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Age of Earth - Thousands Not Billions

Age of Earth - Thousands Not Billions


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Originally posted by sonship
The fact that there may be some gaps of a few years in other sections of scripture can not logically amount to millions or billions of years.

It does not prove that there is an interval of long time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. But it does demonstrate that Bishop Ussher's counting up years to pinpoint the date of the creation of the uni ...[text shortened]... elieve that Eve was the first [b]CREATURE
that Satan deceived. (If you have not yet)[/b]
I knew that Bishop Ussher's method of pinpointing the exact date of creation was no more accurate than the Jewish calendar method of pinpointing the exact date and hour of creation and never claimed otherwise. I never attempted to pinpoint the exact date of creation.

However, the young earth creationists estimate of the age of the earth is about 6,000 years and some even allows for a margin of error of +4,000 years to account for possible gaps in the genealogies and chronologies listed in the Holy Bible and historical records. But none of them will accept an approximate 4.6 billion year age of the earth and an approximate 14 billion year age of the entire universe if given in Earth Standard Time.

Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:1-17 does not give more details on Genesis 1:1-2, but instead, these are prophecies that concern only a a brief period of time when Nebuchadnezzar was King of Babylon.

And it will be in the day when the Lord gives you rest from your pain and turmoil and harsh service in which you have been enslaved, that you will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon, and say,

(Isaiah 14:3-4 NASB)

So we see that Isaiah 14:12-15 is part of a prophecy of a poetic taunt against the King of Babylon.

Ezekiel 28:1-17 concerns the defeat of Tyre by Nebuchadnezzar. The references to the king of Tyrus or Tyre as a 'cherub' who was in 'Eden' should be understood as a metaphor that describes the rulers great privilege and blessing and not that he was that superhuman angelic being, otherwise he would not be identified as just a man. 😏

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Originally posted by RJHinds
Let me ask you something about "billions". That's a big number that I think is no where used in the bible.

Now I just saw a science presentation saying that the human Genome consists of a billion "words" made up of four letter "alphabet".

Should I as a Bible believer fight against the idea of a billion words used to define what I am? I mean David said this:

"Your eyes saw my unformed substance; And in Your book all of them were written." (Psalm 139:16)

He certainly said nothing about a huge book of astronomical size containing a billion words. Should we Christians fight against the idea of a billion words used to describe our living body ?

Concerning Isaiah and Ezekiel:

Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:1-17 does not give more details on Genesis 1:1-2, but instead, these are prophecies that concern only a a brief period of time when Nebuchadnezzar was King of Babylon.

What earthly king was EVER perfect in his ways from the day that he was created ?

"You were perfect in your ways from the day that you were created, until unrighteousness was found in you." (Ezek. 28:15)

I thought we were all born in iniquity and in sin did our mothers conceive us (Psalm 51:5).

Just as Jesus spoke towards Peter yet addressed Satan in the New Testament, (Matthew 16:23) so also a couple of times God appears to speak to some earthly despot but addresses Satan.

The things spoken to "the king of Tyre" specifically from verse 12 of Ezekiel 28 could only apply to a superhuman figure.

You don't expect me to believe that a Gentile king in an idolatrous nation was "the anointed Cherub" set by God in Eden do you?

The "lamentation" against some "king of Tyre is not to be confused with the previous passages about "the prince of Tyre" (verses 2 - 11). The section on the prince concludes and a section on the king begins.

The section on the prince of Tyre could apply to a human and concludes with verse 11. Then a new section commences, a lamentation for "the KING of Tyre". And the things pertaining to this being would only be appropriate to a superhuman figure.

Jesus spoke to Peter and addressed Satan -

"But He turned and said to Peter, Get behind Me, SATAN! You are a stumbling block to Me ..." (Matt. 16:23a)

God did a similar think in the two passages in Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14.
What God has stripped naked and exposed you are covering up again.

Since the spiritual matter of a Satanic authority is quite profound and even difficult to humanly grasp, God used the language seemingly related to human despots to convey the profound. Actually, BEHIND all human despots is the original tyrant - Satan.

