Originally posted by FabianFnasYou would if you knew the TOTAL vacation time he has left for the year.
No, you wouldn't.
Your opponent can make a move whenever he wants, in his vacation as well as off his vacation.
Your opponent can prolong his vacation as much as his number of days permits.
And he can also shorten his vacation at his own will.
You will never know for sure more than before.
It's OK if they move sooner. That means the game isn't being dragged as long.
Originally posted by adramforallOP is specifically talking about a case when a player uses up all their regular time and is relying solely on vacation time to keep from getting skulled.
That assumes the opponent has used all timeout and timebank in the games in question and only has vacation time to delay the game.
The games could be 3/7 but as they are playing some 1/3 games they need to put up flag although it will only affect some games.
When a skull appears take it. Who cares if it appears today, tomorrow or in 6 weeks? ...[text shortened]... 23 am tomorrow so I'd better set my alarm to get up and take the skull if it has appeared. 🙄
"They" are thinking that my opponent will time out on day X, so if there is no move by then, check for the skull during the time I'm normally on the site. Nothing at all sad about that.
Originally posted by zozozozoDude. I'm just having fun with this now. Originally I simply did not understand why vacation time left was not shown when every other time control on here is. From that point of view it makes sense to ask the question. Oh. And I've played like 1200 games on here and am in 4 clans and have posted maybe three or fours times. Perhaps you go to the forums for the wrong reasons zozozozo. Your reason should be to make constructive comments or at least look at my profile before making generalizations about why I play here.
TSaffle, I think you go to this site for the wrong reasons.
Your reason should be to play some good games of chess.
Your reason should not be finding and optimizing ways to claim wins in a (most likely) unfair way.
Originally posted by SwissGambitSorry, you wouldn't.
You would if you knew the TOTAL vacation time he has left for the year.
It's OK if they move sooner. That means the game isn't being dragged as long.
He can still change his vacation period in either directions *as much as the system allows*. And he can move during his vacation.
If this comes to rare exceptional circumstances, then you might be right, but that's not what we're talking about in this thread.
So I stick with: No you wouldn't.
Originally posted by FabianFnasFabian. This is true for all time controls. You never know when they'll move - this would be useful in the event that they don't move - hence their use of all the regular time and vacation time.
Sorry, you wouldn't.
He can still change his vacation period in either directions *as much as the system allows*. And he can move during his vacation.
If this comes to rare exceptional circumstances, then you might be right, but that's not what we're talking about in this thread.
So I stick with: No you wouldn't.
You're right. It would be only useful in rare/semi-rare circumstances depending on who you play. The only reason I'd like this feature is because there are players on here that play far too many games and eventually put everything on vacation hold and I would like to know what kind of time they have if they are going to use it to delay a loss against me. Chess is combat after all and I want all the info I can get even if it helps me only part of the time.
Finally if this feature doesn't matter to you, by which I mean it neither harms your playing experience nor enhances it, then why are you so completely opposed?
I think that all player's time allowances should be shown since this is correspondence chess and we all have to play on a schedule - even if it is a very generous one.
Originally posted by TSaffleAs soon as we can hover over someone's vacation flag and it reads "21 days available" someone's going to slack their games and get timed out. They'll start a thread complaining about it.
Fabian. This is true for all time controls. You never know when they'll move - this would be useful in the event that they don't move - hence their use of all the regular time and vacation time.
You're right. It would be only useful in rare/semi-rare circumstances depending on who you play. The only reason I'd like this feature is because there are playe spondence chess and we all have to play on a schedule - even if it is a very generous one.
Next, someone's going to see that number, the guy cancels his vacation and 7 days later takes another one day vacation. Now someone's going to shout how this user had 21 days last week, and they still have 20 this week.
Without the number we know they can only possibly have 36 days. The only threads we get on the subject are threads like this one wanting a number that means nothing or causes more confusion, as well as the threads complaining vacation slows the game down so lets make games even slower by not letting them move at all.
Originally posted by PhlabibitAnd won't those new threads be entertaining? I know I'm bored of the same old complaints over and over again. 😀
As soon as we can hover over someone's vacation flag and it reads "21 days available" someone's going to slack their games and get timed out. They'll start a thread complaining about it.
Next, someone's going to see that number, the guy cancels his vacation and 7 days later takes another one day vacation. Now someone's going to shout how this user had ...[text shortened]... slows the game down so lets make games even slower by not letting them move at all.
