Man-made global warming

Man-made global warming


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Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
26 Sep 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
The Republicans have approved a budget that funds all of government except Obamacare. So it is up to the Democrats and Obama if the government is shut down or not. Obamacare was delayed before and it can be delayed again. So there is really no threat of government shutdown, if the Democrats will come to their senses and delay Obamacare another year.

The Instructor
Sorry but your republicancan buddies have caved in. They lost the game of chicken. BTW, see you at the voting booth when your assshole republicans are booted out of office.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
26 Sep 13
2 edits

Originally posted by sonhouse
Sorry but your republicancan buddies have caved in. They lost the game of chicken. BTW, see you at the voting booth when your assshole republicans are booted out of office.
Well that conservative Democrat I voted for last time will not get my vote when he comes up for re-election for voting with the liberal Democrats on Obamacare this time either.

The Instructor

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
26 Sep 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
Well that conservative Democrat I voted for last time will not get my vote when he comes up for re-election for voting with the liberal Democrats on Obamacare this time either.

The Instructor
See, the repubs are slipping in front of your very eyes.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
27 Sep 13
2 edits

Originally posted by sonhouse
See, the repubs are slipping in front of your very eyes.
I will have to check his voting record. His new Republican opponent sent me an e-mail claiming he voted for Obamacare. But He now says that he voted against Obamacare several times because of the mandates and other things he does not like about it. But that he does not agree with scraping it, but wants to fix the problems with it. But he said he has been able to find only a few people on either side that are willing to compromise.

So I will have to investigate to see what this new Republican candidate means and determine who is the liar.

The following is what he has posted on his website:

It looks like his Republican opponent is referring to his vote against the repeal of Obamacare as a vote for Obamacare.

The Instructor

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
27 Sep 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
I will have to check his voting record. His new Republican opponent sent me an e-mail claiming he voted for Obamacare. But He now says that he voted against Obamacare several times because of the mandates and other things he does not like about it. But that he does not agree with scraping it, but wants to fix the problems with it. But he said he has been ...[text shortened]... referring to his vote against the repeal of Obamacare as a vote for Obamacare.

The Instructor
In other words, now that it is a democratic party line instead of a repub, it is now a pariah bill. Had it remained in republican hands like it started out, everything would have been fine, no problem. Repubs hate democrats so much they would rather shut down the government than to allow what was a republican bill be known as democratic now.

That is treason, pure and simple. They should be put in JAIL not worshiped as gods like you do.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
27 Sep 13

Originally posted by sonhouse
In other words, now that it is a democratic party line instead of a repub, it is now a pariah bill. Had it remained in republican hands like it started out, everything would have been fine, no problem. Repubs hate democrats so much they would rather shut down the government than to allow what was a republican bill be known as democratic now.

That is treason, pure and simple. They should be put in JAIL not worshiped as gods like you do.
I worship only one God. The God that created the universe is the one.

The Instructor

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
27 Sep 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
I worship only one God. The God that created the universe is the one.

The Instructor
Again, side stepping the real issue which is corrupt repubs.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
27 Sep 13

Originally posted by sonhouse
Again, side stepping the real issue which is corrupt repubs.
You brought the other issue up. I can't deny there have been corrupt politicians of both flavors. So what are we going to do about? The corrupt politicain that brought up global warming is not in office anymore. Voting him out did not stop him.

The Instructor

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
27 Sep 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
You brought the other issue up. I can't deny there have been corrupt politicians of both flavors. So what are we going to do about? The corrupt politicain that brought up global warming is not in office anymore. Voting him out did not stop him.

The Instructor
Corrupt politician, Al Gore? Is that who you are talking about? The guy who should have been president but lost out to a really corrupt vote?

Anyway, you think global warming is total BS? Have you by any chance seen the coast line of Florida or the melting glaciers in the Alps or the ice now mostly gone from the Arctic? You figure man had nothing to do with all that?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
28 Sep 13

Originally posted by sonhouse
Corrupt politician, Al Gore? Is that who you are talking about? The guy who should have been president but lost out to a really corrupt vote?

Anyway, you think global warming is total BS? Have you by any chance seen the coast line of Florida or the melting glaciers in the Alps or the ice now mostly gone from the Arctic? You figure man had nothing to do with all that?
No I haven't been to any of those places recently. I did not say man had nothing to do with it. I just believe there is not enough evidence, yet. We do not need to go into panic state at this point. The weather patterns are still going through normal cycles so far.

The Instructor

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
28 Sep 13
1 edit

Originally posted by RJHinds
No I haven't been to any of those places recently. I did not say man had nothing to do with it. I just believe there is not enough evidence, yet. We do not need to go into panic state at this point. The weather patterns are still going through normal cycles so far.

The Instructor
You have clearly closed your eyes to the issue, business as normal, typical republican response because it would require a huge input of money, they would rather the entire world go down in flames than to spend money correcting a problem humans brought on themselves.

You would just poo poo reports like this:


06 Mar 12
28 Sep 13
1 edit

Originally posted by sonhouse
You have clearly closed your eyes to the issue, business as normal, typical republican response because it would require a huge input of money, they would rather the entire world go down in flames than to spend money correcting a problem humans brought on themselves.

You would just poo poo reports like this:
At least he is very consistent in his delusions. All of the absurd beliefs; very young-Earth, Noah's Ark and the impossibly large flood submerged the tallest mountains; no man-made greenhouse effect; no evolution; have one in common -they all come from, and only could came from in this modern day of science and reason, from wildly delusional minds. And he has them all!

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
28 Sep 13

Originally posted by sonhouse
You have clearly closed your eyes to the issue, business as normal, typical republican response because it would require a huge input of money, they would rather the entire world go down in flames than to spend money correcting a problem humans brought on themselves.

You would just poo poo reports like this:
It is stupid to keep going deeper and deeper in debt as our nation has been doing. Eventually something will have to give. Perhaps this is a result of our poor educational system, especially in the area of economics in this case.

The Instructor

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
28 Sep 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
It is stupid to keep going deeper and deeper in debt as our nation has been doing. Eventually something will have to give. Perhaps this is a result of our poor educational system, especially in the area of economics in this case.

The Instructor
Well, just WHAT could be wrong with our educational system? Could it be they have been perennially underfunded for oh, say, the last 100 years? I guess the main thing republicans want is trillions spent on military and screw everyone else.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
28 Sep 13

Originally posted by sonhouse
Well, just WHAT could be wrong with our educational system? Could it be they have been perennially underfunded for oh, say, the last 100 years? I guess the main thing republicans want is trillions spent on military and screw everyone else.
Defense of the nation is a Constitutional requirement of our nation. Obamacare and climate control is not.

The Instructor