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Originally posted by sonship
Typo Correction: "word of ministry" was meant to be "work of ministry"

Typo Correction: "work of ministry" was meant to be "waste of time investigating fairytales"


Originally posted by wolfgang59
Typo Correction: "work of ministry" was meant to be "waste of time investigating fairytales"
Typo Correction: "waste of time investigating fairytales" was meant to be "I'm talking out of my ass on a subject that I know absolutely nothing about".

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Originally posted by Suzianne
Typo Correction: "waste of time investigating fairytales" was meant to be "I'm talking out of my ass on a subject that I know absolutely nothing about".
He posts enough about it so I thought he knew a little.

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Originally posted by wolfgang59
He posts enough about it so I thought he knew a little.
He does. Quite a lot, actually.

I was talking about you.

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Andy, still waiting for an authoritative answer to your question. From what I've learned over the years from secular and biblical sources, agrees with your resource [the age of dinosaurs ended between 65 and 66 million years ago]. From Adam to Christ is approximately 4,000 years; add another 2,000 plus from His First Advent to the present to realize th ...[text shortened]... void between Genesis 1:1 and earth's restoration in Genesis 1:2; and since the creation of man].
Getting back to Genesis, Bobby, the text seems to suggest that our original land, sea and air animals were
created at about the same time as man and woman -- roughly 6,000 years ago, according to your estimate.
Yet we have evidence that dinosaurs existed many millions of years before that defining moment. Can you
account for the immense gap in time? Is Genesis just a rough draft that never got edited?

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Originally posted by HandyAndy
Getting back to Genesis, Bobby, the text seems to suggest that our original land, sea and air animals were
created at about the same time as man and woman -- roughly 6,000 years ago, according to your estimate.
Yet we have evidence that dinosaurs existed many millions of years before that defining moment. Can you
account for the immense gap in time? Is Genesis just a rough draft that never got edited?
Originally posted by Grampy Bobby (Page 5)
"In speaking to Job God confirmed that the angels preexisted creation: Job 38:4-7 (NASB) 4 "Where were you [Job] when I [God] laid the foundation of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding, 5 Who set its measurements? Since you know. Or who stretched the line on it? 6 On what were its bases sunk? Or who laid its cornerstone, 7 When the morning stars [angels] sang together And all the sons of God [the entire angelic creation] shouted for joy?" They "shouted for joy" when the universe, "the heavens and earth", were created: Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

The Bible records four distinct beginnings: A) John 1:1 "In the beginning [which was not a true beginning since God is eternal, self-existent and has no beginning or end] was the Word [logos] and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." B) The creation or origination of the angels at some point in eternity past before the creation of the universe. C) Genesis 1:1 documents the creation of the heavens and earth [hashamsyim, in the plural meaning the universe which was created as the domain of the angels]. During this time Lucifer rebelled against God and enticed one third of the angelic host to follow him (as revealed in Isaiah 14; Ezekiel 28 and Revelation 12). This prehistoric revolt took place on planet earth bringing utter chaos upon it. This planet was enshrouded in darkness without light or heat causing the earth's waters to freeze into an ice pack as part of God's judgment. Before the earth could be inhabited again the restoration recorded in Genesis 1:2 would be necessary. D) Fourth beginning, following this restoration, the creation of the human race. Next: Lucifer's trial, sentence, appeal and the role of human volition." (Page 3)

Eternity Past: Angelic Creation; Genesis 1:1 Creation of the Heavens and Earth; Lucifer's Revolt; Genesis 1:2-31 Restoration of the Earth; On Day Six: Creation of Land Creatures and Mankind) ---> [human history began]---> (Eternity Future


Originally posted by HandyAndy (page 6)
"Thanks for clarifying the timeline."

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby (Page 7)
"Andy, still waiting for an authoritative answer to your question. From what I've learned over the years from secular and biblical sources, agrees with your resource [the age of dinosaurs ended between 65 and 66 million years ago]. From Adam to Christ is approximately 4,000 years; add another 2,000 plus from His First Advent to the present to realize that mankind is relatively new to the earth while the universe itself may be 10-12 billion years old for all we know [Genesis 1:1 creation of heavens and earth; gap or void between Genesis 1:1 and earth's restoration in Genesis 1:2; and since the creation of man]."

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Originally posted by Grampy Bobby (Page 5)
"In speaking to Job [b]God confirmed that the angels preexisted creation:
Job 38:4-7 (NASB) 4 "Where were you [Job] when I [God] laid the foundation of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding, 5 Who set its measurements? Since you know. Or who stretched the line on it? 6 On what were its bases ...[text shortened]... oid between Genesis 1:1 and earth's restoration in Genesis 1:2; and since the creation of man]."[/b]
In other words, you haven't a clue.

