Originally posted by avalanchethecatOn a different note...I must find an occasion to call someone "binary brain"!!! 😀
Pah! That's just crazy 2ist talk. You 2ists are all the same, closed minded, lucky-denying, binary-brained zealots. I'm not even sure 7 is the best one now. I think it might be 1... Perfect square, perfect triangle. Yeah, I'm converting right now.
You are all ignoring the fact that mathematics, like everything else, lacks a proper grounding unless you acknowledge a creator god. This argument just illustrates how everything in mathematics, as in morality, is purely relativized absent reference to the creator.
Whence these numbers?! Are they objectively real (mathematical realism?), or are they simply manipulable signs that have no reality (mathematical nominalism?)?
Which prime number is the best? The one that God declares is best; that is the only irrefutable standard. And if God chooses not to reveal that to us, then it must remain in the realm of divine mystery. I urge you to cease your sinful presumption! (Although, I think that scriptural evidence leans toward 1, as God is one.)
[Do I really need to insert a “tongue-in-cheek alert” here? Well, probably… 🙁 ]
Which prime number is the best? The one that God declares is best; that is the only irrefutable standard. And if God chooses not to reveal that to us, then it must remain in the realm of divine mystery. I urge you to cease your sinful presumption! (Although, I think that scriptural evidence leans toward 1, as God is one.)Look! God even embedded the evidence in our very language! "Which prime number is best? The one that God declares is best;"
[Do I really need to insert a “tongue-in-cheek alert” here? Well, probably… 🙁 ][/b]
Do you see?
Originally posted by vistesdAnd 2 declared it is best...so it is best 😏
You are all ignoring the fact that mathematics, like everything else, lacks a proper grounding unless you acknowledge a creator god. This argument just illustrates how everything in mathematics, as in morality, is purely relativized absent reference to the creator.
Whence these numbers?! Are they objectively real (mathematical realism?), or are they sim ...[text shortened]... d is one.)
[Do I really need to insert a “tongue-in-cheek alert” here? Well, probably… 🙁 ]
To counter avalanchethecats misguided pontification on the supposed transcendent glory of 1 over 2, I shall make use of your post:
- Ocurrences of '2' or 'to' ('to' has 2 letters and rhymes with 2, despite 2 different meanings of the word) in your post: 2 times "...And if God chooses not to reveal that to us,..."
- Ocurrences of '1' or 'one' ('one' has three letters and means 1, only 1 meaning of the word) in your post: 3 times "...he one that God declares is best; that is the only irrefutable standard. And if God chooses not to reveal that to us, then it must remain in the realm of divine mystery. I urge you to cease your sinful presumption! (Although, I think that scriptural evidence leans toward 1, as God is one...."
- So words sounding like 2 was used in 2 occurences with words that have 2 letters.
- Words sounding like 1 used in 3 occurences.
3-1 = 2
Originally posted by avalanchethecatTo answer that question you need only read and venerate the most holy 'Two-rue' The completely winning arguments provided in all my posts point to the number which is best.
So which is the best [b]ONE?[/b]
2 is not smiling upon you anymore...I fear for your immortal soul 🙁
Originally posted by AgergI smile patronisingly at your logic, remaining closed-minded, smug and secure in my oneness with one
[b]To answer that question you need only read and venerate the most holy 'Two-rue' The completely winning arguments provided in all my posts point to the number which is best.
2 is not smiling upon you anymore...I fear for your immortal soul 🙁[/b]
Originally posted by avalanchethecatYou're not going to like this but the time has come for logic...cold hard logic my friend. Consider the following:
I smile patronisingly at your logic, remaining closed-minded, smug and secure in my [b]oneness with one[/b]
No mention is made in the Two-rue of the concept of 1-hell. Now since 2 is best, then clearly the holy words of 2 are better than all other holy words (in particular your unholy, hateful, 23 inspired gibberings). You following so far?
Therefore we can conclude at the very least if 1 was, for arguments sake, best then it has no sense of justice.
Now setting aside the grave implications of this fact alone let me ask you a simple question:
Is it not better to believe in 2 given you will otherwise be sent to 2-hell? For even if 1 really is best it won't send you to hell for falsely choosing the correct best number which is 2!
This is known as the wager of 2.
Originally posted by vistesdLMAO!! Thanks, guys, for taking my post in the spirit in which it was intended--and then trumping the [2-]hell out of it!
LMAO!! Thanks, guys, for taking my post in the spirit in which it was intended--and then trumping the hell out of it!
No no my friend...there is still 2-hell; but 2, as it is merciful, wants to save you from this terrible fate.
But you must accept it as best! Can you do this?
Originally posted by avalanchethecatPah...as suggested before 1 is part of the duality of 2, and as such it conducts edits that you may better understand its words as spoken by me.
Aqerq, I note your name is underlined with the phrase... "1 edit". You have been edited by 1. 1 has edited you and made you the 2ist you are. I think that means you're the anti-1. Crivens! Does this means the end of primes is upon us! Numerapocalypse! Armagged[b]one![/b]
Isn't 2 fantastic?!! 😵 😏
Bob (2:32) "two be one with two, two must be one that is best, yet while one is best, it is bettered still by 2"
Furthermore, let me hit you with another argument, the onetwological argument no less.
1.If I am thinking of the best number thinkable, then I can think of no number better.
1.a If it is false that I can think of no number better, it is false I am thinking of the best number thinkable
2. being a best number is better than not being a best number
3. If the number I am thinking of does not exist, then it is false that I can think of no better number.
4. If the number I am thinking of does not exist, then it is false that I am thinking of the best number thinkable
Conclusion: If I am thinking of the best number thinkable, then I am thinking of a best number that exists.
I think (in particular I have faith) the best number is 2 😏