Originally posted by SwlabrA variant of that (and my favourite rubbish mathematical joke):
What do you get if you cross a mountaineer with a mosquito?
Nothing - you can't cross a scalar with a vector.
What do you get if you cross a sheep with a goat?
Mod sheep times mod goat times the sine of the angle between them times a unit vector perpendicular to them both in a right-handed sense.
Originally posted by mtthwMy favourite maths joke is,
A variant of that (and my favourite rubbish mathematical joke):
What do you get if you cross a sheep with a goat?
Mod sheep times mod goat times the sine of the angle between them times a unit vector perpendicular to them both in a right-handed sense.
What do you get if you integrate one over cabin with respect to cabin?
Well, you would think the answer would be log cabin, but you would be wrong! It is actually a beach house, as it's log cabin + c...
Originally posted by AThousandYoungAlong the same lines: A neutron walks into a bar and orders a drink. When he asks the bartender for the bill, the bartender says, "For you, no charge!"
Na is running around freaking out. "I've lost my electron! I've lost my electron! Help!"
Sly Cl, trying to hide the stolen electron, asks Na - "Are you sure"?
"Yes, I'm positive!"