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Daylight saving time

Daylight saving time

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But I could understand and support the suggestion to have a GMT clock somewhere on the screen, so that people know what the bell has tolled.[/b]
Australia has about 7 different daylight saving start/finish times depending on location, and they seem to change every year or two. Currently trialling a replacement set of 3, already started at beginning of October.

Microsoft can't get it right, probably a bit much to ask of Russ.

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Originally posted by MissOleum
Australia has about 7 different daylight saving start/finish times depending on location, and they seem to change every year or two. Currently trialling a replacement set of 3, already started at beginning of October.

Microsoft can't get it right, probably a bit much to ask of Russ.
Every other forum on the net seems to manage with no problem.

OK, maybe not EVERY forum, but definitely the majority. 🙂

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Originally posted by Hindstein
Any chance of automatic daylight saving time adjustments?

Would be a useful feature, if it is not difficult to do...

Any "automatic" DST adjustments would screw me, since I live in Arizona and we do not observe DST.

If DST tracking were implemented here, it should include a checkbox in your settings to indicate if you wanted to participate or not.

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