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New rare earth mines found in Georgia, USA:

New rare earth mines found in Georgia, USA:


Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
01 Feb 19
1 edit

Yeah, I'm really losing sleep over this. You are a racist quack with nothing more to do than to accuse white folks of hatred for anyone not white.
Yet more than half my family is brown skinned, Mayan, Tamil, Hawaiian, Puerto Rican, but you must imagine my as secretly hating my own family, quite a conundrum for you I imagine. My own wife is part American Indian, but all you can do is repeat your one trick pony tirade, Sonhouse is evil.

You really put your foot deep inside your mouth every time you do that.

So you know full well how many Chinese died in the Great step forward and apparently condone the use of deadly force on literally millions of their own people and even now have millions in 're-education' camps, but you know FAR more than me about all that and I don't hear a WORD from you other than implied agreement with the Chinese government.

You also are COMPLETELY unable to answer the PROVABLY TRUE fact the Chinese have installed spy chips ADDED to other people's designs for the express purpose of keylogging any computer sold to anyone anywhere in the world, looking to steal intellectual property in yet another way.
Or do you blanket deny China would EVER deal with intellectual property theft since they are SO strong technologically speaking they NEVER need to stoop to that kind of theft?

If you are SO interested in science, why don't you actually post non-politically charged stories? Or about music which you claim to have sung onstage but you NEVER have posted a single note of ANYONE in General 'what are you listening to' thread.

Just goes along with what I said, you do 1, Exclamatory and 2, DEROGATORY,
A LOT of derogatory, mostly aimed at whitey.

I know full well Whitey NEEDS derogatory because a lot of them ARE racist shltheads with nothing but violence on their so-called minds but just go by what some folks say here not realizing a lot of them are just pulling your chain to see your reaction.

I take offense at your continued anti-sonhouse tirades, especially since you know NOTHING of me or my life. OR CARE, you just make snap judgement's and BOING, now those people including me are PERMANENTLY evil, no saving grace.
So with you there is no grey, only black and white, mainly black because Whitey is AUTOMATICALLY bad, guilty till proven innocent but of course that never happens with you since you are destined to be the Judge, Jury and YOU WISH, executioner.
You need to get a real life, and stop with the judgemental BS you hand out daily.
It is not good for your health for one thing and that is a serious comment.
You are getting yourself so worked up I can see you having a heart attack because of your flaming hatred.
Give it a rest, listen to Mozart or Ali Farka Toure or the Madagascan D'Gary or some such. You might even like them.


08 Jun 07
01 Feb 19

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
02 Feb 19


So you NEVER read my non-political POV posts I assume. YOU are the one with ONLY political POV posts. Mine are few and far between because I LOVE to see new developments in fundamental science having nothing to do with politics.
I DO see our own mining of rare earths as political and business related, but you seem to think a Chinese monopoly on ANYTHING is quite ok with you.
I'm sure the Chinese government view it as more a business monopoly than much to gain in a political sense, if they can corner the market they can charge what ever the hell they want so it is not the US that bears that but the smaller countries not rich enough to live with a 30% increase in the price of tech using such rare earths like ultra strong magnets which is why we can have fairly good sounding music loudly coming out of even our cell phones where the actual loudspeaker is the size of a pencil eraser. When I was a teenager living in Glendora California an engineer neighbor of mine was touting the latest loudspeaker he just bought and it was small compared to theater speakers but still didn't have much oomph to the base, using an 8 inch speaker with a magnet as strong as they could make back in the 1950's but now the magnets are so strong the speakers can be miniscule compared to those days.
I just don't like monopolies whoever has them. And that includes any US company with a monopoly. It means they can charge what the market will bear not what is a fair profit.

But of course all you will do is re-rant Sonhouse is Evil.

And you KNOW the one spewing the ad hominem is the loser of the argument but your hatred is so vast you do it anyway, hoping I will be so effected as to have a heart attack and die so you can go on to hate someone ELSE.


08 Jun 07
02 Feb 19
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Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
02 Feb 19

Show me how many non-political POV posts you do then. Give me the links. I have a dozen just on this page. Of course you still figure I hate everyone on the planet who isn't white which is absolute bullshyte. YOU are the one with hatred in your eyes.
You seem to think you are vetted to pass judgement based on some words in a forum.

