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Can science prove the age of the earth?

Can science prove the age of the earth?


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Originally posted by humy
I said assuming the miraculous happened, how would science judge it?

That depends on exactly what you mean by “miraculous”.

If what you mean by that is either “impossible” or “cannot possibly be explained rationally” then the answer would be that science will rightly dismiss it as either as a hoax or an illusion or as a case th ...[text shortened]... arsay by the gullible, delusional or dishonest that it has which doesn't count as real evidence.
There is no evidence that life forms came into existence on its own by chance, but you believe that nonsense anyway. Some people call it "from the goo to the zoo to you" theory.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
well then, show me a miracle in the here and now, let some deity turn water into wine TODAY and we can start talking. Till then, you are rattling bones.
Show me a monkey or chimpanzee change into a man TODAY and then we can talk about your "goo to the zoo to you" evolution magic. Till then, you are talking out your ass.

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Originally posted by Eladar
Why should I show you a miracle today? Am I God?

Am I asking you to believe as I do? No.

Why do you feel the need for me to conform to your beliefs? If you believe in freedom, then I'd think you'd allow people to believe differently than you.

As I said, my post was aimed at a person who claims to believe in miracles. I can see that claim was a lie.
I did not claim to believe in miracles. I am an agnostic and every post I made here was consistent with that. If God exists and faith is important then science should not be able to distinguish between a created universe and an accidental one, so it may as well proceed as if it's accidental.

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Originally posted by DeepThought
I did not claim to believe in miracles. I am an agnostic and every post I made here was consistent with that. If God exists and faith is important then science should not be able to distinguish between a created universe and an accidental one, so it may as well proceed as if it's accidental.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. If you do not believe in the possibility of miracles, then of course my question would be lost on you.

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Originally posted by humy
I said assuming the miraculous happened, how would science judge it?

That depends on exactly what you mean by “miraculous”.

If what you mean by that is either “impossible” or “cannot possibly be explained rationally” then the answer would be that science will rightly dismiss it as either as a hoax or an illusion or as a case th ...[text shortened]... arsay by the gullible, delusional or dishonest that it has which doesn't count as real evidence.
Yes I know your assumption:

If a person can't do it, then it can't be done. Science proves that it can't be done because a person can't do it.

This is true for everything you do not have faith in. You have no problem with evolution that can't be demonstrated, but that just goes to show your own personal inconsistency which you (as many like you) are unwilling to admit.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
Show me a monkey or chimpanzee change into a man TODAY and then we can talk about your "goo to the zoo to you" evolution magic. Till then, you are talking out your ass.

Are you still here, RJHinds? And then what are you doing here?

Didn't we have a deal that you wouldn't discuss your anti-science ideas here, and I wouldn't enter your threads in the Spiritual Forum?

You proposed the deal your self, why don't your honor it yourself? I did, but you don't.

Is this a christian trait, that propose a deal and then break it? Is this christian honor?

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Originally posted by Eladar
Yes I know your assumption:

If a person can't do it, then it can't be done. Science proves that it can't be done because a person can't do it.

This is true for everything you do not have faith in. You have no problem with evolution that can't be demonstrated, but that just goes to show your own personal inconsistency which you (as many like you) are unwilling to admit.
Yes I know your assumption:

If a person can't do it, then it can't be done. Science proves that it can't be done because a person can't do it.

Nope. I make no such assumption and obviously didn't imply I did.
I said absolutely nothing there on what can/cannot be “done” and the essence of what defines science is not about what people can/cannot do (excluding behavioral human psychology and just a few others ).

You have not made any criticism of any of my assertions in that post. So am I to assume you cannot find fault in my assertions but you just don't like them?
This is true for everything you do not have faith in.

nope, because I have no faith.
You have no problem with evolution that can't be demonstrated

evolution has been demonstrated therefore I have no problem with evolution. I just go where the evidence points even if I don't like where it points.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas

Are you still here, RJHinds? And then what are you doing here?

Didn't we have a deal that you wouldn't discuss your anti-science ideas here, and I wouldn't enter your threads in the Spiritual Forum?

You proposed the deal your self, why don't your honor it yourself? I did, but ...[text shortened]... t.

Is this a christian trait, that propose a deal and then break it? Is this christian honor?
I completely forgot about that deal. Sorry.

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Originally posted by humy
Yes I know your assumption:

If a person can't do it, then it can't be done. Science proves that it can't be done because a person can't do it.

Nope. I make no such assumption and obviously didn't imply I did.
I said absolutely nothing there on what can/cannot be “done” and the essence of what defines science is not about what [i]pe ...[text shortened]... roblem with evolution. I just go where the evidence points even if I don't like where it points.
Just as I noted in my earlier post.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I completely forgot about that deal. Sorry.
You forget, despite that I have reminded you, from time to time?

Do you want to honor your christian deal or not? Then stay out of Science Forum and I stay out of your threads at Spiritual Forum. That's the deal you proposed. That's the deal I've honored. Don't be sorry, just honor your own deal.

RJHinds and everyone else who want to drag in religious non-science into the Science Forum - stay out of Science Forum. (This goes for Eladar too.)

And for every Science lover - don't bring in spiritual argumentation into the Science Forum. Don't give nasty remarks about religion, if you do, then they come and pest this forum. They have their Spiritual Forum where they like to hang. Promot that. Keep them out of Science Forum.

But most important of all - Don't feed the trolls!

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