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Forum Moderation?

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Originally posted by pcaspian
Originally posted by no1marauder
[b] WAH, I don't like no1 so I won't answer his posts!!

My only regret in being able to speed read is that I inadvertantly read more of your post than I care to 🙂

Please ask someone else at Cribs's to post on your behalf, you look daft otherwise.


I obviously erred; to say you act like a petulant child is an insult to petulant children everywhere. If you really want to get into an insult war, I'd invite you to join me at Forum Wars as the moderation policies here are a bit stifling in what I'd like to say to ya.

I'll take your non-answer to the points I raised to be a tacit admission that you have no answer.

In YayIwinship,


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Originally posted by no1marauder
I obviously erred; to say you act like a petulant child is an insult to petulant children everywhere.

Did you err in your understanding of IQ or in your denial of error ? Normally I couldn't care less, just that its rather ironic when you insult my intelligence, yet go on to embarrass yourself in that way.

I do admire your ability to come back from it through, I sure know I wouldn't be able to 🙂



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Originally posted by pcaspian
Originally posted by no1marauder
[b] I obviously erred; to say you act like a petulant child is an insult to petulant children everywhere.

Did you err in your understanding of IQ or in your denial of error ? Normally I couldn't care less, just that its rather ironic when you insult my intelligence, yet go on to embarrass yourself in th ...[text shortened]... our ability to come back from it through, I sure know I wouldn't be able to 🙂


Since I did not err at all in my IQ comment, I am unable to detect why I should be embarrassed. As you are obviously of far below average intelligence the average second grader would have a higher IQ than you (A). I was also pointing out that you ALSO lack reading comprehension skills that an average 2nd grader would possess (B). A and B are not mutually exclusive and in this case are both true.

Would you try to stop embarrassing yourself (if that's possible for a self-righteous fanatic to do) and simply answer my points regarding the topic of the thread, Forum Moderation? You're making a complete fool (no surprise there) of yourself with these pathetic attempts at nitpicking which are demonstrably incorrect. All you are showing, besides your obvious ignorance, is that you cannot support the arguments you've made concerning Robomod when faced with our counterarguments. If you thought your arguments had any merit you'd answer our points, but as you are unable to you resort to the foolish side stepping that you are lamely attempting to do. Sad.

In Ipitythefoolship,


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Originally posted by pcaspian
1. No1 didn't address all my point. Infact he flat-out ignored all 3 reasons I gave for Robomod being flawed. Ofcourse by now we all know this is his style.

2. I am not in debate with no1, but with you. No1 takes no ownership of his posts in the long run, so you're on your own. Furthermore, If I am to respond to his post assuming it is your post, you w ...[text shortened]... noring posts from Graye, so you're on your own.

Please respond,

in friendship


He did in fact address your points in a synthetic manner. Since
you have demonstrated a limited ability to think analytically, I
will spell them out for you.

Originally posted by pcaspian
1. I can post an offensive message in an obscure thread where no-one is to read it. Perhaps one or two people will read it, but this may not be sufficient to get that post removed.

If only one or two people read an offensive post in an obscure thread,
then we can conclude that it is not doing sufficient harm to warrant
removal. It's not like offensive posts emit radiation and cause cancer
to all those around it, whether they read it or not. A post needs to
be read in order for the harm caused by its offensiveness to occur.
So this is a ridiculous point!

2. We are not protecting the interests of the minority. Is it truely fair that we have one or two Muslim members, but as they are not sufficient to justify 'n', I am allowed to make an derogatory comment about Mohammed, which only they find offensive ? This is similar to junior school where you can pick on the kid in the corner because you have bigger friends that he does, so anything goes.

Having addressed this, I will simply cut and paste my
previous answer

Originally posted by nemesio
If there were no black people on this site, I would still
expect the n-word used in a hateful manner to be alerted
by the community. I, myself, have alerted a few nasty
anti-Moslem comments.

3. 'n' people actually have to read the post before it is removed, by which time damage has been done.