"How you are fallen from heaven, O Daystar, son of the dawn! How you have been hewn down to earth, You who made nations fall prostrate!

But you, you said in your heart:
I will ascend to heaven;
Above the stars of God
I will exalt my throne.
And I will sit upon the mount of the assembly in the uttermost parts of the north.

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High." (Isaiah 14:12-14)

Were earthly rulers arrogant, proud, and rebellious against God? Yes, some of them where. But this utterance towards the "Daystar" who was there in the "dawn" of creation, refers to Satan.

What God has exposed for the benefit of His people, you are covering up again.

Ezekiel 28:1-17 concerns the defeat of Tyre by Nebuchadnezzar. The references to the king of Tyrus or Tyre as a 'cherub' who was in 'Eden' should be understood as a metaphor that describes the rulers great privilege and blessing and not that he was that superhuman angelic being, otherwise he would not be identified as just a man.

It is ludicrous to assume a Gentile king was said to be set by God as the Anointed Cherub that covers. Arguably, the covering refers to the covering of the glory of God as, say, seen in the cherubim of glory covering the ark of the covenant.

There is no reason to believe the allusion would be applied to a dignitary of the Gentile nation Tyre.


Originally posted by sonship
Let me ask you something about "billions". That's a big number that I think is no where used in the bible.

Now I just saw a science presentation saying that the human Genome consists of a billion "words" made up of four letter "alphabet".

Should I as a Bible believer fight against the idea of a billion words used to define what I am? I mean David sai ...[text shortened]... is no reason to believe the allusion would be applied to a dignitary of the Gentile nation Tyre.
"Your eyes saw my unformed substance; And in Your book all of them were written."
(Psalm 139:16)

You seem to be assuming you know what is in that book. Which book is it?

And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds.

(Revelation 20:12 NASB)

We are discussing this same thing on the Gap Theory thread. You apparently did not seem to understand what I meant by the word "analogy" so look it up and see my response on that thread. I do not see any sense in repeating the same thing on two threads.

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Apologies if i have already missed the answer, but if the world is indeed 6000 years old, how long ago were the dinosaurs waking the Earth?

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Originally posted by RJHinds
[b]"Your eyes saw my unformed substance; And in Your book all of them were written."
(Psalm 139:16)

You seem to be assuming you know what is in that book. Which book is it?

[quote]And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were ...[text shortened]... e my response on that thread. I do not see any sense in repeating the same thing on two threads.[/b]
You seem to be assuming you know what is in that book. Which book is it?

Some hyper literalist might object that there is a book because it says so.

Anyway, "billions" should not cause us to have problems.
Billions of miles or billions of years should not cause us problems.

Billions of Gods should.
Billions of years (perhaps)?
It is not a problem to me.

Show me how the blood of Jesus is made less effective in redemption as the number of possible years of the universe's age ascends.

Does 6,000 years make the redemption of Christ more powerful than 6,000,000 years ?

The extension of years back to whenever the universe came into being has zero effect on the power and efficacy of Christ's salvation.

And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds.

(Revelation 20:12 NASB)

We are discussing this same thing on the Gap Theory thread. You apparently did not seem to understand what I meant by the word "analogy" so look it up and see my response on that thread. I do not see any sense in repeating the same thing on two threads.

Maybe I didn't understand you somewhere. But we are both doing, I think, plenty of repeating of exchanges we have had before.

You can explain how the effectiveness of Christ's salvation is proportionately reduced as the number of years to the beginning of time increases. I don't think it makes a difference.

If some scientist says "We need a billion years to the beginning of the universe!" it has no effect on the power of God's creating or His salvation.


Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Apologies if i have already missed the answer, but if the world is indeed 6000 years old, how long ago were the dinosaurs waking the Earth?
No one knows for sure and it may depend on which dinosaurs.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
No one knows for sure and it may depend on which dinosaurs.
But you do believe there was a time gap, between dinosaurs and humans?


