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Automatic time out win option

Automatic time out win option

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
I don't see the problem here.

Those who wish to exercise discretion can simply choose not to use autoflag.
But next you get the user who makes a new game, and a new user comes to play not noticing the auto-flag feature.

Boom, nasty feedback.

As was said before, clocks in chess don't have buzzers. You need to see the flag fall to claim the win.


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Originally posted by MilkyJoe
If a game has a time limit, and you go beyond that limit, you lose.
not true, if you're playing otb chess and your opponent runs out of time you have to see it and then claim the win. it's very possible to be caught up in the game that you miss the lack of time on your opponents clock.

so as with otb rules it has to be the same here, when you see the skull click it.

Thread 106186

i used to think the same as you.

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Originally posted by Phlabibit
But next you get the user who makes a new game, and a new user comes to play not noticing the auto-flag feature.

Boom, nasty feedback.

As was said before, clocks in chess don't have buzzers. You need to see the flag fall to claim the win.

Some people like to enforce time limits and other hate to do it. There is always the possibility of 'nasty feedback' when these players clash. The autoflag option isn't going to change that. [Although perhaps the default could be "autoflag = off" for new users - thus leaving it the same as it is now for new users.]

It is general practice in OTB chess for the player to claim the time win [although many digital clocks are capable of doing it for you, and the players do not always remember, or know how, to turn the feature off...]

For online chess, it is common for the server, or website, to claim the time win for you. As already noted, ICC and playchess do this. Other correspondence sites like schemingmind.com do it, too.

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Originally posted by trev33
so as with otb rules it has to be the same here...
This is correspondence, not OTB. As things like DB use, vacation time, etc. show, the rules need not always be the same.

Further, this site isn't terribly concerned with following conventions from the rest of the chess world in general.

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
For online chess, it is common for the server, or website, to claim the time win for you. As already noted, ICC and playchess do this. Other correspondence sites like schemingmind.com do it, too.
i could get used to it in clan, tournament and league game but NOT in friendlies and i suspect a lot of other users would feel the same about keeping friendlies the way they are. most of my friendly games are played purely because of the in game chat feature.

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Originally posted by trev33
i could get used to it in clan, tournament and league game but NOT in friendlies and i suspect a lot of other users would feel the same about keeping friendlies the way they are. most of my friendly games are played purely because of the in game chat feature.
OK, so let's do it this way:

Tourneys, clan leagues, and other serious competition has automatic auto-flag.
Let users set autoflag ON or OFF for other types of competition. Those who like friendly games can leave/turn it off. Default setting for new users is OFF.

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
OK, so let's do it this way:

Tourneys, clan leagues, and other serious competition has automatic auto-flag.
Let users set autoflag ON or OFF for other types of competition. Those who like friendly games can leave/turn it off. Default setting for new users is OFF.
You didn't see my post about players being tricked by this setting?

Why is it so important to you to time games out when you're not even online?

I believe tournaments are already auto-timed.


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Originally posted by Phlabibit
You didn't see my post about players being tricked by this setting?

Why is it so important to you to time games out when you're not even online?

I believe tournaments are already auto-timed.

I'm unclear how a player could be 'tricked' by the autoflag setting.

I'm for this because I think time limits ought to be enforced in serious forms of chess competition. Far too many players here expect leniency, even in tourneys. I had one guy piss and moan because I timed him out in a 1 day, 0 timebank tourney!

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
I'm unclear how a player could be 'tricked' by the autoflag setting.

I'm for this because I think time limits ought to be enforced in serious forms of chess competition. Far too many players here expect leniency, even in tourneys. I had one guy piss and moan because I timed him out in a [b]1 day, 0 timebank
The trick is not being familiar with the new setting and being timed out by a guy who's sleeping in his WARM COMFORTABLE BED.

People get timed out all the time, and I have no idea why they complain either. "War is war, loser" is the popular saying.

I can just see feedback of people who say they didn't recognize this (new) setting and complaining more now because in real chess the player has to notice the time ran out. There is no one walking around in a chess match telling people to keep an eye on their clock.

We'll see, I just don't like the idea because part of chess is paying attention... not making chess easier to win by people that are not even sitting at their board.

We don't need to agree, that's the beauty of it all.


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Originally posted by Phlabibit
The trick is not being familiar with the new setting and being timed out by a guy who's sleeping in his WARM COMFORTABLE BED.

People get timed out all the time, and I have no idea why they complain either. "War is war, loser" is the popular saying.

I can just see feedback of people who say they didn't recognize this (new) setting and complaining mor en sitting at their board.

We don't need to agree, that's the beauty of it all.

How would newbie even know he'd been auto-flagged?

And why does the method of flagging even matter? There's no autoflag now, and I still get people whining that I skulled them.

Why is OTB chess 'real' chess, while correspondence is 'fake' chess [by implication]?

This debate is similar to the one about legality checking. Some would actually prefer to see RHP allow illegal moves to be made, just because this can happen in OTB chess. I prefer to avoid the hassle of correcting illegal moves, and eliminate the chance that a game result will become final despite uncorrected illegal moves.

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
How would newbie even know he'd been auto-flagged?

And why does the method of flagging even matter? There's no autoflag now, and I still get people whining that I skulled them.

Why is OTB chess 'real' chess, while correspondence is 'fake' chess [by implication]?

This debate is similar to the one about legality checking. Some would actuall ...[text shortened]... iminate the chance that a game result will become final despite uncorrected illegal moves.
I didn't imply that OTB is real, and CC is fake. Chess is chess where you play it.

I don't like the idea of the timer being automated in any way. I think people should be aware of their game and claim a win rather than having it awarded.

As for illegal moves... wow, that would be a mess, eh?


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