The damage has been done to whom? Let's say n = 4 and 20 people
read the thread and 3 people alert it. We can say that 17 people
suffered 'no damage,' because they weren't offended. So, it sounds
like you want RoboMod to intuit in advance that 4 people will be
offended and take down the post the moment it is made. Or, you
want n = 1 so that 'minimal damage' can be prevented by
sanctimonious whiners who find threads like Shavixmir's 'Testicle
Shaving' thread which received some 13 (or more) recommendations
from the community.

Here are you clear answers.


P.S., You keep spelling 'of course' as one word. Certainly you don't
want to give #1 more fodder for picking on your 2nd-grade writing
skills, do you? Or do you enjoy his abuse?

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Originally posted by no1marauder
Since I did not err at all in my IQ comment, I am unable to detect why I should be embarrassed.
#1, don't argue with him on this point. If he's unable to
see that he has poor grammatical skills, he's certainly not
going to concede your (correct) understanding of IQ.

You just better watch yourself to see that you don't get
banned from the site for disrupting the community of 1
that he represents.


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Originally posted by nemesio
He did in fact address your points in a synthetic manner. Since
you have demonstrated a limited ability to think analytically, I
will spell them out for you.

Dude, I read your posts. Atleast think up clever insults. Those I can appreciate. Otherwise it just bores me and everyone at RHP. That is not fair on anyone.

If only one or two people read an offensive post in an obscure thread,
then we can conclude that it is not doing sufficient harm to warrant

I can call your mother all sorts of sordid names, yet provided only you find offense (or n-1), this should be allowed at RHP, irrespective of the content of my post ? Not very clever is it ?

PS: You can actually break UK laws regarding hate speech if you try hard enough, just thought I should let you know.

2. We are not protecting the interests of the minority. Is it truely fair that we have one or two Muslim members, but as they are not sufficient to justify 'n', I am allowed to make an derogatory comment about Mohammed, which only they find offensive ?

Originally posted by nemesio
If there were no black people on this site, I would still
expect the n-word used in a hateful manner to be alerted
by the community. I, myself, have alerted a few nasty
anti-Moslem comments.

Curious, did you alert your friend Graye's post, or does your RHP loyalties outweight your love for Christ ? I suppose as long as someone gets a laugh out of it 😉

Either way, glad to hear you're protecting the Muslims, because you sure aren't protecting the homosexuals and alcoholics by not alerting my offensive posts. Alas, no-one knows

The damage has been done to whom?

To those that had to be offended in the first place. Ofcourse entertainment value (as you will demonstrate further on) does outweight the pleas of the minority.

Or, you
want n = 1 so that 'minimal damage' can be prevented by
sanctimonious whiners who find threads like Shavixmir's 'Testicle
Shaving' thread which received some 13 (or more) recommendations
from the community.

Yep, they also cheered in the Colosseums. You make a superb Nero.

P.S., You keep spelling 'of course' as one word. Certainly you don't
want to give #1 more fodder for picking on your 2nd-grade writing
skills, do you? Or do you enjoy his abuse?

No1thinks he is a wit and as usual he is only half right. I truely doubdt anyone cares much about what he has to say, ofcourse, he always has you.

in friendship


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Originally posted by pcaspian
[Curious, did you alert your friend Graye's post, or does your RHP loyalties outweight your love for Christ ? I suppose as long as someone gets a laugh out of it 😉
I thought Greyeyes was referring to Jesus being breastfed by his mother, Mary. You must have thought he was referring to Mary Magdelene. Interesting, I wonder why that is? 😀

In Freudwouldhaveafielddayship,


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Originally posted by bbarr
I thought Greyeyes was referring to Jesus being breastfed by his mother, Mary. You must have thought he was referring to Mary Magdelene. Interesting, I wonder why that is? 😀

In Freudwouldhaveafielddayship,


As I doubdt he would know who Mary Magdelene was, my best guess is that he's making reference to some oedipus complex. Fitting that you should reply to this then.