Originally posted by sonship
You seem to be assuming you know what is in that book. Which book is it?

Some hyper literalist might object that there is a book because it says so.

Anyway, "billions" should not cause us to have problems.
Billions of miles or billions of years should not cause us problems.

Billions of Gods should.
Billions of years (perhaps ...[text shortened]... e beginning of the universe!" it has no effect on the power of God's creating or His salvation.
I agree that lies do not change the truth. However, believing in a lie as Eve did can make a big difference in a persons actions.

I wish to be careful that I do not add a lie to the truth of the Genesis account of creation, because it may effect someone's belief, just as the serpent's lie did to Eve.

I am certainly not attempting to say that Christ can not save whomever He pleases and that believing in billions of years before creation or during creation will prevent one from being saved. But I see no need to add fuel to the fire.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I agree that lies do not change the truth. However, believing in a lie as Eve did can make a big difference in a persons actions.

I wish to be careful that I do not add a lie to the truth of the Genesis account of creation, because it may effect someone's belief, just as the serpent's lie did to Eve.

I am certainly not attempting to say that Christ ca ...[text shortened]... r during creation will prevent one from being saved. But I see no need to add fuel to the fire.
So show me where Jesus said Earth was 6000 years old.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I am certainly not attempting to say that Christ can not save whomever He pleases and that believing in billions of years before creation or during creation will prevent one from being saved. But I see no need to add fuel to the fire.

But you do see a need to preach about the Shroud of Turin though there is nothing preached about it in the New Testament ?

Selective caution, RJ.

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As every axe swinger knows, a single ring of a tree stump represents about a year in that tree’s life. In Sweden there is a Norwegian spruce (called Old Tjikko) that has 9,550 of them.


Originally posted by sonhouse
So show me where Jesus said Earth was 6000 years old.
The Earth was not 6000 years old during his ministry. Evolution was not a popular belief in those times as far as I can tell, so there was no need for to preach on the age of the earth. 😏


I think the problem with viewing the world as 6000 years old is that you have created a biblical jigsaw puzzle. This would have been understandable hundreds of years ago when knowledge of the universe was limited and the 'pieces' seemed to fit. In the modern age however 'pieces' have been discovered that simply don't fit into your puzzle. You are therefore put in the impossible position, that if you want to continue with your puzzle you have to either ignore these pieces or try to discredit them. But this is a fools mission as the result will always be the same; an incomplete puzzle with huge gaps that you simply can not explain away.

Throw that puzzle in bin. It belongs there.

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Originally posted by sonship
I am certainly not attempting to say that Christ can not save whomever He pleases and that believing in billions of years before creation or during creation will prevent one from being saved. But I see no need to add fuel to the fire.

But you do see a need to preach about the Shroud of Turin though there is nothing preached about it in the New Testament ?

Selective caution, RJ.

The Synoptic Gospels use the word sindon in the singular to designate the Shroud (Matt. 27:59; Mk. 15:46 (twice); Lk. 23:53). Sindon appears only six times in all of the New Testament. In an anecdote unique to Mark, it is used twice in 14: 51-52 to describe the linen cloth left by an unnamed young man when he fled naked from the Garden of Gethsemane.

In Jn. 19:40, the Fourth Gospeller uses the word othonia [Gk.] (plural) to describe the linen cloths used in the Burial. Othonia, a word of uncertain meaning, but probably best translated as a generic plural for grave clothes. The same word is used by Luke or his scribe in Lk.24:12 what had previously been described as the sindon in Lk. 23:53. Note: vs. l2 (But Peter rose and ran to the tomb, stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths (plural) by themselves; and he went home wondering what happened.) does not appear in the most ancient manuscripts, but is added by later ancient authorities.

Next we discover (keirias) [Gk.] translated by the RSV as bandages in Jn. 11:44's description of the raising of Lazarus. In actuality, linen strips used to bind the wrists and ankles and probably also used on the outside at the neck, waist and ankles to secure the Shroud to the body.

