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RE: How Cheaters are Detected

RE: How Cheaters are Detected

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Mateulose, with all due respect, reguarding your post, it will do no good, running the openings on Fritz, Shredder, Junior or Crafty, simply, all of these engines have 100,000+ openings that means, these engines have the most basic to the most advanced openings, use your dice for example, person A has a 100,000 phase dice, player B has the exact same dice, play A rolls, a 12, player B rolls a 12, now you are telling me that because player B rolls the exact same number, that he is cheating? If this is not pursuading enough, then picture this, the player openings with the same 5 moves as Fritz would you think, well, I know for a fact, Fritz has 300,000+ middle games, there are many more options that Fritz has to choose from, and every time, Fritz will choose a different middle game, just takeing your percentages and putting it to use.

Now lets say you suspect someone of useing Fritz, how are you going to do this? Someone who is undefeated? Lets say Garry Kasparov comes to this site, and plays a few games, no one on this site will beat Garry Kasparov! First off, you say "I have 3 days per move to think what I want to play." well Kasparov has the same, what im saying is there is no "clear" way to detect someone is cheating, you can argue that all you want, but ask anyone that has as much experience as me, they will tell you the same.

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BTW, this may surprise a few ppl, but the reasons for my "rating challenged" is not because I don't recognize good GM quality moves. I have trouble FINDING GM moves more then anything, but if I analyze GM games, I know WHY he moved that ASAP the minute it's done, without even looking at the analysis. Indeed, I would make an ideal cheater because I could explain well why Fritz does the moves it does, and you guys probably wouldn't suspect a thing. In fact, I'll go out on a dole and state I could explain the moves better then a lot of cheaters here who the community respects for whatever reasons even though when I ask them, "why did you move there in this game?", and I receive suspect awnsers at best.

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Originally posted by mateulose
BTW, this may surprise a few ppl, but the reasons for my "rating challenged" is not because I don't recognize good GM quality moves. I have trouble FINDING GM moves more then anything, but if I analyze GM games, I know WHY he moved tha ...[text shortened]... move there in this game?", and I receive suspect awnsers at best.
Yeah,sure,explain GM moves to us poor dudes,you whiner

I'm sure you can Game 870894

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I have a game for you mate, and I want you to explain the reasoning behind our moves.All of our moves but Specifically why we did'nt take pieces when we could, and why and where he lost tempo against me. And then I want you to explain to me why he resigned, and what the following moves would have been had we played it out.. Niether one of us are gm's so this should be easy for you.

Game 589016

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Originally posted by mateulose
A) There is no Gary Kasparov here, nobody even close, yet some are playing close to his level, some who I will not name of course, but they SHOULD BE NAMED AND ALLOWED TO BE NAMED FOR GOOD MEASURE, IMHO.

B) Openings do not count in such analysis, comps simply randomize what opening they want. For example, some comps randomize the english opening even though it's not good for tactical engines to play this.
Would love to know who you think is playing close to the level of kasparov, found that statement funny.

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Originally posted by Nyxie
I have a game for you mate, and I want you to explain the reasoning behind our moves.All of our moves but Specifically why we did'nt take pieces when we could, and why and where he lost tempo against me. And then I want you to explain to me why he resigned, and what the following moves would have been had we played it out.. Niether one of us are gm's so this should be easy for you.

Game 589016
No1Marauder, is it just me, or does Bb3! as white completely save his game in this situation, and he doesn't have to resign? I looked at the game quickly, and intuitively I would of played the defensive, yet tactical attacking move, Bb3. Suddenly black has a traped rook, if he tries something like a5 to liberate it and undermine the bishop tacticly, then white has the clever c3!, winning a black rook or queen. Or can it be that simple, I'm I missing something?

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Originally posted by mateulose
No1Marauder, is it just me, or does Bb3! as white completely save his game in this situation, and he doesn't have to resign? I looked at the game quickly, and intuitively I would of played the defensive, yet tactical attacking move, Bb3. ...[text shortened]... rook or queen. Or can it be that simple, I'm I missing something?
It's also important to note, that white was already down material and position badly in this game. Even after the tactical maneuver I mentioned, he still has a lot of problems after black takes white's rook and then white takes the black queen, black can still play a4 (using a5 tactic) and try to win the bishop back, the bishop really only has one square to move on, and after it does this, then both black rooks go on the 7th, very yucky.

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Originally posted by Ravello
Yeah,sure,explain GM moves to us poor dudes,you whiner

I'm sure you can Game 870894
This game has been over-posted too much, and the funny thing is, I kicked myself in the nads over it, yet ppl feel the need to kick further even though I kicked myself already.

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Originally posted by Ravello
Yeah,sure,explain GM moves to us poor dudes,you whiner

I'm sure you can Game 870894
BTW, if you wondered why I resigned that game, no matter where I move, it's checkmate, in fact checkmate was inevitable after the pawn push e6 by white, I knew this already and could of resigned then, but I wanted to see if he could find it first.

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Originally posted by mateulose
No1Marauder, is it just me, or does Bb3! as white completely save his game in this situation, and he doesn't have to resign? I looked at the game quickly, and intuitively I would of played the defensive, yet tactical attacking move, Bb3. Suddenly black has a traped rook, if he tries something like a5 to liberate it and undermine the bishop tacticly, then ...[text shortened]... e clever c3!, winning a black rook or queen. Or can it be that simple, I'm I missing something?
Why do you ask to no1 marauder?
The request was from nyxie and you stated that you can reckon GM moves better than top players here,so don't ask for help!

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Originally posted by mateulose
BTW, if you wondered why I resigned that game, no matter where I move, it's checkmate, in fact checkmate was inevitable after the pawn push e6 by white, I knew this already and could of resigned then, but I wanted to see if he could find it first.
I didn't wondered,you even made a thread about this game in the Chess forum,so that everyone knows how much a moron you are.
Even an dummy like me could spot the mate coming.

I posted it because I thought it was a good answer to your arrogant statement if I analyze GM games, I know WHY he moved that ASAP the minute it's done, without even looking at the analysis

indeed it is a good answer

Then you have the bravery to say I wanted to see if he could find it first it's like saying ''I wanted to see if he's more stupid than me''

come on and stop posting your crap.

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Originally posted by mateulose
Rav, you are full of crap, you routinely bash my play yet most times my rating is 400 pts higher then yours.
Haha,yeah,sure,but I don't fool around saying that I study chess 4 hours a day and that I can explain GM moves without even watching the analysis.

However where's that 400 points difference?
I read mateulose's highest 1664,Ravello highest 1579,where are those 400 points of difference you claim?

If you really study chess four hours per day,as you said several times in forums,it means that you're really dumber than me,as I never study chess,I've only read a chess book this year.

The obvious conclusion of this is that you're only an arrogant spoilt child who likes to write a lot of lies hiding behind the internet anonymate.
Easy to do.

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