Brilliant, thanks for your hard work Russ. This iphone functionality has brought me back to RHP.
A few thoughts for the next release:
1) Captured piece display.
2) Ability to rewind game move-by-move. Really helps to find your "thread" again if playing alot of games and you miss a couple of days.
3) Ability to view all current games - not just those waiting your move.
4) Have the option to make the board a little bigger. ie full screen view loosing the 2 or 3 grey/white borders currently visible. The Chess With Friends app still wins for clarity here - I would like to see the RHP dominate.
Thanks again. Great Stuff.
My 4 biggest requests for the iPhone app, in order..
1. Ability to view all current games - not just those waiting your move.
(I really dislike not being able to review games when it's not my turn)
2. Ability to rewind game move-by-move.
3. Captured piece display.
4. Ability to start a new game.
Otherwise... great work so far, seem slick and stable from what I can see.
My suggestions:
- Ability to view ALL current games, even those not awaiting my move, is definitely necessary.
- A board analysis feature is also a must
- Ability to view games while offline. I have an ipod so I can only get on the site when on a wifi network. While online the ipod could store a FEN of each game. Then later when I'm on the bus, at the dentist, etc. I could view my games without needing wifi.
A captured piece display??
You don't look at the pieces that have been taken,
you should be looking at the board.
Been playing Chess for just under 50 years and I have yet
to be mated or even checked by a captured piece.
Look at the board!!
A captured piece display.....strewth....are you guys counting up the score?
1 for a pawn, 3 for a for Bishop, 5 for a Rook etc.
Stop it - it's bad for your Chess. Any good chess player will tell it's flawed.
And why are you guys playing chess on a an iphone?
You play chess on a full sized set.
I live in Edinburgh, right next to the Castle.
I have a chess set behind the bar at;
Sandy Bells, The Royal Oak, Mathers Bar, The Scotsman bar,
Milnes, The Cabbage and Ribs and Conan Doyle.
No matter where abouts in Edinburgh I am,
I am never more than 200 yards from a chess set.
Throw them silly iphone toys down the toilet and get yourselves sorted out.
Russ forget that one and get the Black PGN thingy fixed. (please).