Why male and female?

Why male and female?


Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
17 Jun 13
1 edit

1Originally posted by KellyJay
We know evolution is happening right now....therefore that means all people
believe about evolution is true? Seriously, you are a person of faith if that
is the bar you have. No evidence for design, really? You see what you want
to see and ignore the rest.
There you go again, a non-scientist trying to force the evidence for evolution into the category of 'faith'. Only religious folk play that card. We in the real world, on the other hand, put evolution in the category of evidence for or against. Creationist stories in the bible is not evidence, it is assertions by people who knew jack about the real world.

Show me a 200 million year old lion fossil and evolution gets gutted and something new will take its place. Until something dramatic like that happens, we have an accumulated data base going back 200 years in favor of evolution.

The same exact method of science is used for evolution as for quantum theory as for geology as for computer science. One big one is Karl Popper's definition of science: It has to be falsifiable in theory, that is just as I said, show me a 200 million year old fossil of a lion and evolution is out the window and something different has to take its place.

Creationism is NEVER going to be falsifiable and therefore BY DEFINITION, is not now and never will be an actual science and will remain ever more in the realm of religion and in my own view, fantasy tales invented by men.

It's funny how there are 1000 different tales of how Earth and people got here and you think out of that number of 1000, 999 of them were invented 100% by men, (mankind) and only 1 of that 1000 is the TRUE version of events according to your religion.

Doesn't that tell you something about the veracity of your faith?


06 Mar 12
17 Jun 13
2 edits

Originally posted by KellyJay
So you believe you know what occurred million of years ago do you and you
actually think what you think occurred back then is science not faith? Do
you have the honesty to accept you can be wrong?

So when someone suggests one creature is a relative for another due to
how close they are in the way their DNA looks you assume it due to
evolution and not ...[text shortened]... should be looked at and not the way that promotes
what you have already claimed is true?
So you believe you know what occurred million of years ago do you

exactly what do you say I believe I know occurred millions of years ago that you dispute?
And what relevance does how much personal knowledge I have of what occurred millions of years ago got to do with the physical evidence of evolution and/or what happened back then? OBVIOUSLY nobody is CLAIMING nor believes they know literally EVERYTHING that happened millions of years ago but we can deduce SOME of the things that happened back then from the physical evidence. |For example, we can deduce that there were certain species of dinosaurs and then they became extinct etc. So your point is?....
So when someone suggests one creature is a relative for another due to
how close they are in the way their DNA looks you assume it due to
evolution and not a common design?

I don't “assume” it but know it partly because if it was an intelligent common design by an all knowing god that make no mistakes then there wouldn't be the imperfections and apparent design flaws in living things we see today and partly because of OTHER physical evidence not related to showing common ancestry that shows evolution happens.
Besides, why would your god who I assume, according to your religion, would WANT as to believe 'he' exists and created all modern species of life without evolution, create all the physical evidence for as to find that suggests all living things have single common ancestor? Why the apparent deception by god by him leaving a trail of false evidence?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
17 Jun 13

Originally posted by humy
So you believe you know what occurred million of years ago do you

exactly what do you say I believe I know occurred millions of years ago that you dispute?
And what relevance does how much personal knowledge I have of what occurred millions of years ago got to do with the physical evidence of evolution and/or what happened back then? OB ...[text shortened]... common ancestor? Why the apparent deception by god by him leaving a trail of false evidence?
You don't know anything that happened a million years ago. How could you?

The Instructor

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
17 Jun 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
You don't know anything that happened a million years ago. How could you?

The Instructor
Do you know anything happened before you were born? How do you know?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
17 Jun 13

Originally posted by sonhouse
There you go again, a non-scientist trying to force the evidence for evolution into the category of 'faith'. Only religious folk play that card. We in the real world, on the other hand, put evolution in the category of evidence for or against. Creationist stories in the bible is not evidence, it is assertions by people who knew jack about the real world.
...[text shortened]... ing to your religion.

