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Forum Moderation?

Forum Moderation?

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Originally posted by pcaspian
however as you care very little about actual debate, merely the person (as you've illustrated in this thread), you come across as a troll.
Certainly you aren't suggesting that No1Marauder
doesn't have a genuine interest in forum moderation.

Certainly you aren't that forgetful.

No1Marauder has been one of the single most
active speakers about moderation since the debate
. When anyone -- even members of the
wolfpack conspiracy KKK -- speaks about moderation,
he comments. Anyone. Period.

He has never trolled in one of your religious threads.
He cares not for your opinions on that topic.

He cares about moderation.

You love to label people trolls. You love labeling.
I'm the heretic. Kirk is the antichrist. No1 is the

And what are you, Pcaspian? The Authority? The
Mouth of Wisdom? The Font of Knowledge?

Speaking of 'knowledge,' do you have that supporting
information for your claim that 'they left?'

I wouldn't want you to appear like a troll like the evil,
nasty No1Marauder. My interests are always in the
betterment of my peer.


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Originally posted by Ravello
I don't want to enter in this crappy debate,but I find this statement of yours pretty hypocrit,as you do the same with kirksey's posts,arguing them regardless if it's off topic or not.

I hear what you are saying, however as I have explained (and elaborated on in my previous post), should Kirksey preach (or anyone else for that matter) on the Bible and contradict the scriptures, I will reject that. On other topics, you may find, I don't reply to Kirk's posts. This is different to no2's posts, which isolate a person irrespective of topic.


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Originally posted by pcaspian
[b/]Originally posted by no1marauder
You said that you and Ivan "backed" up the mods. Of course, you only did so when they were censoring viewpoints you didn't like. Did you back the mods when Ivan, the great mod supporter ...[text shortened]... e illustrated in this thread), you come across as a troll.

You're being idiotic and paranoid; I barely venture into the debates forum anymore, so where is this "trolling" and "persecuting" of you that I deserve to be banned from RHP occurring? A "forum troll"??? I'm one of the most active players and posters on the site, I debate issues all over the different forums (not so much in Debates anymore as it has denigrated into a "Yes there is - No there ain't a God" forum), for you to say I single you out somehow is utterly ludicrous. You're drifting into Ivanhoe Conspiracyland, Pcaspian, believe it or not I couldn't care less about what you "think" but please by all means keep posting how I'm out to get ya; it makes amusing reading.

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Yes. I asked 'the question.' You confirmed the
answer, but with no support. I eagerly anticipate
the credible evidence for your claim.

I didn't understand what you were trying to say
with 'horse.' Thank you for clearing that up. You
didn't have to use the expletive itself, however.
I wouldn't want to see your post banned (see how
I look out for you, pcaspian!).

Certain posts require moderation irrespective of what the majority of the forum might believe.

Really? Who is the arbiter of this standard? You?
Where does this 'objective' knowledge of what is
'offensive' come from?

As for this 'racist joke?' You aren't seriously talking
about the one with the frenchmen in heaven are the
cooks, or whatever. Are you?

As for a racist joke, I certainly expect all folk, irrespective
of color, to alert the post.

However, alerting a post simply because it contains an
idea that might be considered offensive by someone
is absurd. Just about every third or fourth post of yours is
offensive to some people, but you don't see me alerting
them, do you?

I won't even alert your post above, because I'm your

In friendship,

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Originally posted by nemesio
Yes. I asked 'the question.' You confirmed the
answer, but with no support. I eagerly anticipate
the credible evidence for your claim.

I didn't understand what you were trying to say
with 'horse.' Thank you for clearing that up. You
didn't have to use the expletive itself, however.
I wouldn't want to see your post banned (see how
I look ...[text shortened]... ou?

I won't even alert your post above, because I'm your

In friendship,
I think you're just out to get Pcaspian, too, Nemesio; you should also be banned!!!

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Originally posted by nemesio
I have demanding [b]nothing Mike. I'm not calling
for more moderation. I've alerted only the most egregious
of posts, the ones with severely obscene language used in
a bigotted way. This limited moderation has met with my

However, there were people out there who were claiming that
the 'forums were being destroyed.' And, inte ...[text shortened]... anation which defies grammar and
reason, and I'm the 'bad citizen.'

I love it.

I can see the angle you are working at and I think it is bogus. The time you refer to (and slant to) was started because of one person in particulars head exploding in the forums (cribs) that brought the moderation debates into existence. Most of the people who posted at the forums either ignored or alerted posts. They were either deemed ok or they were hidden (and yes it was subjective). Same thing it is now. Big deal.
I know what you are working up to.
I don’t hear you complaining that JW was banned because he did not follow Russ’s instructions not to join any tournaments until the mod police could review his case (not for cheating), because, after all that is where you are going isn’t it?

I of course am not saying JW was not a cheat, but ultimately from Russ’s post it was not what it said was the reason for his banning.


