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21st century and people still duped by bible?

21st century and people still duped by bible?


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Originally posted by sonhouse
So because of Niel Armstrong and the Wright Brothers, why, we should expect to be able to do anything ?

Well, you can always hope so.

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Of course you will put the religious slant on it,

I think you already did sonhouse. Its called Scientism.

Scientism is belief in the universal applicability of the scientific method and approach, and the view that empirical science constitutes the most "authoritative" worldview or the most valuable part of human learning - to the exclusion of other viewpoints.

To refer to "the belief that the methods of natural science, or the categories and things recognized in natural science, form the only proper elements in any philosophical or other inquiry",[13] or that "science, and only science, describes the world as it is in itself, independent of perspective"[7] with a concomitant "elimination of the psychological dimensions of experience".[14][15]

The term "scientism" is also used by historians, philosophers, and cultural critics to highlight the possible dangers of lapses towards excessive reductionism in all fields of human knowledge.[16][17][18][19][20]


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Originally posted by sonhouse
Sure, like I have said before, science as a whole is less than 500 years old. In another 500 years, assuming we MAKE it the next 5 centuries and able to have science funded like today, all that will be a different story.

You seem to think because a dude says something is impossible, then that must be true.

It was also said it was impossible to fly ma ...[text shortened]... n trouble in century 22 but by century 23 we will have done a work around to survive and thrive.
I assume you read the article. Thanks.

Vasimr accelerates ions inside a thruster assembly powered by either solar power or more likely, nuclear. So it can go further faster than any chemical rocket so the means of getting to the stars are already in the works,

For instance, the closer you get to the speed of light, the slower your time goes and so a trip that would take say 10 years at half the speed of light could take 6 weeks when you get to say 99.9% of c.

So the amount of food, air, everything, all those resources will last a lot longer so there would not be the problem of supplying stuff for decades or centuries.


The nearest star (not including our Sun) - four light years away.
By the fastest rocket we could build today, I think it would take over 100,000 years to get there. Correct me if I am in error.

How curious ARE you ?
Do you think you can get some human beings to embark on a trip that will take over 100K years, if we were even able to do it ?

Ion drive propulsion, approximately 81,000 years to the nearest star.

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Originally posted by sonship
[b] Of course you will put the religious slant on it,

I think you already did sonhouse. Its called Scientism.

Scientism is belief in the universal applicability of the scientific method and approach, and the view that empirical science constitutes the most "authoritativ ...[text shortened]... s excessive reductionism in all fields of human knowledge.[16][17][18][19][20]

Because people like Armstrong and the Wright brothers INSPIRE.

That is the difference between science and religion. Religion may inspire you to do better but not to make a better telescope. And of course you would use the argument 'what is better, to be a better person or to be a better scientist'.

We can be both, you get your inspiration from your bible, fine, I get my inspiration from the achievements of the best of us in the sciences, the Einstein's, the Fineman's, the Newton's, the Curie's, and in the arts, the Mozart's, the Beethoven's, the Picasso's, the Bowie's, the Dylan's, the Mitchell's, the Seeger's and so forth.

That is all I need. I want it here and now, not some pie in the sky invisible friend who does nothing for humanity, with the exception of sowing war between religions.

Those people I mentioned inspire me to be a better person, more creative, more empathic to my fellow humans and the animal world. I don't need a god for that.

And we WILL go to the stars, just like now we are going to places off Earth in the solar system.

Perhaps that will prove to be all we can do but I doubt it.

Right now there are plans afoot for a permanent colony on the south pole of the Moon, where we know there happens to be billions of tons of ice just waiting for us to use.
Ice into water, into hydrogen and oxygen, both for fuel, drinking and washing water and oxygen to breathe, all there waiting for us. Big incentive since we won't have to cart that stuff from Earth.

Another development coming in the next 100 years: the space elevator. We are already closing in on the cable strong enough, which happens to need something light weight and about 100 times stronger than steel.

We already can do that in short hunks, when we solve the technical issues of making it in thousand mile lengths and able to splice or repair it without compromising the strength, we won't even need rockets to get off Earth and into orbit and even beyond.

So these things are coming whether you want them to or not.

Clearly you do not want ANYTHING that will allow mankind to act like gods, flying to planets in our solar system, how horrible. Going to other stars, blasphemous.

And now of course, you label me the most horrible of names, humanist.


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Originally posted by sonhouse
Because people like Armstrong and the Wright brothers INSPIRE.

I didn't say they didn't.
Doesn't mean we can take an ion propulsion fast rocket on a 81,000 year journey to the nearest star.

