So you must by your silence condone the chips put into other countries designs and the military bases close to Philippines and all you can do is repeat your America is the devil routine. You seem to have a one track mind, unable to respond to those facts, instead, just pushing the idea that America is evil.
I never said China is going to attack the Philippines, I said China is expanding its territory into international waters where they shouldn't be. This is not a friendly excursion into the ocean, they are after something, my guess is oil fields, which is just a guess. It could also be a move on a go board literally expanding what they consider to be their zone of direct influence.
Your silence tells it all. You are a stuck record, stuck on Sonhouse is evil. Distracting from my 2 statements about what is actually going on in China.
I wonder why you are unable to answer either.
Still on the one pony trick. Sonhouse is evil. Answer my questions or leave. Any more of your one trick pony line and I will let you have the last say, I don't care one way or the other.
Clearly, you condone the Chinese placing keylog male ware chips in another company design so they can siphon off any technology from ANYWHERE those computers were sold.
And the militarization of the South China sea.
Lets not go back to the genocides, lets stay in the present, we get your POV. Answer my questions. Just two, surely you can do that.
The post that was quoted here has been removed"Nothing that China has done (occupying a few disputed islands) or seems ever likely
to do could approach the brutality with which the USA treated the Philippines."
- Duchess64
Duchess64, a known advocate for China, is on thin ice: Her glass house has very few windows left and the inrush of hot air kills her delicate jumble of icicle argumentation.
Before she continues to point that cold, bony finger at the west and its shame in history; she should affect her own repairs.
Acknowledging the horror of China's "Great Leap Forward" might be a good place to start.
China's epoch of domestic genocide is rather fresh, historically speaking. She should recall and condemn the reasons that tens of millions of innocent Chinese farmers and peasants were intentionally starved to death by their own "great leader".
But I suspect she'll continue throwing stones from the perceived safety of her own transparent abode.
(Patiently, I await her next flurry of anti-western "whataboutisms".)
It is abundantly clear D64 NEVER posts anything without a political motivation. She or he, whatever, has an extreme political POV and god help us if he/she ever became a world leader.
He/she is unable to change POV instead picking a target, in this case, me, sticking with the one trick pony act in his/her desperate bid to destroy the US. I would not put it past him/her to be receiving money from China for his/her anti US rants.
All of that person's posts have some political message and has no interest in either music or real science for science sake.
All you have to do is look at the tenor of MY posts to see what I am interested in.
And OF COURSE D64's reply will be more of the same, Sonhouse is evil, Sonhouse doesn't care about the plight of Philippino's, but D64 evidently doesn't give a rats ass about the MILLIONS of deaths at the hands of the so enlightened Chinese government.
He/she is so besotted with anti US bias there is no changing of his/her POV, that will stick for the rest of his/her life. Instead, that person will just go on with the
Sonhouse is Evil' routine, then thinking I WIN, when nothing could be further from the truth.
Ah, so those are "just" a few isolated islands even though they are bristling with military hardware, daring anyone to interfere.
And the chips installed as an added little Chinese benefit to other folks design specifically added to be able to keylog any key touches of any computer they build AND BTW, now have the capability to shut down American gas lines and are actively working with Russia on cyber attacks of other kinds as well, like our electric grid.
All that is just Boys will be Boys, I guess, so you seem to condone ANYTHING that can kill the US.
Also, you don't seem to care much about the LITERAL millions, maybe as much as TEN million in Chinese 're-education' camps and the LITERAL millions killed in the "Great step Forward''. where just about anyone wearing glasses was considered a subversive, 1968, GREAT year for China.
I assume since you don't dare bring up the subject yourself, you must condone all the MILLIONS killed.
Your hatred for the US grows clearer and clearer the more you type.
Russia interfered with the US elections and now we have an insane man as POTUS thanks to them. LITERALLY insane, like the "WALL" deal. That was invented by his mentor Roger Stone because Stone realized early on, VERY early on, Trump had pretty much zero attention span and he made up the stupid wall as a memory aid so Trump could have talking points. Trump is interested only in what makes Trump look good on TV, NOTHING ELSE.
And Putin and I presume you, are dancing in the street for all the damage Trump has caused.
"A few disputed islands" Sure, take international waterways, force sand by the millions of tons to MAKE an island, fortify it with military hardware and do that several times. Sure a totally peaceful island, not out to hurt ANYONE.
Sure, and I have a great bridge for sale cheap.
You continue to not answer the charge China is adding their own chips to other people's designs for the express purpose of stealing information by keylog malware.
You speak Mandarin because you love china and hate the US.
That is the bottom line so you will NEVER address intellectual theft by the Chinese and you just ASSUME I must hate Chinese when in fact I dislike the Chinese government, I WORK with Chinese people, highly intelligent engineers in fact.
But of course NOBODY disses the Chinese government in your world since you advocate for the Chinese government and YOU could care less about the plight of the LITERALLY millions of people incarcerated in those 're-education' camps. You are the one reprehensible NEVER speaking out about that and ONLY doing more WHAT ABOUT HIS kind of argument.
Your anti-US bias is as obvious as the hypocrisy inherent in your POV.
Like I said, I can see you dancing in the street at the present predicament the US is in with an insane POTUS kissing Putin's ass and following his instructions implicitly. Withdrawing from the Nuclear agreement, wants to withdraw from NATO, yep, you and Putin are dancing in the streets. You are a flaming hypocrite.
Let's see you next Sonhouse is Evil tirade. It is all you have, just distract from the real issues in China where you condone the 're-education' prisons. I'm sure you would LOVE to be living in one.