Originally posted by CoconutHave you ever noticed those times when RHP becomes notoriously slow? That is caused by Helden being online methinks. Ban him and make RHP more accessible to all. 😉
To make up a new star that will be given to Helden when he reaches 300,000 moves. Otherwise, I'm not re-subscribing. Make it happen.
Is it just me or is the MAP and MAP of the month lists not quite accurate. If I click on the 'find me' link it shows players ordered by 'rank' which, doesn't seem to be the same thing as number of moves. (i.e there are players with less moves listed above me and players with more moves listed below)
Mr Bobs
Originally posted by MrbobsThe tables only get updated once a day.
Is it just me or is the MAP and MAP of the month lists not quite accurate. If I click on the 'find me' link it shows players ordered by 'rank' which, doesn't seem to be the same thing as number of moves. (i.e there are players with less moves listed above me and players with more moves listed below)
Mr Bobs
Originally posted by CoconutUser 87257
To make up a new star that will be given to Helden when he reaches 300,000 moves. Otherwise, I'm not re-subscribing. Make it happen.
He finally made it...
So how long until your subscription runs out?
Originally posted by Daemon SinI got it the end of April last year. I don't know exactly.
User 87257
He finally made it...
So how long until your subscription runs out?
Edit: It's almost been a month and Shav still has his avatar though...
Originally posted by flexmoreif he made a move every other second, he could do it in 62 years, and still have time to eat and sleep and whatever (on average).
1,000,000,000 moves !!!!!!!!
we live 86400 seconds per day ... 31,536,000 seconds per year,
1,000,000,000 moves requires playing for 31 years continuosly at one move per second ... this would be quite a feat !
I like the idea of stars types (maybe) for rating crossed with something like colour for number of moves. A deep red growing and shrinking star would represent a high mover who also has a high ranking.
I don't get the spinny star thing for people like Trud (although others have it too). Can someone explain that?
Okay, okay, I know it is for above 100,000, but my question is, why do some people have the side wings and others do not. Plus, none of these stars (or the wing / no-wing variations) appear in the site FAQ.
Originally posted by GastelThere was a time where you could be a member by only one financial transaction. You would be a member for the rest of your life. These people got the wingless star. All stars with wings are from people paying annually or monthly. Usually the former are registred somewhere in 2002 or before.
Okay, okay, I know it is for above 100,000, but my question is, why do some people have the side wings and others do not. Plus, none of these stars (or the wing / no-wing variations) appear in the site FAQ.