Finally we come to the word sudarion [Gk.] which is found in the canonical texts solely in John (11:44. 20:7) and Luke (l9:20; Acts l9:12). It is translated by the RSV as "the napkin which had been on his head" (Jn. 20:7) and earlier in 11:44 as the cloth with which Lazarus' face was wrapped. Scholars like the late Dr. John A.T Robinson ( "The Shroud of Turin and the Grave Cloths of the Gospels" ) and J.N. Sanders regard it as a chin band going around the face/head for the purpose of keeping the corpse's jaws closed. Certainly this appears to be the intent of the artist who drew the manuscript illustration for the Hungarian Pray mss, Fol. 27v, Budapest of 1192-95 which clearly illustrates that the Shroud's full length image(s) were known in the 12th century.


Shroud of Turin Real? Debate Resurrected

Now, scientists at the University of Padua in Italy have used infrared light and spectroscopy (the study of a physical object's interaction with electromagnetic radiation) to examine the shroud and found that it's actually much older, the Telegraph reports.

In his recent book, "Il Mistero della Sindone," translated as "The Mystery of the Shroud," (Rizzoli, 2013), Giulio Fanti, a professor of mechanical engineering at Padua University, said his analysis proves the shroud dates from 280 B.C. to A.D. 220 ― meaning it existed during Jesus' lifetime, the Guardian reports.


Notice that in these two articles that the Greek word sindon used in Matthew and Mark is almost the same as the Italian word Sindone used in the title of the book that is translated "The Mystery of the Shroud. Also the Greek word sudarion used for the napkin or face cloth is almost the same as the word sudarium used in the SUDARIUM OF OVIEDO in Spain and was associated with Jesus long before the SHROUD OF TURIN was named.

Physical Evidence of Jesus Christ #2: Shroud of Turin and Christ and the Sudarium

You might also want to look at the video:
Physical Evidence of Jesus Christ #3: Burial Cloth of Jesus Christ Evidence

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Originally posted by RJHinds

[quote]The Synoptic Gospels use the word [b]sindon
in the singular to designate the Shroud (Matt. 27:59; Mk. 15:46 (twice); Lk. 23:53). Sindon appears only six times in all of the New Testament. In an anecdote unique to Mark, it is used twice in 14: 51-52 to describe the linen cloth left by an unnamed ...[text shortened]... look at the video:
Physical Evidence of Jesus Christ #3: Burial Cloth of Jesus Christ Evidence[/b]
I know about the burial cloths of Christ.
But I think it is a distraction to be so preoccupied with this matter.

I think it is a distraction from God's economy.
In Colossians the Apostle Paul cautioned the believers about pre-occupation with things like visions of angels.

"Let no one defraud you by judging you unworthy of your prize, in self-chosen lowliness and the worship of the angels, dwelling on the things which he has seen vainly puffed up by the mind set on the flesh." (Col. 2:18)

The specific words that I would draw attention to are "dwelling on things which he has seen" .

The excessive dwelling on the Shroud of Turin, as a seen physical object scrutinized by scientists, IMO, is of this catagory of distractions.

The clothing of Jesus, pieces of the cross, the chalice that supposedly He used in the last supper, the robe pieces, the stone that sealed his grave, etc. may all be physical things related to the Gospel, the subtle enemy can cause us to be fleshy minded about these things sensed with the five physical senses.

" ... dwelling on things which he has seen, vainly puffed up by the mind set on the flesh."

I think that the mind can actually be sidetracked from being set upon the regenerated human spirit where the Spirit of God dwells in the Christian. Instead, the subtle one has the Christian setting his mind on the five senses and the verification, supposedly, of science to physical things.

How much does the Shroud of Turin help believers to walk in the Spirit ?
I think it is more likely to have us "puffed up" with sensual knowledge that is scientifically impressive. We can dwell vainly on things of the five senses and neglect setting the mind on the regenerated spirit where the Holy Spirit is.

I think it is risky to devote excessive attention to artifacts like this, fake or even legitimate.

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