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How life may have begun: ProtoRNA self assembling:

How life may have begun: ProtoRNA self assembling:


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Originally posted by RJHinds
What you are describing is adaptation and not evil-lution. Evil-lution says an ape changed into a man by adaptation and natural selection. That is what we creationists Christians object to because it contradict the word of God that says God made man a separate kind, male and female.
You have very neatly described the difference between evolution and creationism. The thing is, evolution is based on evidence (call it fake evidence all you want, it's still there), experimentation and logical reasoning, i.e science, whereas creationism is based on faith. Those are two fundamentally different world views. In fact, evolution deals only with changing of species, creationism deals with creation of life as well, so it's pretty much apples and oranges.

Anyway, I can not accept something purely on faith. This is where we differ.

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Originally posted by AnomalousCowturd
You have very neatly described the difference between evolution and creationism. The thing is, evolution is based on evidence (call it fake evidence all you want, it's still there), experimentation and logical reasoning, i.e science, whereas creationism is based on faith. Those are two fundamentally different world views. In fact, evolution deals on ...[text shortened]... s and oranges.

Anyway, I can not accept something purely on faith. This is where we differ.
Evil-lution is based on a lot of faith. You have to have a lot of faith to believe a monkey turned into a man or a lizard turned into a bird. It is like the fictional story of the man turning into a werewolf at midnight. That is not science, that is crap.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
Evil-lution is based on a lot of faith. You have to have a lot of faith to believe a monkey turned into a man or a lizard turned into a bird. It is like the fictional story of the man turning into a werewolf at midnight. That is not science, that is crap.
Are you familiar with the principle of mathematical induction? It is a neat little trick that allows you to prove some identities. By similar logic, I find it pretty easy to believe that man has evolved from an ape.

Comparing it with werewolves is doesn't make much sense though. Man evolved through thousands, tens of thousands of generations, not in a minute after seeing full moon. A single specimen's DNA does not change. However, when a new one is born, its DNA is a combination of the parental DNAs, therefore, the DNA changes from generation to generation. In the long term, these changes can be pretty dramatic. In fact, DNA for apes and humans is not that much different.

However, saying that "if evolution is true, then why don't we see apes turning into humans at the zoo" is simply ignorant.

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Originally posted by AnomalousCowturd
Are you familiar with the principle of mathematical induction? It is a neat little trick that allows you to prove some identities. By similar logic, I find it pretty easy to believe that man has evolved from an ape.

Comparing it with werewolves is doesn't make much sense though. Man evolved through thousands, tens of thousands of generations, no ion is true, then why don't we see apes turning into humans at the zoo" is simply ignorant.
Okay, if man was not created then what apes need to get together to start the process of changing into a man?

P.S. I could more easily accept that a man might be able to change into an ape. Or even a man changing into a werewolf or vampire.

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I think it would be interesting to see if we could take the semen of some men and artifically impregnate apes, wolves, bats, and whatever to see what would result. All in the interest of promoting scientific knowledge of course.

I have read that evil-lutionists have put fruitflies through a lot of tests over thousnds of generations and still have not produced anything but fruitflies, even though some were very deformed fruitflies.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I think it would be interesting to see if we could take the semen of some men and artifically impregnate apes, wolves, bats, and whatever to see what would result. All in the interest of promoting scientific knowledge of course.

I have read that evil-lutionists have put fruitflies through a lot of tests over thousnds of generations and still have not produced anything but fruitflies, even though some were very deformed fruitflies.
You don't even know the extent of evolution research. That has been done a thousand times over. It shows that for the vast majority of life, separate species cannot create hybrids like a man-ape or whatever. There have been some like the Liger, the tiger-lion mix, creating a tiger like creature twice the size of normal tigers but that's about it. The very definition of species means you cannot cross pollinate like that.

I think you already know that and just want to stir up the issue with nonsense.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I think it would be interesting to see if we could take the semen of some men and artifically impregnate apes, wolves, bats, and whatever to see what would result. All in the interest of promoting scientific knowledge of course.

I have read that evil-lutionists have put fruitflies through a lot of tests over thousnds of generations and still have not produced anything but fruitflies, even though some were very deformed fruitflies.
You seem not to understand the concept of speciation. Once two populations, initially of the same species, have diverged enough they cease to be able to produce viable offspring when crossed then they become different species. This has been demonstrated in fruit flies. Drosophilidae is a family containing the genus drosophila, all members of this family are correctly described as fruit flies. It's not just one species, so the fact that they still had fruit flies after speciation, doesn't stop them from having produced a new species in the experiment.

Once speciation has happened artificial insemination won't help. There are mechanisms at the cellular level to prevent fertilization between different species and enforce speciation once it's happened. So without some fairly hefty genetic modification to switch those protections off your experiment isn't going to have any effect. In any case it's pointless, since what has to be shown is that speciation can occur, not that two species already known to be incompatible still are.

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Originally posted by DeepThought
You seem not to understand the concept of speciation. Once two populations, initially of the same species, have diverged enough they cease to be able to produce viable offspring when crossed then they become different species. This has been demonstrated in fruit flies. Drosophilidae is a family containing the genus drosophila, all members of this fami ...[text shortened]... hat speciation can occur, not that two species already known to be incompatible still are.
That is what I believe too. However, evil-lutionists seem to think all kinds of species originated from one common ancestor and we came from apes because we are apes. I am trying to tell those people that we are a separate kind and have not come from apes.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
That is what I believe too. However, evil-lutionists seem to think all kinds of species originated from one common ancestor and we came from apes because we are apes. I am trying to tell those people that we are a separate kind and have not come from apes.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
That is what I believe too. However, evil-lutionists seem to think all kinds of species originated from one common ancestor and we came from apes because we are apes. I am trying to tell those people that we are a separate kind and have not come from apes.
The fact that you are totally wrong doesn't mean anything to you.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
The fact that you are totally wrong doesn't mean anything to you.
It is the fact that I am right that means something to me. 😏

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Originally posted by RJHinds
It is the fact that I am right that means something to me. 😏
You will be eating crow when evolution and genetics science make new life from non living matter.

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...and he will eat it as god wills him too:

Ezekiel 4:12

New International Version (NIV)

Eat the food as you would a loaf of barley bread; bake it in the sight of the people, using human excrement for fuel.

That is why RJ is so full of...human excrement

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Originally posted by woodypusher
...and he will eat it as god wills him too:

Ezekiel 4:12

New International Version (NIV)

Eat the food as you would a loaf of barley bread; bake it in the sight of the people, using human excrement for fuel.

That is why RJ is so full of...human excrement
You should not be quoting religious material on the Science Forum especially when you don't understand it.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
You should not be quoting religious material on the Science Forum especially when you don't understand it.
You shouldn't be quoting religious material anywhere especially when you don't understand it.

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