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Originally posted by HandyAndy
In other words, you haven't a clue.
"From what I've learned over the years from secular and biblical sources, agrees with your resource the age of dinosaurs ended between 65 and 66 million years ago. From Adam to Christ is approximately 4,000 years; add another 2,000 plus from His First Advent to the present to realize that mankind is relatively new to the earth while the universe itself may be 10-12 billion years old for all we know [Genesis 1:1 creation of heavens and earth; gap or void between Genesis 1:1 and earth's restoration in Genesis 1:2; and since the creation of man]."

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
"From what I've learned over the years from secular and biblical sources, agrees with your resource the age of dinosaurs ended between 65 and 66 million years ago. From Adam to Christ is approximately 4,000 years; add another 2,000 plus from His First Advent to the present to realize that mankind is relatively new to the earth while the un ...[text shortened]... oid between Genesis 1:1 and earth's restoration in Genesis 1:2; and since the creation of man]."
Okay, the time gap remains a mystery. Is Genesis just a rough draft that never got edited?

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Originally posted by HandyAndy
Okay, the time gap remains a mystery. Is Genesis just a rough draft that never got edited?
Yes, the size [width/depth and duration] of the chaotic void between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 is not revealed. No.

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Originally posted by HandyAndy
Okay, the time gap remains a mystery. Is Genesis just a rough draft that never got edited?
The Bible states that there are some things that are God's secrets and some things which are revealed to man. This is often annoying to our natural man because we do not understand that God does not simply reveal everything to us that we are curious about.

Here we see that God's word says -

1.) There are some secret things He will keep to Himself.

2.) What HE HAS told us, He looks carefully how we will obey as that knowledge is usually related to His salvation.

Deuteronomy 29:29 - " The things that are hidden belong to Jehovah our God; but the things that are revealed, to us and our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law."

Can you get the spirit of this passage? A paraphrase might be like this:

God - " I am going to reveal some things to you and observe your reaction of obedience or not to what I HAVE disclosed. There are some other things which I am going to keep for Myself and hidden to you."

Curious Fallen Man - "But WHY? We want to You to have told us any and whatever we are curious to know. What is on the dark side of the moon? What is under the ocean on Europa? How long ago did the last dinosaur die out? "

God - " I do not forbid you to try to find out. But I will not aid you at this time by Divine revelation. What I reveal to you by divine revelation call for some obedience from you. The hidden things I do not reveal to you I do not hold you responsible for or deem it necessary for you to know. "

In this way KNOWLEDGE from God's revelation is intrinsically related to His plan of salvation and our reaction TO that plan.

This is not too hard to understand. A parent raising a child will discriminate between what that child needs to know and what it does not according to the appropriate level of life.

One lesson I think many parents learn is the damage of giving a child premature knowledge.

The parent has to have self control and not be overcome with the temptation to want the child to be informed of EVERYTHING. Somethings, at 5, are simply not necessary for the child to know. The same is true at 10. The same may be true at 15. At the appropriate time some additional knowledge may be granted.

With our Creator there is the matter of our spiritual maturing and maturity. And as a wise Father some things God deems are not necessary to know. Perhaps one day we will know if we go on to walk in the light of obedience to what He HAS revealed to us.

God seems to forbid us to figure out what we can. But He seems not to aid us in everything we desire by divine revelation.

" The things that are hidden belong to Jehovah our God; but the things that are revealed, to us and our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law." (Deut. 29:29)

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Originally posted by sonship
I mistakenly wrote:

God seems to forbid us to figure out what we can. But He seems not to aid us in everything we desire by divine revelation.

Completely misrepresentative TYPO.

I meant to write - God does [NOT] seem to forbid us from trying to figure out some things if we can. But He does not aid us in this by divine revelation.

- sonship

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Originally posted by gswilm
I mistakenly wrote:

God seems to forbid us to figure out what we can. But He seems not to aid us in everything we desire by divine revelation.

Completely misrepresentative TYPO.

I meant to write - God does [NOT] seem to forbid us from trying to figure out some things if we can. But He does not aid us in this by divine revelation.

- sonship
Yes, mistakes happen. It isn't always easy protecting your mythology from fact finders.

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Originally posted by HandyAndy
Yes, mistakes happen. It isn't always easy protecting your mythology from fact finders.
Do you believe in the person and work of Jesus Christ on HandyAndy's behalf?

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Do you believe in the person and work of Jesus Christ on HandyAndy's behalf?
Yes.. but not because of the distortions, omissions and non sequiturs in the Book of Genesis.

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