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New Thread Name Edit

New Thread Name Edit

Site Ideas

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Originally posted by trev33
i'm sure many of us has thought about it before just never actually complained about it.
If I had known you had thought of it I would have been against it. ๐Ÿ˜›

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Originally posted by trev33
i'm sure many of us has thought about it before just never actually complained about it.
It has been requested several times in the past, approximately every 6 months. So has a preview function.
Maybe this time with plenty of recs it will be implemented.
We can but hope.

Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
It has been requested several times in the past, approximately every 6 months. So has a preview function.
Maybe this time with plenty of recs it will be implemented.
We can but hope.
I'll get this up in 48 hours. No, really, I will. ๐Ÿ™‚

Originally posted by Russ
I'll get this up in 48 hours. No, really, I will. ๐Ÿ™‚
February it is!


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Originally posted by Russ
I'll get this up in 48 hours. No, really, I will. ๐Ÿ™‚
Maybe it would help if you leave a rec.

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Originally posted by trev33
damn i wanted to use all my rec's for this month on this.
let me get that for you....

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Originally posted by MissOleum
Could we please have an edit function available for a short period after a new thread is created and named?

It would give thread creators a chance to fix their typos, just as we can all do in our posts.
Excellent idea. Well done, Miss O.

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Originally posted by leisurelysloth
Excellent idea.
It was Thread 105795 that set me off - I'm another of those spelling nazis. ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

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Originally posted by Phlabibit
Great idea... No Title, cut titles, and spelling errors stink in a title.

1 hour to fix, just like any post.

"Edit Title Button" plx.

1 hour is too long. It could potentially make threads hard to find after meaningful discussion had already went on.

10 minutes sounds great to me.

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Originally posted by Palynka
1 hour is too long. It could potentially make threads hard to find after meaningful discussion had already went on.

10 minutes sounds great to me.
Yes, that is true. Someone could change the name completely and then it would make it pretty confusing. Although the thread should be somewhere near the top. I doubt an hour would make it impossible to locate but would the fix actually cause a bigger problem. Hummm. Sounds fun! ๐Ÿ™‚

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Originally posted by MissOleum
It was Thread 105795 that set me off - I'm another of those spelling nazis. ๐Ÿ˜ฒ
Spelling Nazis. You capitalize Nazis. It is a name. Please consider grammar lessons.


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Originally posted by Phlabibit
Spelling Nazis. You capitalize [b]Nazis. It is a name. Please consider grammar lessons.

Now live. Just over 48 hours, sorry. ๐Ÿ˜‰

5 minutes to make the edit.

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Also, the length of the thread title has been increased from the paltry 50 characters previously. (128 now )

Long thread titles will still be shown in a truncated form in the thread list, but the full title can be seen with a mouse over or when the thread itself is viewed.

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Originally posted by Phlabibit
February it is!


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Originally posted by Russ
1 edit for ๐Ÿ˜›


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