That is the difference between science and religion. Religion may inspire you to do better but not to make a better telescope. And of course you would use the argument 'what is better, to be a better person or to be a better scientist'.

Belief in God would not inspire to explore the creation ?
Tell Newton. Tell Galileo.

We can be both, you get your inspiration from your bible, fine, I get my inspiration from the achievements of the best of us in the sciences, the Einstein's, the Fineman's, the Newton's, the Curie's, and in the arts, the Mozart's, the Beethoven's, the Picasso's, the Bowie's, the Dylan's, the Mitchell's, the Seeger's and so forth.

I don't just "get inspired". I meet God Himself through the Bible.

Let me take my time with your additional thoughts.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Taking my time through your comments -

the Einstein's, the Fineman's, the Newton's, the Curie's, and in the arts, the Mozart's, the Beethoven's, the Picasso's, the Bowie's, the Dylan's, the Mitchell's, the Seeger's and so forth.

Einstien - a theist / deist who just did not think of God as personal.

Finenman - as far as I have been able to see, kind of neutral agnostic.

Beethoven - You mean the guy who wrote "Ode To Joy ?". A theist or pretending to be one.

Mozart - probably a theist. But not sure. Everybody TALKED religiously in those days.
Probably a theist.

Madame Currie and her husband - Did a report on her long ago. Can't remember anything about her beliefs.

Bob Dylon - Became a Christian. Lost a lot of fans. Somehow went into Judaism latter. Probably a theist. See Christian album "Slow Train Coming". I think he's still born again of course.

Picasso - Don't know. Hey, I do admire all these guys.

Bowie - I don't know. David Bowie? Never followed his stuff.

Don't know about Pete Seeger.
Don't know about Jonie Mitchell, other than their music, a little.

Hey, I thought you were going to parade a list of strong Atheists.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Clearly you do not want ANYTHING that will allow mankind to act like gods, flying to planets in our solar system, how horrible. Going to other stars, blasphemous

Why "act" like gods when Christ's salvation makes us sons of God.
You're truly clueless.

Have to go.

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Originally posted by sonship
[b] Because people like Armstrong and the Wright brothers INSPIRE.

I didn't say they didn't.
Doesn't mean we can take an ion propulsion fast rocket on a 81,000 year journey to the nearest star.

That is the difference between science an ...[text shortened]... ed". I meet God Himself through the Bible.

Let me take my time with your additional thoughts.
You continue to be stuck in what we think in century 20 and 21. Did you read the part where I said science is very young? Science, because of the internet, among other things, is expanding exponentially and I don't care what the dude said about ion rockets, in 200 years we will be way past that conundrum, getting to more like 99.999% c and I can guarantee at that speed, the nearby stars, say within 100 light years, next door in cosmic terms, will be reachable in ship time of a couple years max. 100 years will go by on Earth for sure, we can't get around that unless things get really science fictiony in 200 years, like star trek warp drives and such, an extremely low probability for that. Anti-matter rockets will be online way before any of that outrageous science.

As far as anti-matter rockets go, there is an estimation of the amount of anti-matter in the universe and it comes to one atom in ten billion will turn out to be anti-matter.

That is in space where atoms won't contact each other and blow up.

So there is a plan to harvest anti-matter, a giant sphere of basically chicken wire charged up to 200 million volts and special traps for antimatter which would be kind of like using nets in the ocean to get fish.

If that works, a big IF, the stars will not be 80,000 years away. More like ten years or so. At least to Alpha Centauri, and the nice thing about that star is besides being 4 odd light years away, the closest one, you get three for one, it's a triple system so it is a natural, kind of like the attraction of going to the moon, Luna inspired people for centuries and we finally went there. Alpha Centauri will be the inspiration for century 23 or 24.

Even if we can only manage 20% c, it is 'only' 20 odd years away.That is going to be doable in century 24 I am sure.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
How can that be, where people, some with frigging Phd's still be duped into believing fairy tales that almost certainly never happened in this day and age where men have walked on the moon and we are talking about colonizing Mars and cancer is on the way to being defeated just as polio has and mathematics and logic advancing in leaps and bounds as well as p ...[text shortened]... ome on, can't you do better than that? These are frigging FAIRY tales for god's sake, literally.
Bet you would not dare start a thread '21st century and people still duped by Koran?'

Gutless chump

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Originally posted by Captain Strange
Bet you would not dare start a thread '21st century and people still duped by Koran?'

Gutless chump
I already mentioned that, duped is duped, Quran, Ipanashads, Bible, all 100% man made, humans are quite capable of coming up with many pith sayings and stories.

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