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RE: How Cheaters are Detected

RE: How Cheaters are Detected

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Originally posted by mateulose
the RHP forum community hates me
I wonder why.........

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Originally posted by Ravello
I wonder why.........
They hate me because I'm the only one with the guts to question the RHP communities little god, and we all know who this is.

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Originally posted by mateulose
"Innapropriate title"

Congrats Rav, sucked up to the mods to get this done? There are bigger things RHP have to worry about then a silly little title, you're just wasting time quite pettily, and thanks to you, that's time that could of been spend, maybe, to catch a cheater. Let's give Ravy a pat on the back for this! Good work little Italian sausage! Want a cookie?
I only messaged Russ about it and I just have seen that he still has to read my message.
I guess you will hear from him tomorrow.
If moderators told you to change your ranting forum title they just did the right thing:they would have acted the same if I had a forum title saying ''I hate mateulose''.

Face it,your babblings are a bunch of insults and lies without any justification that disturb almost everyone here.
No one agrees or share your rantings and despite the fact that everyone tells you to stop it ,you just post the same things over and over again.
Well,don't expect someone to say ''yeah mateulose,you're right!'' because until you post such crap no one will ever do it.

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Originally posted by mateulose
No1Marauder, is it just me, or does Bb3! as white completely save his game in this situation, and he doesn't have to resign? I looked at the game quickly, and intuitively I would of played the defensive, yet tactical attacking move, Bb3. Suddenly black has a traped rook, if he tries something like a5 to liberate it and undermine the bishop tacticly, then ...[text shortened]... e clever c3!, winning a black rook or queen. Or can it be that simple, I'm I missing something?
No bb3 is wrong. I was prepared to drop the rook. You have failed to also mention the the hints that I gave you. We intentionally left pieces enprise in this game. Why? When you go through this game move by move as I pointed out you'll understand.

You have pointed out one move, maybe 3 hypothetical, I want to hear your reasoning behind them all.

If you please.


ps: no1marauder did'nt play this game.

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Yeah mateulose, you're right.

I quite like the guy.

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hehe,pretty clever!😀

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Originally posted by Nyxie
No bb3 is wrong. I was prepared to drop the rook. You have failed to also mention the the hints that I gave you. We intentionally left pieces enprise in this game. Why? When you go through this game move by move as I pointed out you'll understand.

You have pointed out one move, maybe 3 hypothetical, I want to hear your reasoning behind them all.

If you please.


ps: no1marauder did'nt play this game.
WTF is the point? The game is stupid in nature, you are way up in material and white's peices are left all in the backrank, that's why he resigned, this game is nothing special other the noobish. I offered silly little theories that may make the game imbalanced and interesting, but with proper play, it's likely a black win, simply because you have more material and all of white's peices are traped on the back rank, there is nothing else really to explain, per say, other then interesting lines that may imbalance a one sided game.

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Originally posted by Nyxie
No bb3 is wrong. I was prepared to drop the rook. You have failed to also mention the the hints that I gave you. We intentionally left pieces enprise in this game. Why? When you go through this game move by move as I pointed out you'll understand.

You have pointed out one move, maybe 3 hypothetical, I want to hear your reasoning behind them all.

If you please.


ps: no1marauder did'nt play this game.
Ok, so your plan is to sac a rook miss cleo? Ok, let's have a look WHY your idea DOESN'T WORK and is refuted.

After Bb3, you have two rook sac options, one is to use the rook on the 7th, the other, the rook on the 2nd. The knight sacrefice exchange simply doesn't work, sacreficing your rook for the pawns doesn't work as my light squared bishop fills in the supporting job these pawns offer. So your only option is the bishop sacrefice exchange.

Say you take my bishop with your rook on the 7th, then I play axb3! NOT cxb3, of course, that would be a blunder. NOW, if you decide to sac the bishop with the rook on second, then instead, I play cxb3!, not axb3, because that would be a huge blunder. This is a HUGE slight difference you probably overlooked in your calculation, no matter what rook you sac with, you do not win further material, because white has the option of taking with the a or c pawn. One situation, taking with the c pawn defends accurately, the other, taking with the a pawn defends accurately, of course, if white mixes up both defenses and does not understand this or what difference it makes, he will lose. This is a subtle difference beteewn a good player, and say, someone like you. Immediately I would consider the importance of what pawn to take your rook with, while most around your rating wouldn't see the difference, but there is a HUGE difference in this game.

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Originally posted by mateulose
WTF is the point? The game is stupid in nature, you are way up in material and white's peices are left all in the backrank, that's why he resigned, this game is nothing special other the noobish. I offered silly little theories that may make the game imbalanced and interesting, but with proper play, it's likely a black win, simply because you have more ...[text shortened]... se really to explain, per say, other then interesting lines that may imbalance a one sided game.
You did'nt answer a single question behind any of the moves that were played. I asked you to explain and analyse the game, you said you could do this up to the gm level. If you can't explain this simple game being it nothing special, played by a couple of people obviously rated lower then yourself, how can you expect anyone here to believe that you can explain reasons behind moves played at a gm level?

bb3 then a5? Who besides you on this server would leave thier queen sitting there waiting on the opponent to play the c pawn to the queen? a5? that was the best you could come up with?

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Originally posted by mateulose
Ok, so your plan is to sac a rook miss cleo? Ok, let's have a look WHY your idea DOESN'T WORK and is refuted.

After Bb3, you have two rook sac options, one is to use the rook on the 7th, the other, the rook on the 2nd. The knight sacrefice exchange simply doesn't work, sacreficing your rook for the pawns doesn't work as my light squared bishop fills ...[text shortened]... st around your rating wouldn't see the difference, but there is a HUGE difference in this game.
A good player and someone like me?
I challenge you right now. You may have noticed that I won that game, and I was down in material.


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Originally posted by Nyxie
A good player and someone like me?
I challenge you right now. You may have noticed that I won that game, and I was down in material.

You are not down material, you have a queen for two knights

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Originally posted by mateulose
You are not down material, you have a queen for two knights
I still await any anylisis you care to give on this game. Perhaps you can send me a game and demonstrate this gm type moves. The reason this game is'nt that impressive is because I'm not a gm. I just picked a game I have played so if you discussed certain moves I'd have a better understanding of what you were talking about.

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Originally posted by Nyxie
I still await any anylisis you care to give on this game. Perhaps you can send me a game and demonstrate this gm type moves. The reason this game is'nt that impressive is because I'm not a gm. I just picked a game I have played so if you discussed certain moves I'd have a better understanding of what you were talking about.

Sorry, I don't analyze lop-sided games where you are up an entire queen for 2 knights (and you even had to audacity to say you were behind in material) and have all your opponents peices cluttered to the back rank. That's why you won, that's why he resigned, THAT'S MY ANALYSIS! Understand?

Now show me an even position with even material or close to even material game beteewn two players were another player suddenly moves a great move that unleashes a 8 move mate, then we'll talk. But asking me to analyze why your opponent resigned because he blundered several times and you are up 4 whole material pts is kinda stupid. If that's your "best game" worth analysis, then no, I'm not wasting time with you. . .

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