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A Serious Question:  A Bone to Pick

A Serious Question: A Bone to Pick


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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Does this aim to answer any of my original questions? I want you to place the existence of dinosaurs on the Biblical timeline, not speculate as to how they arose or died out.
My guess would be between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.....

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Originally posted by checkbaiter
My guess would be between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.....
1: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3: And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Are you saying that they existed for the span of one day, or that they were created then and died out at some later time? If the latter, did they die out before the time of man, or did man and the dinosaurs cohabit the earth?

Are you saying that they existed without light and plants? Are you suggesting that they existed in a complete void, and can a void even logically contain dinosaurs?

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
1: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3: And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Are you saying that they existed for the span of one day, or that they were created the ...[text shortened]... uggesting that they existed in a complete void, and can a void even logically contain dinosaurs?
No one knows how much time passed between these two verses....sorry, I forgot to mention that point in the theory.
It could have been eons....don't know. All I know is that this is the time period when "Lucifer and the angels" were cast down.
In the garden of Eden, the serpent was already there.

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Originally posted by checkbaiter
No one knows how much time passed between these two verses....sorry, I forgot to mention that point in the theory.
It could have been eons....don't know. All I know is that this is the time period when "Lucifer and the angels" were cast down.
In the garden of Eden, the serpent was already there.
Did dinosaurs exist in a void without light and plants?

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Did dinosaurs exist in a void without light and plants?
This is all I know about the theory.

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Originally posted by checkbaiter
This is all I know about the theory.
But what do you believe? Do you need a theory to determine your beliefs for you? You don't care to venture a guess as to whether it's more likely true or false that dinosaurs lived in a void without plants and light?

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
But what do you believe? Do you need a theory to determine your beliefs for you? You don't care to venture a guess as to whether it's more likely true or false that dinosaurs lived in a void without plants and light?
Since there are some verses that tend to say there were some animals like Behemoth around, I would guess they were around until the flood of Genesis. I am not well versed in this area, but it is interesting and an exellent point you have raised.
I will have to do some research on this....

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
This photographic evidence establishes mere point estimates of when dinosaurs lived. I want an interval estimate on the Biblical time scale. All you have demonstrated is that the time of Jesus and barbarians lies within that interval. I want to know its endpoints.
Well, here is proof positive that the extinction of the dinosaurs coincided with the uberflood:


And here you see not only a dinosaur falling to its death in the rising waters, but also an explanation of geological strata:


Note the barbarian safe, for now, on the embankment. I can't tell if this is a photograph of Noah, but it clearly establishes that both humans and dinosaurs were present at the time of the uberflood.

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bible people think the earth is like 7000 years old
xtians of old said dinosaur bones were fakes carved by satan and the dammned to cover up the truth about history
i tend to believe modern science and carbon dating

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Originally posted by checkbaiter
Since there are some verses that tend to say there were some animals like Behemoth around, I would guess they were around until the flood of Genesis. I am not well versed in this area, but it is interesting and an exellent point you have raised.
I will have to do some research on this....
When you do, please look into how the flood can be explanatory evidence for the extinction of a kind of animal. Isn't an essential component of the flood account the fact that Noah brought two of each kind into the ark to save them so that they wouldn't die out? Isn't that the express purpose, the literal and metaphorical essence, of the ark?

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Originally posted by bbarr
Well, here is proof positive that the extinction of the dinosaurs coincided with the uberflood:


And here you see not only a dinosaur falling to its death in the rising waters, but also an explanation of geological strata:


No ...[text shortened]... it clearly establishes that both humans and dinosaurs were present at the time of the uberflood.
Somehow I'm less than satisfied with this evidence. Is it possible that these images are not authentic?

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Somehow I'm less than satisfied with this evidence. Is it possible that these images are not authentic?
You see what you do? You ask for evidence, so I give you evidence. But when the evidence runs contrary to your presuppositions, you discount the evidence! You are only prepared to accept evidence that corresponds with what you already believe. Thus, I have demonstrated that your entire worldview is based on faith.

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Originally posted by bbarr
You see what you do? You ask for evidence, so I give you evidence. But when the evidence runs contrary to your presuppositions, you discount the evidence! You are only prepared to accept evidence that corresponds with what you already believe. Thus, I have demonstrated that your entire worldview is based on faith.
Sir, your own source isn't even logically coherent.

How can the flood have caused the demise of the dinosaurs AND be a turning point for how dinosaurs lived before and after it?


Do you care to retract your "proof positive" claim that the flood caused their extinction in light of this new evidence? If so, then you'll have to correspondingly revise your interpretation of the image.

Please, don't criticize my faith when your world view is rooted in contradictions.

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I was actually looking forward to hearing some genuine replies to DoctorScribbles question.... I'm kind of disappointed. I'm sure there must be at least one Christian out there who has a sensible anwer, humorous as Bbarr's piccies were?

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Sir, your own source isn't even logically coherent.

How can the flood have caused the demise of the dinosaurs AND be a turning point for how dinosaurs lived before and after it?


Do you care to retract your "proof positive" claim that the flood caused their extinction in light of thi ...[text shortened]... he image.

Please, don't criticize my faith when your world view is rooted in contradictions.
No, no, no! I am not endorsing these fanciful interpretations of the evidence. I take the evidence provided by the images literally. Clearly, these images show that the dinosaurs were wiped out by the uberflood. Those people who say that dinosaurs existed after the flood aren't true Christians. How, after all, would Noah fit dinosaurs on the Ark!

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