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Originally posted by bbarr
I thought Greyeyes was referring to Jesus being breastfed by his mother, Mary. You must have thought he was referring to Mary Magdelene. Interesting, I wonder why that is? 😀

In Freudwouldhaveafielddayship,

It is amusing that after pcaspian totally took my statement out of context he should choose to lecture on the subject.

Even going on to say me pasting his words were out of context......they were designed to be hateful in the original thread and if they show that light here, well its a true light. I dont care if you debate with me or not pcaspian, more people read the thread yourself so they might as well see how hypocritical you are.

Dude, I read your posts. Atleast think up clever insults. Those I can appreciate. Otherwise it just bores me and everyone at RHP. That is not fair on anyone.

You really believe you speak for other people at RHP? You once told me that others wouldnt read my posts. ........hypocrite.........

Curious, did you alert your friend Graye's post, or does your RHP loyalties outweight your love for Christ ? I suppose as long as someone gets a laugh out of it

Because hes not as stupid as you are?

To those that had to be offended in the first place. Ofcourse entertainment value (as you will demonstrate further on) does outweight the pleas of the minority.

Where is the difference to someone turning the tv on and seeing something they didnt want to. Sometimes im forced to watch "Big Brother" adverts mange not to kill myself. Daily, people open papers and see page3 girls........argh are those boobies.....again they manage not to kill themselves. If you got off your lazy **** and tried to help people ie homeless, argh they are often drunk, dirty, they swear.


Kids tv shows with gay icons, the work of Satan?

Should farmers children avert their eyes and run away screaming every time the animals having sex?

When you go to hospital and you see mothers breast feeding, oh noooooooo its not natural!!!

Should we stop teaching history because it is full or war and sex?

Would a topic about which are the best tampons be evil?

Maybe we should hang anyone who talks about nude beachs.

Mermaids.......dont they have nipples and boobies and no clothes......argh dont tell the children!

How do you know that your pee is the right colour? Or anything else you might do for example.

Yep, they also cheered in the Colosseums. You make a superb Nero.

They still have bull fights in spain why dont you go and prostest, have you ever done anything worth while pcaspian?

How do you think people grow up. If we stopped people reading about bums, testicals etc etc you and me wouldnt know about the either. Or should we keep kids away from all this till they get to 18 and then load it onto them.

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Originally posted by pcaspian
Originally posted by bbarr
[b]I thought Greyeyes was referring to Jesus being breastfed by his mother, Mary. You must have thought he was referring to Mary Magdelene. Interesting, I wonder why that is? 😀

In Freudwouldhaveafielddayship,


As I doubdt he would know who Mary Magdelene was, my best guess is that he's making reference to some oedipus complex. Fitting that you should reply to this then.


Are you trying to be stupid?

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Originally posted by Grayeyesofsorrow
Are you trying to be stupid?

If so, you should be honoured.

Afterall, immitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

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Originally posted by pcaspian
Dude, I read your posts. Atleast think up clever insults. Those I can appreciate. Otherwise it just bores me and everyone at RHP. That is not fair on anyone.

I see your regression is complete. First you pick on my grammar
(oddly enough when it was you who were in error), now you pick on
what you think is an insult. What's next, 'I know you are, but what
am I?' Have you really exhausted your argument?

I can call your mother all sorts of sordid names, yet provided only you find offense (or n-1), this should be allowed at RHP, irrespective of the content of my post ? Not very clever is it ?

You can call my mother whatever you want. Your opinion about my
mother means nothing to me. If I don't read it, how can I be
offended? And, if the offensive content of the post is such that
n-1 or fewer people alert it, then one would have to conclude that it
isn't insulting enough to be moderated.

Curious, did you alert your friend Graye's post, or does your RHP loyalties outweight your love for Christ ? I suppose as long as someone gets a laugh out of it 😉

Nope. What he said was true. I have no doubt that baby Jesus
enjoyed breastfeeding. Would you alert St Luke 11:27b? (Blessed
is the womb that carried you and the breasts at which you nursed.)

