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09 Mar 08
03 Feb 23

Taking as form the formless form
Going or coming you are always there
Taking as thought the thoughtless thought
Singing and dancing are Dharma’s voice.
How vast the boundless sky of Samadhi,
How bright the moon of Fourfold Wisdom.
What now is there to seek?
With nirvana revealed before you,
This very place is the Lotus Land,
This very body is the Buddha.

~ Hakuin

i have a bowl of rice with a drop of honey
i am a very rich man
God bless everyone
no exceptions

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09 Mar 08
05 Feb 23

Nowhere is there place
To stop and live, so only
Everywhere will do:
Each and every grass-made hut soon leaves
Its place within this withering world.

~ Saigyo (1118-1190)

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09 Mar 08
05 Feb 23

If you break open
The cherry tree,
There is not a single flower.
But the skies of spring
Bring forth the blossoms!

~ Ikkyu (1394-1481)

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09 Mar 08
06 Feb 23

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.

~ Galileo Galilei
Italian astronomer & physicist (1564 - 1642)

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09 Mar 08
06 Feb 23


Sincere words are not fine; fine words are not sincere. Those
who are skilled (in the Tao) do not dispute (about it); the
disputatious are not skilled in it. Those who know (the Tao) are not
extensively learned; the extensively learned do not know it.

The sage does not accumulate (for himself). The more that he
expends for others, the more does he possess of his own; the more that
he gives to others, the more does he have himself.

With all the sharpness of the Way of Heaven, it injures not; with
all the doing in the way of the sage he does not strive.

Tao Te Ching
by Lao-tzu
J. Legge, Translator
(Sacred Books of the East, Vol 39) [1891]


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09 Mar 08
07 Feb 23

Being in tremendous turmoil, the unoriented do not know that their own mind is Buddha. They search about, outside of themselves, spending the whole day contemplating the Buddha and paying homage. But where is the Buddha? Do not entertain any such false views. Awaken to your own mind: outside the mind there can be no Buddha.

~ Bodhidharma

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09 Mar 08
08 Feb 23

For many springs
I’ve come here to meet
And unite my mind
With the opening blossoms, so
I’m made of many recollections.

~ Saigyo (1118-1190)

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09 Mar 08
09 Feb 23

The unenlightened person does not understand his own true nature, does not realize the Pure Land in his own body, and thus petitions all over. The enlightened person never differs no matter where he is. For this reason the Buddha says, “Wherever I may be I am always in comfort and bliss…If only your mind is pure, your own nature is itself the Pure Land of the West.

Platform Sutra

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09 Mar 08
11 Feb 23

How often do we sit in AA meetings and hear the speaker declare,
"But I haven't yet got the spiritual angle."

Prior to this statement, he had described a miracle of transformation which had occurred in him—not only his release from alcohol, but a complete change in his whole attitude toward life and the living of it.
It is apparent to nearly everyone else present that he has received a great gift;
". . . except that he doesn't seem to know it yet!"
We well know that this questioning individual will tell us six months or a year hence that he has found faith in God.


From the book Daily Reflections.

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09 Mar 08
11 Feb 23

The pure light in your single thought- this is the Dharmakaya Buddha within your own house.
The non-discriminating light in your single thought- this is the Sambhogakaya Buddha within your own house.
The non-differentiating light in your single thought- this is the Nirmanakaya Buddha within your own house.
This Threefold Body is you- listening to my discourse right now before my very eyes.

~ Lin-chi

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09 Mar 08
12 Feb 23

when the anger and the fury and the rage begin to roil the pot
and are at the point of spilling over and making a huge hot mess
i recall the chant
and i am beckoned to serenity by solitude
and i do not have to say the things that make my vision scarlet

the internet -
a blessing of communication, and i am grateful
a curse and a boil on my fragile existence of peace of mind as i separate the rational and the irrational

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09 Mar 08
12 Feb 23

i chant over and over and over and the beauty rests in my eyes

Each and every spring,
Blossoms gave my mind its
Comfort and pleasure:
Now more than sixty years
Have gone by like this.

~Saigyo (1118-1190)

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09 Mar 08
13 Feb 23

The capacity of Mind is vast and great:
It is like the emptiness of space;
It has neither breadth nor bounds;
It is neither square nor round; neither large nor small;
It is neither blue nor yellow nor red nor white;
It has neither upper nor lower, long nor short;
It knows of neither anger nor pleasure;
Neither right nor wrong;
Neither good nor evil;
It is without beginning and without end.

Sixth Patriarch

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09 Mar 08
13 Feb 23

( although he claims that the author was an entity named Aiwass, his personal Holy Guardian Angel or "Higher Self" )
is credited with writing "Liber AL vel Legis", the central sacred text of Thelema, commonly referred to as The Book of the Law, in 1904?

yer answer is?

50% Aleister Crowley
50% Saint Jude
0% Sir George Grey
0% Joseph Smith
2 votes • Final results

Aleister Crowley
The teachings are expressed as the Law of Thelema, usually encapsulated by the two phrases -Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law- (AL I:40) and -Love is the law, love under will- (AL I:57).

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09 Mar 08
14 Feb 23

There’s a tree that existed before the woods,
In age twice as old.
Its roots suffered as the valley changed,
Its leaves deformed by wind and frost.
People all laugh at its withered aspect,
Caring nothing about the core’s beauty.
When the bark is stripped off,
Only essence remains.

~ Han Shan (early 9th c)

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