I don't know the motive for you dissing climate science but your crackpot BULLSHYTE has been disproven time and time again COMRADE. Tell me, is this what Putin TOLD you to say or was it just Trump?
@sonhouse saidNow you are outright lying. You have never proven anything I have said wrong and you know it. That is why you are angry instead of taking it with stride.
I don't know the motive for you dissing climate science but your crackpot BULLSHYTE has been disproven time and time again COMRADE. Tell me, is this what Putin TOLD you to say or was it just Trump?
I didn't prove you are wrong, the state of the PLANET right now proves you wrong. And it is going to get worse, a LOT worse.
Degrass Tyson predicts water up to the elbow of the statue of liberty if the ice is gone from Earth.
If you want to see the end result of something like that all you have to do is look at Venus, a planet near the same size as Earth and early on had a benign climate but CO2 took over and the oceans melted and sulfuric acid became a big part of the atmosphere, now about the pressure of the inside of a new NO2 bottle and near 900 degrees F, lead would be liquid on Venus. All of that thanks to runaway greenhouse gasses, BIG TIME runaway in that case, and here on Earth we are only in the beginning of that change and hopefully we can stop the worst-case scenarios like no ice on Earth. I think Earth will never be like Venus at least in the short term, short term meaning the next few million years, long term the sun will expand to maybe the size of Earth's orbit and THAT will definitely be the end for Earth but we have a few years left for that🙂 Like a couple or three billion years.
@sonhouse said0. 05% of CO2 is not warming the planet.
I didn't prove you are wrong, the state of the PLANET right now proves you wrong. And it is going to get worse, a LOT worse.
Degrass Tyson predicts water up to the elbow of the statue of liberty if the ice is gone from Earth.
If you want to see the end result of something like that all you have to do is look at Venus, a planet near the same size as Earth ...[text shortened]... y be the end for Earth but we have a few years left for that🙂 Like a couple or three billion years.
That is next to nothing.
Niel Tyson is an idiot. A born follower repeating nonsense like a parrot.
@sonhouse said0. 05% of CO2 is not warming the planet.
Whatever you say COMRADE.
You have your cause and effect backwards. The ice core samples proved temps drove CO2 levels, not the other way around. You were duped by AL Gore's propaganda.
Al Gore is a liar. Stop relying on liars.