This room is so wide and empty
Every thought vanishes in it.
A narrow lane carved in rock,
A well sprung from a hole in a stone.
The bright moon hangs at the
End of the eaves,
And a cold gust shakes the valley.
Who can follow in these footsteps
And, sitting quietly, learn true happiness?
- Deagam Tanyon (1070-1179)
Song to the tune of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic"
(words, I think, by one Dick Taylor)
"Christ has put on human nature and become a man like me.
He has died upon the cross that I from Adam might be free.
He has risen and in Spirit He has come to live in me,
That He might be my life.
Victory, victory Hallelujah!
Victory, victory Hallelujah!
Victory, victory Hallelujah!
For Christ is now my all."
Christ has put on human nature and become a man like me.
He has died upon the cross that I from Adam might be free.
He is risen and in Spirit He has come to live in me
That He might be my life."
Chorus again.
(thankyou for reading or singing along)
To know that the one good is balance and yet not to reach balance, to know all phenomena are mind and yet not to understand mind; this is confusion.
To know the matter of birth and death is serious and yet not to realize birthlessness, to know impermanence is swift and yet not to realize there is fundamentally no speed; this is confusion.
- Records of the Lanka
Consciousness and perception range from shallow to deep.
As for profound perceptions, they are pure through the ages.
They are the basis to influence and cultivate mind from the first generation of the aspiration for enlightenment until the achievement of buddhahood without falling back.
- Records of the Lanka