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Originally posted by rapalla7
The time you refer to (and slant to) was started because of one person in particulars head exploding in the forums (cribs)
Wasn't ivanhoe's head which exploded?πŸ˜‰

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Originally posted by nemesio
Certainly you aren't suggesting that No1Marauder
doesn't have a genuine interest in forum moderation.

Certainly you aren't that forgetful.

Sorry, as I stated, did he support RHP having active moderators ? Please support this statement with posts of his when those were still active.

Did the righteous
calling for the stricter moderation leave RHP?

As you lack comma's , you are referring to an abstract noun "righteous calling for the stricter moderation", as such your question is impossible to quantify. Had you instead said the following it would have actually implied (as you now may suggest) that you were referring to actual subscribers leaving RHP, not the 'righteous

Did the righteous ,
calling for the stricter moderation,leave RHP?

I ask my question again :

Should someone come to RHP and makes racist jokes (as what happened last month), but only 2 people (black) find this insulting, according to your view , should we brand them "whiney" ?

PS: Can you try keeping your posts in one reply ? It makes pretty poor reading replying to each sentence in a seperate post.


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Originally posted by no1marauder
I think you're just out to get Pcaspian, too, Nemesio; you should also be banned!!!
πŸ™ I just think you are out to get me. πŸ™

This is so you can become King of the Conspiritors.




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Originally posted by nemesio
πŸ™ I just think you are out to get me. πŸ™

This is so you can become King of the Conspiritors.



Oh, c'mon nemesio. Don't be like that. I like you.


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Originally posted by pcaspian
Sorry, as I stated, did he support RHP having active moderators ? Please support this statement with posts of his when those were still active.

You're doing the old 'duck and spin' technique.
You called #1 a troll from jumping into a thread
after you posted something absurd. Your claim
was that he was out to make your life hard. The
fact is #1 always jumps into moderation threads
and seldom jumps into other threads in which you
are involved.

This invalidates your claim that he is a troll. You
are just being paranoid.

As you lack comma's , you are referring to an abstract noun "righteous calling for the stricter moderation", as such your question is impossible to quantify. Had you instead said the following it would have actually implied (as you now may suggest) that you were referring to actual subscribers leaving RHP, not the 'righteous

Here we go with the 'grammar police.' Do you want me
to start emending your posts?

In fact, my sentence does not require the "comma's" (sic)
that you demand. You are imposing a clause where none was
intended. The 'calling for stricter moderation' was an adjectival
clause describing the righteous. For example,

'Did the boy bouncing the ball go to the store?'

Do you really put "comma's" (sic) there?

I ask my question again :
Should someone come to RHP and makes racist jokes (as what happened last month), but only 2 people (black) find this insulting, according to your view , should we brand them "whiney" ?

I answered this already:

Originally posted by nemesio
As for this 'racist joke?' You aren't seriously talking
about the one with the frenchmen in heaven are the
cooks, or whatever. Are you?

As for a racist joke, I certainly expect all folk, irrespective
of color, to alert the post.

However, alerting a post simply because it contains an
idea that might be considered offensive by someone
is absurd. Just about every third or fourth post of yours is
offensive to some people, but you don't see me alerting
them, do you?

I'm sorry you have such short attention span that you can't
follow separate replies to separate posts. I'll do my best
to keep things compiled nice and neatly, as long as you'll
do your best to write things grammatically properly.


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Originally posted by rapalla7
Oh, c'mon nemesio. Don't be like that. I like you.

Aw shucks. πŸ˜‰


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Originally posted by nemesio
Aw shucks. πŸ˜‰


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Originally posted by rapalla7
Most of the people who posted at the forums either ignored or alerted posts. They were either deemed ok or they were hidden (and yes it was subjective). Same thing it is now. Big deal.
I know what you are working up to.
Yes. I know all of this. However, what I am noting is
that the people who once complained about the state
of the forums are silent, even though the state of the
forums is, as you say the 'same thing now.'

This is very interesting, no?


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Originally posted by nemesio
Yes. I know all of this. However, what I am noting is
that the people who once complained about the state
of the forums are silent, even though the state of the
forums is, as you say the 'same thing now.'

This is very interesting, no?

Hindsight being 20/20 would it be fair to say that if the issues of the past that had divided so many, been brought up in a different manner than was the case, where would people fall on the issue now or for that matter then, if at all. You could say nothing would have changed. Who knows maybe something would have. I doubt it though. Has anything changed? I just think that the community should be the judge, and it is up to us what the forums will develop into.
People who would have never really cared about even looking into threads dealing with these issues were put under attack, and were drug into the fray because posts that had long ago faded away were drug into the open.

If I can clarify what I mean…..

If the police stopped and gave me a warning for having a vehicle in my driveway without a license; which is a dumb law, and I never knew it was a law. I would have to take the warning ticket and shut my mouth. Nuff said. I’m not going to fight it. I would be mad about it, but I deserved it, I guess, but now I know.

Some people after getting the warning ticket will get into their car and scour the blocks looking for other people with vehicles in their driveways that are unlicensed and call the police and demand they “all” get tickets too.

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