""""""( There are like 30 different RNAs, your teacher in biology perhaps simplified things and said that there was only 3 of them, teachers at elementary level do that - say that there are 3 RNAs )
""""""Conservation of the "Ribosomal" universally binding site is used as. Argument 2 - for proving that ...... life started only once.
""""""Why? - because it is the same, the same DNA-code for that - in all cells we know of - hence. Life started only once, then diverged.
""""""Sorry but. Ribosomal domains is not my area. You have to read about it (them) yourself. Perhaps starting here.
I will end this post with the additional knowledge that.... [ This is obligatory to know, sacasm. ]
Energy, meaning energy the cells need - comes from the sun. And taken up by plants - in wather algies, ( by photosynthesis ). Then animals eat the plants and other animals eat those animals. ( Simplying a little here, since there are some termal energy from the core of the earth ).
P.S. [ Regarding the professor I mentioned before. ]
I know the name of said Professor. (Him I was referring to in my other post). I guess he no longer works at Uppsala University - since I can't find him in their "catalog of emploies". I guess I can ask someone where he works now but I don't see the point... You have to take my word on this one. ( No, correction ... "his words to me", we have word for that in Swedish ... if someone knows a the english term for ... then share it, please? ). His research area is: Using programming. To determine how birds eyes works. He is a professor in Zoo-ecology. And he studies the sight of birds.