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The Statistics Page

Site Ideas

The Rams

04 Sep 06
19 Aug 07
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Originally posted by emanon
C'mon admit it, everyone loves to see statistics.

How many people are online? How many games have been played? How many subscribers vs. non-subscribers, how many people from each nationality have joined? which nationaility is the 'best' at chess? What is the average rating, things like that....would be interesting to see!
But I don't think a page should be dedicated to it.

How many online: like a map on playchess - where the people are. Put it on the homepage
how many games played: Today and Alltime - homepage
subs vs nonsubs: Why? Who cares? We're all human I thought?
The best of each nationality - I don't know where to put it
Average rating - Player Tables

Or put it all on player tables.

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