Doesn't that tell you something about the veracity of your faith?
I do not call the creation story evidence or science it is pure faith, you either
accept it or reject, believe it or not. I don't care one wit if you acknowledge
the truth about what you believe is true millions or billions of years ago too,
that goes more to your own being honest with yourself than not. if you are
in complete doubt about how everything got here, you've no idea what was
required, you've no idea about the state of all things either at the start of
all things. To claim you know what was here millions or billions ago is pure
arrogance on your part, making such a claim means you'll be without excuse.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
17 Jun 13

Originally posted by humy
So you believe you know what occurred million of years ago do you

exactly what do you say I believe I know occurred millions of years ago that you dispute?
And what relevance does how much personal knowledge I have of what occurred millions of years ago got to do with the physical evidence of evolution and/or what happened back then? OB ...[text shortened]... common ancestor? Why the apparent deception by god by him leaving a trail of false evidence?
You gave me a link on evolution that made claims that one species arose
from another over time, you deny that now?

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
17 Jun 13

Originally posted by humy
I don't “assume” it but know it partly because if it was an intelligent common design by an all knowing god that make no mistakes then there wouldn't be the imperfections and apparent design flaws in living things we see today and partly because of OTHER physical evidence not related to showing common ancestry that shows evolution happens.
Not only that but the 'mistakes' are common amongst animals that are closely related. This applies not only to physical features but identifiable mutations in the DNA, even in sections of DNA that have no known purpose.
Why would a designer go to extreme lengths to ensure that certain groups of genes are only found in certain groups of animals, and that if you draw a chart of all genes, you get a family tree that matches perfectly with the fossil record?


06 Mar 12
17 Jun 13
2 edits

Originally posted by RJHinds
You don't know anything that happened a million years ago. How could you?

The Instructor
I have just answered that question in that post. Obviously you just didn't bother to read it.
Here is what I said about that:

"... OBVIOUSLY nobody is CLAIMING nor believes they know literally EVERYTHING that happened millions of years ago but we can deduce SOME of the things that happened back then from the physical evidence. For example, we can deduce that there were certain species of dinosaurs and then they became extinct etc. So your point is?.... "

-yet another stupid straw man you lot make; making out we are claiming and believing we literally know everything about the distant past. OBVIOUSLY, We do neither. I see a pattern of stupidity here; I bet you now just going to ignore everything I just said and keep bring back this same stupid straw man again and again and again.

Using your same silly logic of dismissing all the currently available evidence of the past; you were not there to witness the Roman empire. So how do you know anything about it? (the so called "historical records" of the Romans being just all atheistic lies from all those lying atheists!)

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
17 Jun 13

Originally posted by humy
So you believe you know what occurred million of years ago do you

exactly what do you say I believe I know occurred millions of years ago that you dispute?
And what relevance does how much personal knowledge I have of what occurred millions of years ago got to do with the physical evidence of evolution and/or what happened back then? OB ...[text shortened]... common ancestor? Why the apparent deception by god by him leaving a trail of false evidence?
Imperfections, you've have proof that all things designed are error free?
Imperfections, even if something was designed for one environment and
your own theory of evolution proposes changes within species through
random mutations couldn't introduce flaws over time in a variety of
ways? Very high standard for design that you do not apply towards

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
17 Jun 13

Originally posted by humy
So you believe you know what occurred million of years ago do you

exactly what do you say I believe I know occurred millions of years ago that you dispute?
And what relevance does how much personal knowledge I have of what occurred millions of years ago got to do with the physical evidence of evolution and/or what happened back then? OB ...[text shortened]... common ancestor? Why the apparent deception by god by him leaving a trail of false evidence?
Well at least your honest about your religious bias when you think about design.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
17 Jun 13
2 edits

Originally posted by KellyJay
I do not call the creation story evidence or science it is pure faith, you either
accept it or reject, believe it or not. I don't care one wit if you acknowledge
the truth about what you believe is true millions or billions of years ago too,
that goes more to your own being honest with yourself than not. if you are
in complete doubt about how everything is pure
arrogance on your part, making such a claim means you'll be without excuse.
It is supreme arrogance on the part of humans who believe a god is so enamored with humans it would single us out as solely deserving of its attention. Never mind we are a spiteful, vengeful, warlike bunch, loving to kill in the tens of millions. We need more like a god psychiatrist than the spiteful, vengeful, warlike god you think you worship, you know, that god invented totally by mankind, who just happens to have a LOT in common with humanity.

