For those that dislike the idea what about in cases where only one move is possible?
Game 833027
In this game I pointed out the forced mate to undergrace he saw it as well and resigned. There are no real choices. After 28. ... Qg2+ 29. Kd1 is the only move then after 29. ... Qf1+ only 30. Kc2 is playable. Following 30. ... Qe2+ either 31. Rd2 or 31. Kb1 can be played. So how about when I play Qg2+ I get the option to input both Qf1+ and Qe2+ as if then moves. That way if an opponent does decide to make me play out something like this it will finish the game slightly quicker.
Originally posted by XanthosNZIt works when you are both playing book too in an opening that you
For those that dislike the idea what about in cases where only one move is possible?
Game 833027
In this game I pointed out the forced mate to undergrace he saw it as well and resigned. There are no real choices. After 28. ... Qg2 ...[text shortened]... ething like this it will finish the game slightly quicker.
both like. It will take you into the middle game quicker, as well as
wrap up an end game quicker too. I've used it before too, and liked
it a lot.
I also like this idea.
However, the last time this was suggested, it was also proposed that forced moves could be automatically played by the server. That would be a bad idea because, if a player knows that forced moves will be played automatically, the fact that an automatic move has not been made will tell them that there is at least one alternative to what might otherwise appear to them to be a forced move.
Originally posted by RolandYoungCompletely different idea, as I think u are suggesting. And I really don't like the idea od the server making forced moves, which is probably unimplementable anyway.
I also like this idea.
... it was also proposed that forced moves could be automatically played by the server.
I also think If... Then moves are an interesting idea... the ability to stack several if then move options several moves ahead with an email generated if none of the 'If then' options were taken would mean you could leave several games on auto-pilot so to speak...
In this way you could plan an entire game out and go on holiday... hmm sounds not quite right somehow though.