Either way, glad to hear you're protecting the Muslims, because you sure aren't protecting the homosexuals and alcoholics by not alerting my offensive posts. Alas, no-one knows.

When someone says, 'I hope we kill all of those towelheads,' yes,
I alert it. If you said, 'I hope that all homosexuals get AIDS,' I
would alert it. However, all you say is, 'Homosexuals will burn in hell,'
so I counter that with Biblical arguments so that other people can
make up their own minds.

To those that had to be offended in the first place. Ofcourse entertainment value (as you will demonstrate further on) does outweight the pleas of the minority.

'Had to be offended?' They were obligated to be offended?
How do you defend this notion of Archtypal Offensiveness?

Yep, they also cheered in the Colosseums. You make a superb Nero.

You'd make a superb Hitler.

No1thinks he is a wit and as usual he is only half right. I truely doubdt anyone cares much about what he has to say, ofcourse, he always has you.

LOL! #1 categorically disagrees with me on about 1000 issues. If you
went to FW, you'd see that.

Your claims are bogus. The self-righteous whiners, of which you are
a member, want to claim that there is this 'Objective Offensiveness,'
but don't want to support the claim. Every single one of your
examples is riddled with holes.

You can claim all you want. I'm glad that the majority of the
community can rise above the 2nd-grade reasoning you employ and
realize that your claims are without merit.


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Originally posted by nemesio

I see your regression is complete. First you pick on my grammar
(oddly enough when it was you who were in error),

You still not over that ?
1. See A1.
2. It is embarrassing when you hand out grammar lessons yet use 'or' when you're suppose to use 'nor'. How do you live with yourself ?

I'll refer to point 2 above as "NemEmbar1.1" for future references to grammar.

You can call my mother whatever you want. Your opinion about my
mother means nothing to me. If I don't read it, how can I be

Actually the point was that you will read it. However because the post is isolated, no-on else will, as such the post will remain.

Nope. What he said was true. I have no doubt that baby Jesus
enjoyed breastfeeding.

Ofcourse the intended pun is entirely oblivious to you ? Try justify this one.

When someone says, 'I hope we kill all of those towelheads,' yes,
I alert it.

Ah but ofcourse offensive posts do not all deserve to be alerted. Fascinating that every 3rd,4th post of mine is offensive, yet not worthy of moderation.

LOL! #1 categorically disagrees with me on about 1000 issues. If you
went to FW, you'd see that.

Why would I have to go to FW to see that ? LOL. Oh yeah, I forget at RHP its "Team Wolf", anyone that disagrees in public is bitten 🙂

Your claims are bogus. The self-righteous whiners, of which you are
a member, want to claim that there is this 'Objective Offensiveness,'
but don't want to support the claim. Every single one of your
examples is riddled with holes.

You lie to yourself and this is the important part... you know it 🙂 Denial is not just a river in Egypt, seems to flow strongly through Nemesio land too.

You can claim all you want. I'm glad that the majority of the
community can rise above the 2nd-grade reasoning you employ and
realize that your claims are without merit.

C'mon, please atleast try some entertaining insults! Grade 2 jokes are just lame.

happy n year 🙂

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Originally posted by pcaspian
Ofcourse the intended pun is entirely oblivious to you ? Try justify this one.
I justify it by your having some sort of hang up about sexuality
where your presumption is that the words 'breast' and 'penis'
have an inherent 'dirtiness' to them. I'm beginning to wonder
if bbarr's theory about you is correct.

'Ofcourse' I don't share your issues with healthy sexuality, so
I didn't read the post as anything more than crude.


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Originally posted by nemesio
I justify it by your having some sort of hang up about sexuality
where your presumption is that the words 'breast' and 'penis'
have an inherent 'dirtiness' to them. I'm beginning to wonder
if bbarr's theory about you is correct.

'Ofcourse' I don't share your issues with healthy sexuality, so
I didn't read the post as anything more than crude.


I repeat my question.

Were you oblivious to the pun put forward by Graye with that statement ?

PS.. an entire post still to reply to.

in friendship


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