Originally posted by FabianFnasYes, we were talking about just such an exceptional circumstance. As if it needed to be repeated,
Sorry, you wouldn't.
He can still change his vacation period in either directions *as much as the system allows*. And he can move during his vacation.
If this comes to rare exceptional circumstances, then you might be right, but that's not what we're talking about in this thread.
So I stick with: No you wouldn't.
I just want to know how long my opponent can possibly delay moving.
Originally posted by SwissGambitCheck for your skulls when online sure, but will this feature then make people come online at specific times, just in case a skull is available?
OP is specifically talking about a case when a player uses up all their regular time and is relying solely on vacation time to keep from getting skulled.
"They" are thinking that my opponent will time out on day X, so if there is no move by then, check for the skull during the time I'm normally on the site. Nothing at all sad about that.
If you know a skull will be available at 10pm but you normally only play until 6pm, will you make that special effort to get online again later that day to take the skull
wait till you are online the following day and take the risk that your opponent has managed to get online and make a move so denying you the opportunity to skull him.
Originally posted by adramforallI doubt any feature like this would "make people come online". And yes, I would go online and click a skull if I wanted to even if I had to go through the difficulty of logging on to RHP. Sweating just thinking about all that effort.
Check for your skulls when online sure, but will this feature then make people come online at specific times, just in case a skull is available?
If you know a skull will be available at 10pm but you normally only play until 6pm, will you make that special effort to get online again later that day to take the skull
wait till you are online ...[text shortened]... opponent has managed to get online and make a move so denying you the opportunity to skull him.
Use it or don't just like the flashing little clocks that show you your time is almost out - which is when people often use their vacation time so they don't get timed out when they know they cannot attend to their games. Or, ignore this like the message reminders that can be clicked to send people a heads up. If anything makes someone want to check out their games it is these. These go out to my email - but I allow them for obvious reasons.
From another point of view this could also be used in a friendly way. Like - 'I see that your vacation time is almost up as is your game time. Let me know if you would like to have an exstension before I claim the win please.' Sounds good to me as there are lots of thoughtful people here who would do this. But if the skull comes up then they probably generally figure the player getting timed out does'nt care anyway and therefore don't think to PM them.
So again. Use it or don't either way it should'nt matter to you or anyone else if it actually ever gets added unless you like the feature, but I'm still having a hard time understanding why any players here would'nt want this info in the said semi-rare instances that it might occur. Though I'm not sure they are so rare. It is easy for me to assume that players of my rating level encounter more players streched too thin becuase of too many games and therefore might like this more than a player as good as you SwissG.
So far all the arguments made against this vaction count down feature could also be used to argue against the time control features already in place - these namely being the 'you don't know when they'll move anyway so why show how much time is left' agrument. I shudder to think what would happen if all the time controls now in place were not there to keep order.
Next please.
Originally posted by TSafflePerhaps I want to keep the information of how many days I have left as a secret. I don't want anyone use this information to know exactly when they can plan to time me out.
Fabian. This is true for all time controls. You never know when they'll move - this would be useful in the event that they don't move - hence their use of all the regular time and vacation time.
You're right. It would be only useful in rare/semi-rare circumstances depending on who you play. The only reason I'd like this feature is because there are playe ...[text shortened]... spondence chess and we all have to play on a schedule - even if it is a very generous one.
If I want a change in the vacation system it is the following (in priority order):
(1) I want 36 days vacation time for the last 365 days. Not 36 days from 1st jan to 31st of december.
(2) I want to get on vacation immediately, not having to wait to the midnight (GMT) to have it active. The same with the end of vacation. Meaning the number of vacation days should be decimalized.
(3) Every member should have the same rights of vacation days, not only subscribers. (THis has been discussed before, and doesn't need to be discussed again.)
(4) Well, my idea of sealed moves during vacation (search for it if you want to know more) still stands, but I seem to be rather alone in this, so I drop this...
Originally posted by adramforallGah, there are already some people who come online at weird hours just to check for skulls. In the site championships, they've been known to set their alarm clocks to move at an inconvenient time for their opponent, based on the time zone.
Check for your skulls when online sure, but will this feature then make people come online at specific times, just in case a skull is available?
If you know a skull will be available at 10pm but you normally only play until 6pm, will you make that special effort to get online again later that day to take the skull
wait till you are online ...[text shortened]... opponent has managed to get online and make a move so denying you the opportunity to skull him.
You can't stop people that are that hardcore.