Originally posted by kirksey957I had two conversations in the past couple of days. One was with a preacher. He said he was outraged that a gay person would sing at a funeral. My question is this: Is it appropriate for gay people to sing at such a sacred event?
I had two conversations in the past couple of days. One was with a preacher. He said he was outraged that a gay person would sing at a funeral. My question is this: Is it appropiate for gay people to sing at such a sacred event?
My other conversation was with a woman who swore that if she found out her daughter was a lesbian she would throw her out stion is this: Can someone help me figure this one out? Or have I entered the Twighlite Zone?
Yes. Any true church of God that claims to follow Jesus should be accepting anyone as a fellow child of God that walks in their doors. Not judging them and Showing love and compassion to all as equal. There is NO favoritism with God. We all have sin in our lives, and none of us no matter what we claim have sin in us. He forgives us all the same if we ask Him and mean it. And this continues threw out our christian life's every time we fail or fall.
I now live in North Dakota USA on the border with Canada. They recently had a anti gay march in the city of Grand forks North Dakota that was put together by some of the local churches of that city. It was broadcast on all the local news channels. Hundreds were marching down the street chanting God Hates fags! God Hates fags!. Waving their fists in the air with nothing but hatred written all over them. As I was watching this on the news with horror, this scripture came immediately to my mind.
Matthew chapter 7 verse 21 and 22, Jesus speaking says..
"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, 'Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. "MANY will say to Me in that day, "Lord, "Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name? have we not cast out demons in Your Name, and done many miracles in Your Name?? ( notice the word MANY and that these people think that their Christians and saved).
Then Jesus says... Then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me you evil doers who practice lawlessness!
All of Matthew chapter 7 is a good one to read for this question.
Gods one and only law is to love. Love Him. And love your fellow man as yourself. We're even suppose to love our enemies and do good to those who harm us and attack us. I know I have failed many times in this area. But I press on towards the mark. I got along way to go.
My other conversation was with a woman who swore that if she found out her daughter was a lesbian she would throw her out of the house and never let her back in or talk to her again, but at the same time she said she would defend her gay hairdressor "to the death."
This to me is clearly one of those people that separates her churches life and what she's taught, with real life. There is no separation in a true Christians life. She's Lost.