Like looking like humans. What a co-incidence. With nice pithy sayings like a man is worth 50 shekels but a woman only 35. Sure, I can believe a real god would say that. NOT. I CAN believe men would say that since it just so conveniently puts men on top of the totem pole.

Like a real god would EVER say that.

At least you are not like RJ, who would love nothing better than to force creationism to be taught along side evolution in a science class. I have no trouble having creationism taught in a religious class, but you KNOW it is not science and I and millions of other folk have a BIG problem with other people trying to force it to be taught like a science.

And I am TOTALLY honest with myself in saying the Earth is billions of years old. Creationism is just one of 1000 origin tales and you think that 999 of them are made by men but just that one is the real deal from a god.
I don't know how you can ignore 200 years of reams of data, more coming in all the time that shows the Earth to be billions of years old and a timeline of life almost that old and digging deeper into the fossil record also goes deeper in time. Thousands of scientists from that 200 year period have given it their all and have not been able to disprove the world already done in evolution. The evidence just gets stronger each day, not weaker.

Like they say, show me a 200 million year old lion fossil, and we dump evolution but till then, evolution stands as gold.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
17 Jun 13

Originally posted by sonhouse
It is supreme arrogance on the part of humans who believe a god is so enamored with humans it would single us out as solely deserving of its attention. Never mind we are a spiteful, vengeful, warlike bunch, loving to kill in the tens of millions. We need more like a god psychiatrist than the spiteful, vengeful, warlike god you think you worship, you know, t ...[text shortened]... just so conveniently puts men on top of the totem pole.

Like a real god would EVER say that.
As if people who believe in God or not changes anything I said to you about
your views on the past. Either you know what occurred millions or billions
of years ago or you do not, what others believe about God doesn't change
that your faith in the theories of man are so strong, it takes what others
claim the evidence means to them gives you error proof knowledge about
things that occurred millions or billions of years ago. you are a man of very
great faith.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
17 Jun 13

Originally posted by sonhouse
It is supreme arrogance on the part of humans who believe a god is so enamored with humans it would single us out as solely deserving of its attention. Never mind we are a spiteful, vengeful, warlike bunch, loving to kill in the tens of millions. We need more like a god psychiatrist than the spiteful, vengeful, warlike god you think you worship, you know, t ...[text shortened]... 00 million year old lion fossil, and we dump evolution but till then, evolution stands as gold.
I agree creationism should not be taught as science, it is faith.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
17 Jun 13
1 edit

Originally posted by KellyJay
As if people who believe in God or not changes anything I said to you about
your views on the past. Either you know what occurred millions or billions
of years ago or you do not, what others believe about God doesn't change
that your faith in the theories of man are so strong, it takes what others
claim the evidence means to them gives you error proof k ...[text shortened]... ngs that occurred millions or billions of years ago. you are a man of very
great faith.
There you go again, trying to force the world to view evolution as 'faith'. It is nothing of the sort, because it can be shown theoretically to be false. That is the falsifiable test of science shown by Karl Popper. That has nothing to do with faith.

Like I said before, it is not faith if I hold a rock 7 feet in the air and think, If I drop that rock on my foot, I will get hurt.

That is not faith, that is based on thousands of years of evidence.

I, for one, am offended at people trying to force me to accept evidence as faith. Just because you are blinded by your faith, don't put that on me.


06 Mar 12
17 Jun 13
5 edits

Originally posted by KellyJay
Imperfections, you've have proof that all things designed are error free?
Imperfections, even if something was designed for one environment and
your own theory of evolution proposes changes within species through
random mutations couldn't introduce flaws over time in a variety of
ways? Very high standard for design that you do not apply towards
Imperfections, you've have proof that all things designed are error free?

No, and I OBVIOUSLY do NOT claim nor believe that “ all things designed are error free” (yet another straw man I see) and this is totally missing the point anyway.
So I take it you admit there exists imperfections in the anatomy of living things?
Good! Because that means it makes no sense for an all-knowing god that makes no mistakes could have designed living things with design flaws! -THAT is the point! Get it now?
Tell us please, why would an all-knowing god, that makes no mistakes, designed living things with design flaws?
How do you rationalize that? does this god actually make mistakes?

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