A Christian, citing "scripture", is insisting I am an "Anti-Christ".
What are the practical implications for the reality in which my family and I live?
What should I do now?
Apparently, I am also a "kafir" [which is a bad thing as well, I'm told] and the question is: what should I do about that, too?
But we can save that for another time and another thread.
@fmf saidIt's okay, I'll still get the beers in when we meet in a couple of weeks, so there's one practical implication you don't have to think about.
A Christian, citing "scripture", is insisting I am an "Anti-Christ".
What are the practical implications for the reality in which my family and I live?
What should I do now?
Apparently, I am also a "kafir" [which is a bad thing as well, I'm told] and the question is: what should I do about that, too?
But we can save that for another time and another thread.
@indonesia-phil saidHa!
It's okay, I'll still get the beers in when we meet in a couple of weeks, so there's one practical implication you don't have to think about.
A Christian, citing "scripture", is insisting I am an "Anti-Christ".Isn't KellyJay calling me "an Anti-Christ" like him accusing me of being closer to the opponent's goal line than both the ball and the second-last opponent when the ball is played by a teammate ~ and then blowing his whistle for offside and awarding himself a free-kick ~ when he is the one playing soccer while I am neither playing soccer nor, indeed, am I even a soccer player?
@fmf saidI see you more as a cricket player, but I know what you mean.
Isn't KellyJay calling me "an Anti-Christ" like him accusing me of being closer to the opponent's goal line than both the ball and the second-last opponent when the ball is played by a teammate ~ and then blowing his whistle for offside and awarding himself a free-kick ~ when he is the one playing soccer while I am neither playing soccer nor, indeed, am I even a soccer player?
@fmf saidI don't think you are "an antichrist".
A Christian, citing "scripture", is insisting I am an "Anti-Christ".
What are the practical implications for the reality in which my family and I live?
What should I do now?
Apparently, I am also a "kafir" [which is a bad thing as well, I'm told] and the question is: what should I do about that, too?
But we can save that for another time and another thread.
You're just an ordinary lost soul who needs Christ.
I think to qualify as "an antichrist" one would have to rise to the level of actively pursuing the destruction of the faith of others with malicious and deliberate intent.
18 Jun 22
-Removed-More nonsense, driven by your own personal nonsense dogma.
You should start a church.
You'd be right up there with the LDS and the JWs in no time.
The only thing you're missing is your own personal "Revelation from God" Bible. The LDS have the Book of Mormon and the JWs have their contracted-out New World Translation. If you're gonna make any money bilking the sheep, you have to get your own "Living Word", outlining how God agrees with you.
@josephw saidI see what you did there.
I don't think you are "an antichrist".
You're just an ordinary lost soul who needs Christ.
I think to qualify as "an antichrist" one would have to rise to the level of actively pursuing the destruction of the faith of others with malicious and deliberate intent.