with an escaped one of these - I had to catch the tail, whilst the owner went for the head, was a bit scary. Apparently they tame.