Originally posted by josephwAnd how did you come to that conclusion?
Well, the translators of the King James knew Greek probably better than any alive today.
The King James is 100% reliable. All the other translations are chock full of errors. I know. I checked it out.
Which King James version was that? Or are you unaware that the King James bible has versions and even worse at least one version I have seen admits to not being perfect. Rather throws a spanner in your works doesn't it?
Originally posted by StarrmanThe Bible is your "decoder ring". And yes not many will be able to decode as you say what is being told to us in the Bible. Matt 7:14 explains that.
Ahh, so basically to be sure of the bible being right, you need a secret decoder ring which gives you the answer you're looking for. Great. How god must desire people to be saved that he makes finding him so ridiculous.
But it is not Gods will that any die ever. 2Pet 3:9.
So why is it seemingly hard for so many to see or understand what the Bible is saying such as yourself?