I think this is actually quite a good idea. This feature would have helped me in a recent tourney where the second round, with a 1/7 time control, started whilst I was on holiday. So when I got back I had nearly nothing of my timebank left and got timed out in 3 games - I have only ever been timed out 5 times in total. I would have been able to make some moves quickly and start to build up a slight time bank again, however small, and not have had to try and get on a PC each and every day. Obviously this system works even better for say 3/7 controls and I don't think there's a penalty, as such, for players moving slowly, they will have the same time controls regardless which they knew they were getting themselves into.
If people choose to move faster to increase their time bank then that is fair enough + the games themselves would then be moving quicker and closer to completion. I would add that maybe the 25% could be altered to depend on the time controls - so the higher the time bank, the smaller the percentage of your time refund.
I think it's a decent idea Gatecrasher, good call.
Originally posted by TheGambitI just recced GC's original post taking this proviso into account.
I would add that maybe the 25% could be altered to depend on the time controls - so the higher the time bank, the smaller the percentage of your time refund.
While implementing this and leaving the vacation flag as a purely informational tool, I think there would be much less hard feeling about people being timed out with the vacation flag up.
If I know I'm going on a trip in a week or two, it is my responsibility to ensure I build up some timebank between now and then, so it is my responsibility to make moves fast now to compensate for my lack of moves while I'm away.
Great idea.
Originally posted by FabianFnasI vote no also. The current timebank is good enough. I have had games with a 3 & 7 that have dragged on for well over six months. Im sorry but This is not playing chess to me. This is a joke to me. If you cannot play a game of chess with the max timeout & timebank that RHP has to offer you really have a problem playing a game of chess all together in my book. Vacation or not.
I vote no.
The current timebank is good as it is.
Originally posted by KingDavid403It seems like you still don't get it.
I vote no also. The current timebank is good enough. I have had games with a 3 & 7 that have dragged on for well over six months. Im sorry but This is not playing chess to me. This is a joke to me. If you cannot play a game of chess with the max timeout & timebank that RHP has to offer you really have a problem playing a game of chess all together in my book. Vacation or not.
Originally posted by RagnorakMaybe not. I've allways thought if it works, Dont fix it. I feel the way it is at present works great. Why fix it? Thats just the way I feel. Which really doesn't mean all that much for RHP or its members. Whatever happens, happens. David
It seems like you still don't get it.
Originally posted by Gatecrasheri could resurect this thread over and over til i am dead ... then do it a few more times from my grave ...
My initial suggestion is that players be "paid" 25% of the remaining timeout period when they move ahead of the time control. And that timebanks can grow to double their original size. There is even a good case for allowing unlimited growth. But these are variables that can be debated..
let fast movers regenerate their timebank ...
give us freedom to play fast when it suits us and slow when it suits us ...
it is slightly more complicated and this may throw some people ... other than that initiation process .... this idea is DEFINITELY EXCELLENT !!!
as a compromise i would suggest 10% as an introduction, until people understand the process ... then, after deliberation, increase to 20% and eventually 25%.
Originally posted by flexmoreWhy not make it a user selectable feature (like timeout and timebank)? When you create a new game, you'd just select a timebank regeneration factor ( 0 - 100% ).
i could resurect this thread over and over til i am dead ... then do it a few more times from my grave ...
let fast movers regenerate their timebank ...
give us freedom to play fast when it suits us and slow when it suits us ...
it is slightly more complicated and this may throw some people ... other than that initiation process .... this idea is D ...[text shortened]... people understand the process ... then, after deliberation, increase to 20% and eventually 25%.
Originally posted by KingDavid403But you just said yourself that the current timeout/timebank situation doesn't work. If this were introduced then I could play 1/x games as I move quickly during the week but not at all at the weekends. During the week moving in less than 24 hours would regenerate my timebank so I could cover my moveless weekends.
Maybe not. I've allways thought if it works, Dont fix it. I feel the way it is at present works great. Why fix it? Thats just the way I feel. Which really doesn't mean all that much for RHP or its members. Whatever happens, happens. David
For me this would mean my games would drag on less not more. Many people are in similar situations (they play quickly but can't commit to logging in every single day).
Originally posted by GatecrasherI like this idea, rec for you 🙂
Timebanks shouldn't cater only for withdrawels, but deposits too.
When a player moves before his timeout period, a portion of the remaining time should be deposited into the player's timebank. The timebank should be allowed to grow beyond its original size.
This will give players more control over time management, and allow them to prepare better ...[text shortened]... n a good case for allowing unlimited growth. But these are variables that can be debated.
Originally posted by XanthosNZNo thanks. I usually don't move on the weekends either and the current ssytem works fine for me. If this idea was implemented I hope it would be optional.
But you just said yourself that the current timeout/timebank situation doesn't work. If this were introduced then I could play 1/x games as I move quickly during the week but not at all at the weekends. During the week moving in less than 24 hours would regenerate my timebank so I could cover my moveless weekends.
For me this would mean my games would d ...[text shortened]... are in similar situations (they play quickly but can't commit to logging in every single day).
Originally posted by Ragnorak1) No I don't use 1/x timeouts, and thats why.
Do you play 1/x games like Xanthos?
If it weren't optional, how do you think it would adversely affect you?
2) I simply don't want my opponent getting time added to his/her timebank, period. I pick the timeout/timebank I want because then I know how long at most I'll have to wait for my opponent to move (if he/she decides to take off for some reason).
I don't know why some of you can't deal with the fact that some of us don't like this idea. I can understand some of you do like it, and thats fine, as long as it's optional.
Originally posted by pointRelax buddy, we're just exchanging ideas here, which is what this forum is for. Most of the people who have stated that they don't like it so far haven't understood the proposal, as highlighted by the fact they go on about game draggers.
1) No I don't use 1/x timeouts, and thats why.
2) I simply don't want my opponent getting time added to his/her timebank, period. I pick the timeout/timebank I want because then I know how long at most I'll have to wait for my opponent to move (if he/she decides to take off for some reason).
I don't know why some of you can't deal with the fact that some idea. I can understand some of you do like it, and thats fine, as long as it's optional.
You tried to infer that you are in the same situation as Xanthos, when in fact you're not.
[EDIT] You recently lost a few games by T/O in December. I obviously don't know the circumstances, but if it was a vacation, wouldn't you have liked to have had the opportunity to add a couple of days onto your timebank before you went away, so that you could have completed the games?
Originally posted by RagnorakI had left the site for awhile and fully expected those games to be lost on time. And this does apply to people who drag the game on. Lets say you're playing someone who moves fast for most of the game (accumulating time in their timebank), then they start to loose and decide to use up all their timebank. Now this is a CC site and waiting for a move is expected but I would prefer my opponents timebank to only expire, never increase. Now if you find you're someone who goes on vacation all the time, or maybe leave the site for days at a time, maybe you should only play games with a bigger timebank. The site provides a timebank of 28 days, will this not accommodate you?
Relax buddy, we're just exchanging ideas here, which is what this forum is for. Most of the people who have stated that they don't like it so far haven't understood the proposal, as highlighted by the fact they go on about game draggers.
You tried to infer that you are in the same situation as Xanthos, when in fact you're not.
[EDIT] You recently lo ...[text shortened]... ys onto your timebank before you went away, so that you could have completed the games?