Guess what, you don't have that right. You are NOT a judge, you are just another civilian with a goal of killing the US government so the Chinese or Russians can take over and complete the communist takeover of the world since without the US, the rest of the world would fall shortly thereafter in another war.
All that is clearly in YOUR best interest since you are a communist sympathizer and that is your MO. Good luck with that. and BTW, we KNOW about the chips in computers spewing keylogger malware so forewarned is forearmed.
That won't happen again and your communist masters will have to figure out a different way to screw with the US, and of course they are working with the Russians on this project and I see you dancing in the streets once more at the site of an incompetent insane sociopathic narcissist as our POTUS, hopefully we only have to put up with his obvious incompetence for the next 2 years and sanity might come back to the US. Till then, continue dancing in the street at our luck of incompetence.


08 Jun 07
03 Feb 19
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Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
03 Feb 19
1 edit


Sure I just LOVED the McCarthy era, some of my friends like Pete Seeger and the Weavers were blacklisted by those miscreant McCarthy asssholes.
But none of that matters, you think you have the power to cast members into hell by your extremely gracious judgement's but you can call someone evil only so long and enjoy your last post because I am not bothering with you any more, except for the fact you dare not venture into intellectual theft (well known, in fact) that China engages in daily not because they are so far behind technologically but because they are greedy and want to shorten the time to product of something stolen so they can use their esteemed engineering and developmental teams for other projects and so increasing the efficiency of their technological development.
Nobody says China is a third rate country technologically but you insist I hate China, when in fact I hold their GOVERNMENT in contempt for the way they treat their own citizens and for your so-called defense, keep harping on the hundreds of thousands of Philippine deaths at the hands of the US, ignoring the LITERAL MILLIONS of deaths and MILLIONS incarcerated to this day in 're-education' 'camps' where they are either domesticated into wonderful communists or killed.
You can take it to the bank I hold THAT government in contempt.
I also hold our own society in contempt for the fact that black and brown skins are incarcerated at a rate some 8 times that of whitey.
I have personal knowledge of that but won't waste your precious time talking about that since I am after all a jingoistic lying, what was your new ad hominem?
reprehensible Nazi.

Each time you do another ad hominem you feel it insufficient for just three adjectives, you keep adding them. Very amusing in fact.

Everyone here enjoys reading your rants knowing you are turning purple each time you raise the ad hominem ante.

Do you have enough ad hominem rage built up for your upcoming book, Sonhouse, the evil emperor?


08 Jun 07
03 Feb 19
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Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
03 Feb 19
1 edit


Collateral damage. I guess you can call it that. It ruined his professional life for decades. I WAS his friend BTW, I opened for him on one show at Will Geer's ranch, where he put on plays and a lot of music.

Anyway, the McCarthy era killed the Weavers playing much of anywhere for a long time. They had 2 number one hits in the 1950 time frame.
I was smitten by the Weavers in 1956, probably before you were born and was and still am a fan even though only one of them, Fred Hellerman, is still alive, Ronnie Gilbert, Lee Hays, Pete Seeger, all gone.
I was left leaning even as a teenager which I suppose would just be taken as another lie by you.

I believe you when you say you were never an official communist but it sure sounds like you support modern China and I keep asking why you don't respond to the charge they built tiny chips hidden in other company designs for the specific purpose of keylogging on any machine bought in any country in the world, like you seem to not care about that known issue. Or maybe you don't believe it.


Apple says they never found such a chip but maybe it is just too small for them to find.


This article tries to deny the whole thing but one person noted their could be designs built into existing chips making physical detection impossible.

So the last word on that story may not have been told yet.


08 Jun 07
03 Feb 19
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Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
04 Feb 19


How about a truce? I won't call you commie, I knew you weren't, just responding you your hate filled mail.
I knew you were never communist. You may be an admirer of China but there is a huge difference in dislike of a government and the people of that country.
I lived in Thailand for several years and ground my teeth at the excesses of the government and the Thai family I lived with, the father being a Buddhist monk.

Of course that means nothing to you since in your mind my case has already been adjudicated.....,


08 Jun 07
04 Feb 19

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
05 Feb 19

All I did was to respond in kind to your ever increasing layers of ad hominem's and people don't like that, which you have seen YOU don't like it when responding in kind.
So I apologize for any grief caused by me towards you, I know we will never be friends but I would like for you to post music you like in the general 'what are you listening to' thread. I tend to post too much because of my love for folk music and the folk virtuoso's around the world, like Bert Jansch, D'Gary from Madagascar, Ali Farka Toure who made a great record with the equally great American guitarist Ry Cooder. American virtuoso's like Blind Reverend Gary Davis, who was my teacher for a brief time, and Pete Seeger who taught me some great guitar licks and John Jackson from DC and others, I could go on for a long time but will stop here.
I want to see who you value as musicians.


08 Jun 07
05 Feb 19
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lemon lime

oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
07 Feb 19
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